See also: Electrotherapy Electrified Electric Electron Election Electricity Elec Elects Electrifier Electrics Electa Electrum Electrify Electricus Electing Elecotr Elected Electee Elective Electronic Electorate Electrician Electrolysis Electrolyte Electrocution
1. Electrotherapy is among pain relief options gaining attention as the potential risks and side effects of opioid (narcotic) medications have become more apparent
Electrotherapy, Effects
2. The modern era of Electrotherapy
Era, Electrotherapy
3. Electrotherapy on the Web provides current, non commercial information on various aspects of Electrotherapy / Electroiphysical Agents
Electrotherapy, Electroiphysical
4. The relation between Electrotherapy to the pain gate theory is easily explained, as Electrotherapy is used to deter pain by replacing pain impulses through an electrical current
Electrotherapy, Easily, Explained, Electrical
5. Electrotherapy therapy is used for relaxation of muscle spasms, increase of local blood circulation, muscle rehabilitation, maintaining and increasing range of motion, management of chronic and intractable pain
6. The Uses of Electrotherapy in Rehabilitation
7. Electrotherapy machines are a popular modality used in physical therapy and rehabilitation
8. Electrotherapy (also known as electrical muscle stimulation or e-stim) uses an electrical machine that delivers electrical impulses to a patient’s body.
Electrotherapy, Electrical
9. Electrotherapy intervention (e.g
10. Electrotherapy can be used to stimulate acupuncture points
11. Back and neck pain, whether acute or chronic, is frequently treated with Electrotherapy
12. HealthmateForever YK15AB TENS unit EMS Muscle Stimulator 4 outputs 15 modes Handheld Electrotherapy device Electronic Pulse Massager for Electrotherapy Pain Management Pain Relief Therapy: Chosen by Sufferers of Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Neck Back Pain, Shin Splints, Hamstrings and other Inflammation Ailments …
Ems, Electrotherapy, Electronic, Elbow
13. A wide range of Electrotherapy Courses are delivered throughout the UK, Europe and Worldwide with varying content, aims and duration
Electrotherapy, Europe
14. Current books on Electrotherapy with brief descriptions
15. Some common answers to the most frequently asked questions on Electrotherapy, particularly in the area of Contraindications.
16. CES, also called cranial Electrotherapy stimulation, is a noninvasive brain-based treatment being used for anxiety, insomnia, depression and many other disorders
17. Omron Electrotherapy TENS Units deliver drug-free pain relief in as little as 15 minutes
18. Electrotherapy tightens the deep and superficial muscles for non-surgical body sculpting
19. What is Electrotherapy Used For? Doctors use Electrotherapy to manage pain stemming from nerve pain or muscular or neurological conditions
20. If you suffer from back muscle weakness, numbness, tingling and extreme sensitivity, Electrotherapy can help.
Extreme, Electrotherapy
21. The most common side effect with Electrotherapy is skin irritation or rash, caused by the adhesives in the electrodes or the tape holding the electrodes in place
Effect, Electrotherapy, Electrodes
22. Overusing Electrotherapy may cause a burning feeling in the skin
23. Electrotherapy Alternative medicine A general term for any use of electric current as a therapy, usually understood to mean that which is not FDA approved or deemed …
Electrotherapy, Electric
24. You might have heard of Electrotherapy before but perhaps you were not aware that it is one of the many methods by which we treat patients within our clinics
25. Veronica McCormack of our Clondalkin clinic has written this very informative and interesting post which tells us how Electrotherapy …
26. Electrotherapy, such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) can be delivered via solid filament needles for the treatment of pain, abnormal muscle tone or strengthening.Techniques have been described by Gunn (1997), Baldry (2005), White et al
Electrotherapy, Electrical, Et
27. Advantages of Electrotherapy Reduce nerve pain like numbness, tingling or burning, in this case TENS machine is used to reduce pain by blocking pain signals
28. Advances in lasers and Electrotherapy pain relief offer a number of options for doctors of chiropractic
29. Omron Electrotherapy TENS Pain Relief unit is a simple drug-free solution for relief of achy, stiff or sore muscle and joint pain
30. provides you with a full assortment of Electrotherapy products, Electrotherapy equipment, and even portable Electrotherapy gear
Electrotherapy, Equipment, Even
31. Whether you require ultrasound units, TENS unites, EMS/NMS systems, or the various electrodes and accessories required, you’ll find a complete array of premium Electrotherapy products.
Ems, Electrodes, Electrotherapy
32. What is Electrotherapy? Electrotherapy and local modalities may assist pain reduction and the natural healing response via an increase in energy (electrical, sound, light, magnetic, temperature)
Electrotherapy, Energy, Electrical
33. Electrotherapy and local modalities have short-term benefits that may assist with the earlier introduction of other longer lasting techniques such as exercise prescription.
Electrotherapy, Earlier, Exercise
34. To purchase any Electrotherapy device including TENS and EMS, a prescription is required by the FDA unless products are being ordered by health care professionals
Electrotherapy, Ems
35. Electrotherapy is the use of electricity as a form of treatment for soft tissue injuries
Electrotherapy, Electricity
36. Interferential is a form of Electrotherapy which uses two alternating medium frequency currents
37. Background: Up to now there is not enough evidence that supports the use of Electrotherapy in the treatment of Bell's palsy
Enough, Evidence, Electrotherapy
38. Objective: Through a systematic review, we aimed to verify whether the use of Electrotherapy is effective for treating Bell's palsy or peripheral paralysis
Electrotherapy, Effective
39. Electrotherapy used to be available by prescription to help alleviate muscle and joint pain
40. Tim Watson – The process of healing from an injury, regardless of the tissue affected, involves a series of complicated steps within the body’s tissues
41. Walgreens Electrotherapy Unit at Walgreens
42. Get free shipping at $35 and view promotions and reviews for Walgreens Electrotherapy Unit
43. Electrotherapy is a method which has been used for more than a hundred years now and studies have concluded that electricity is a way to reduce both chronic and acute pains
Electrotherapy, Electricity
44. When coding for Electrotherapy units, it is suggested that the codes below are used for each of the types of equipment specified
Electrotherapy, Each, Equipment
45. Electrotherapy is found to effectively manage nerve pain, increase blood circulation, relax muscle spasms, strengthen muscles, prevent and retard disuse atrophy, maintain and increase range of motion, promote bone growth and provide relief from post-traumatic and …
Electrotherapy, Effectively
46. Electrotherapy is a form of medical treatment, which uses small electrical impulses to repair tissue, stimulate muscles and increase sensations and muscle strength
Electrotherapy, Electrical
47. What does Electrotherapy involve? There are several different forms of Electrotherapy; these include ultrasound, interferential therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Electrotherapy, Electrical
48. Shop TENSPros for the lowest prices on Electrotherapy accessories and supplies to make sure you have everything you would ever need
Electrotherapy, Everything, Ever
49. Electrotherapy is the medical practice of using devices to apply low frequency bioelectrical currents or impulses to stimulate the muscles and nerves through conductive electrode pads to help block pain from getting to the brain as well as to increase blood circulation, prevent muscle atrophy, and mend damaged tissue
Electrotherapy, Electrode
50. Electrotherapy medical devices include interferential therapy (IF
51. Get the best deals on Electrotherapy Devices for your home salon or home spa
52. Mar 22, 2021 (Market Insight Reports) -- Rising demand for Electrotherapy systems for sports injury and chronic pain and nerve pain management is a key
53. Electrotherapy : Wide ranging supply of Electrotherapy products which are used to assist in pain reduction and initiate natural healing response with the help of electrical energy
Electrotherapy, Electrical, Energy
54. The basics of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation CES is a class of non-invasive, transcranial pulsed-current stimulation that applies a particular amplitude, frequency, and waveform to patients
55. Omron Electrotherapy Pain Relief is a small portable TENS device that provides temporary relief of pain for sore and aching muscles
56. The effectiveness of Electrotherapy as a physiotherapeutic option remains unclear
Effectiveness, Electrotherapy
57. Objectives: To assess whether Electrotherapy improves pain, disability, patient satisfaction, and global perceived effect in adults with neck pain.
Electrotherapy, Effect
58. Most Advanced Electrotherapy System Electrotherapy is the application of electrical stimulation transmitted through the body using electrodes
Electrotherapy, Electrical, Electrodes
59. Learn the science behind Electrotherapy! This video helps explains two theories related to IFC and TENS treatments.
Electrotherapy, Explains
ELECTROTHERAPY [əˌlektrōˈTHerəpē]
electrotherapy (noun)
Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Electrotherapy. Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment In medicine, the term electrotherapy can apply to a variety of treatments, including the use of electrical devices such as deep brain stimulators for neurological disease.
Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment. In medicine, the term electrotherapy can apply to a variety of treatments, including the use of electrical devices such as deep brain stimulators for neurological disease. The term has also been applied specifically to the use of electric current to speed wound healing.
Electrotherapy is a physical therapeutic treatment whereby electrical stimulation is applied to nerves and muscle-motor fibres via electro-pads placed on the skin. At its simplest level electrotherapy can be defined as the treatment of patients by electrical means.
Electrotherapy is the therapeutic use of electricity for medical treatment. This type of treatment can be delivered through a variety of devices which produce ultrasound, infrared rays, and varying levels of electric current. The use of electricity dates back to ancient Greece, when shocks from an electric eel were used to treat headaches.