See also: Ectopic Ectopically Ectopico Define Ruptured Testicle Tissue Ectomorph Ectopy Ectotherm Ectoplasm Ectothermic Ectomy Ectoderm Ecto Ectoparasite Ectomorphic Ectopia The
1. Ectopic definition is - occurring in an abnormal position or in an unusual manner or form
2. How to use Ectopic in a sentence.
3. Ectopic [ ĕk-tŏp ′ĭk ] Out of place, as of an organ not in its proper position, or of a pregnancy occurring elsewhere than in the cavity of the uterus. Of or relating to a heartbeat that has its origin …
Ectopic, Elsewhere
4. An Ectopic PREGNANCY is one occurring outside the womb, often in the FALLOPIAN TUBE. Ectopic foci of womb lining tissue occur on the ovaries or in various parts of the abdomen in the condition of ENDOMETRIOSIS
Ectopic, Endometriosis
5. Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s uterus, somewhere else in their belly. It can cause life-threatening bleeding and needs
Ectopic, Extrauterine, Egg, Else
6. An Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that happens outside of the uterus. This happens when a fertilized egg implants in a structure that can’t support its growth
Ectopic, Egg
7. An Ectopic pregnancy often happens in the fallopian tube (a pair of structures that connect the ovaries and uterus).
8. "Ectopic" means something that is in an odd place or position. In the case of an Ectopic beat, that oddly placed something is your heartbeat
9. In this article, we look at the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Ectopic …
10. Ectopic pregnancy is a kind of early pregnancy loss. Many people have the same feelings as those who experience other kinds of pregnancy loss, like miscarriage, especially if they wanted to be pregnant
Ectopic, Early, Experience, Especially
11. Ectopic pregnancy is when a pregnancy grows outside of your uterus, usually in your fallopian tube
12. Ectopic pregnancies are rare but serious, and they need to be treated
13. What’s an Ectopic pregnancy? Normal pregnancies develop inside your uterus, after a fertilized egg travels through your fallopian tube and attaches to your uterine lining.
Ectopic, Egg
14. What is Ectopic Ureter? Most of us are born with 2 ureters, the tube that drains the urine from each kidney into the bladder
Ectopic, Each
15. Ectopic - definition of Ectopic by The Free Dictionary
16. Ectopic pregnancies can’t be diagnosed from a physical exam
Ectopic, Exam
17. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants outside of the uterine cavity
18. The prevalence of Ectopic pregnancy in the United States is …
19. Ectopic is a word used with a prefix, ecto, meaning “out of place.” Ectopic expression is an abnormal gene expression in a cell type, tissue type, or developmental stage in …
Ectopic, Ecto, Expression
20. An Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself in a place other than inside the uterus
Ectopic, Egg
21. View Correction ABSTRACT: Ectopic pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterine cavity
22. The most common site of Ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube.
23. An Ectopic rhythm is an irregular heart rhythm due to a premature heartbeat
24. Ectopic rhythm is also known as premature atrial contraction, premature ventricular contraction, and extrasystole.
Ectopic, Extrasystole
25. For easier understanding, Ectopic pregnancy means a pregnancy that occurs not in the normal place (uterus/womb)
Easier, Ectopic
26. If it is implanted in uterus wall then it is normal, if it is not in uterus wall (endometrium) then it is called Ectopic pregnancy
Endometrium, Ectopic
27. So Ectopic pregnancy includes :
28. Ectopic posterior pituitary is a condition in which the back end (posterior) of the pituitary gland is in an abnormal position
Ectopic, End
29. If you’re experiencing Ectopic heart beats, it can be an unsettling experience, especially if they’re occurring on a frequent basis
Experiencing, Ectopic, Experience, Especially
30. INTRODUCTION — An Ectopic pregnancy is an extrauterine pregnancy
Ectopic, Extrauterine
31. Ectopic heartbeats are sometimes seen with: Changes in the blood, such as a low potassium level (hypokalemia)Decrease in blood supply to the heart; When the heart is enlarged or structurally abnormal ; Ectopic beats may be caused or made worse by smoking, alcohol use, caffeine, stimulant medicines, and some street drugs
Ectopic, Enlarged
32. Ectopic heartbeats are rare in children without heart …
33. An Ectopic kidney may remain in the pelvis, near the bladder (pelvic kidney)
34. An Ectopic kidney may cross over and can become fused with the other kidney (crossed renal ectopia)
Ectopic, Ectopia
35. What causes an Ectopic kidney? An Ectopic kidney is a birth defect that happens while the fetus is developing.
36. An Ectopic posterior pituitary reflects a disruption of normal embryogenesis of the posterior pituitary and is one of the more common causes of pituitary dwarfism
Ectopic, Embryogenesis
37. Ectopic ureters are commonly associated with a duplex kidney, where one kidney has two separate ureters; one of the ureters drains normally into the bladder, but the second is Ectopic
38. An Ectopic ureter drains urine to someplace other than the bladder
39. Most commonly, as seen here, the Ectopic ureter drains to the urethra.
40. An Ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes
Ectopic, Egg
41. An Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus
Ectopic, Egg
42. Almost all Ectopic pregnancies—more than 90%—occur in a fallopian tube
43. An Ectopic pregnancy cannot support the life of a fetus for very long
44. But an Ectopic pregnancy can grow large enough to rupture the area it occupies, cause heavy bleeding, and endanger the mother
Ectopic, Enough, Endanger
45. A woman with signs or symptoms of an Ectopic pregnancy requires immediate medical care
46. An Ectopic pregnancy can develop in different locations
47. Ectopic pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterine cavity
48. The most common site of Ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube
49. Most cases of tubal Ectopic pregnancy that are detected early can be treated successfully either with minimally invasive surgery or with medical management using methotrexate.
Ectopic, Early, Either
50. An Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy outside of the uterine cavity
51. The majority of Ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube (96 percent) [], but other possible sites include cervical, interstitial (also referred to as cornual; a pregnancy located in the proximal segment of the fallopian tube that is embedded within the muscular wall of the uterus), hysterotomy scar (eg, in
Ectopic, Embedded, Eg
52. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches and begins to grow outside of the uterus
Ectopic, Egg
53. An atrial Ectopic beat is a problem in the electrical system of the heart
Ectopic, Electrical
54. Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, condition in which the fertilized ovum (egg) has become imbedded outside the uterine cavity
Ectopic, Extrauterine, Egg
55. Ectopic pregnancy is the medical condition in which the implantation of an embryo occurs outside of the uterine cavity (the womb), most commonly in the fallopian tube
Ectopic, Embryo
56. Hence, an Ectopic pregnancy is also called a tubal pregnancy.It is a potentially serious condition affecting at least one in 1,000 pregnancies.Sadly, there is no possibility that pregnancy can survive.
57. An Ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy which is implanted at a site outside of the uterine cavity
58. In the UK, 1 in 80-90 pregnancies are Ectopic
59. Ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg has implanted outside the uterus (the womb)
Ectopic, Egg
60. Most Ectopic pregnancies occur in a fallopian [fuh-LOW-pee-uh n] tube, which is why they are sometimes called “tubal pregnancies.” But a fertilized egg can also settle in the abdomen (belly), cervix, or ovary
Ectopic, Egg
61. An Ectopic pregnancy won’t result in a live birth.
62. Ectopic pregnancies, which account for approximately 2 percent of all pregnancies, often occur because the egg’s movement through the fallopian tube is slowed or obstructed (usually because of scarring)
Ectopic, Egg
63. This condition happens early — before some women even realize they’re pregnant — and requires prompt treatment, since as an Ectopic
Early, Even, Ectopic
64. An Ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg grows outside the main cavity of a woman's uterus
Ectopic, Egg
65. Most commonly an Ectopic occurs inside a fallopian tube
66. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous to the mother
67. Bleeding from Ectopic pregnancy causes 10% of all pregnancy-related deaths, and it's the leading cause of first-trimester maternal death
68. Unfortunately, Ectopic pregnancies are not viable and cannot result in a baby
69. Ectopic adrenocorticotropic secretion (EAS) is responsible for 12-17% of cases of Cushing's syndrome (CS) and covers a range of tumours, from undetectable benign lesions to widespread metastases
Ectopic, Eas
70. Ectopic adrenosensitivity of sensory neurons yields sympathetic–sensory coupling, a likely substrate of sympathetically maintained chronic pain states
71. Afferent response to local and circulating inflammatory mediators is a second example of Ectopic chemosensitivity.
Example, Ectopic
72. In Ectopic pregnancy, implantation occurs in a site other than the endometrial lining of the uterine cavity—ie, in the fallopian tube, uterine cornua, cervix, ovary, or abdominal or pelvic cavity
Ectopic, Endometrial
73. Ectopic pregnancies cannot be carried to term and eventually rupture or involute
Ectopic, Eventually
74. Ectopic pregnancies cannot be carried to term and eventually rupture or involute
Ectopic, Eventually
75. What is an Ectopic pregnancy? An Ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg grows outside the uterus
Ectopic, Egg
76. In an Ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg doesn’t make it to the uterus
Ectopic, Egg
77. Ectopic pregnancy is a known complication of pregnancy that can carry a high rate of morbidity and mortality when not recognized and treated promptly
78. It is essential that providers maintain a high index of suspicion for an Ectopic in their pregnant patients as they may present with pain, vaginal bl …
Essential, Ectopic
ECTOPIC [ekˈtäpik]
Jump to navigation Jump to search. Ectopic is a word used with a prefix, ecto, meaning “out of place.” Ectopic expression is an abnormal gene expression in a cell type, tissue type, or developmental stage in which the gene is not usually expressed.
Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman's uterus, somewhere else in their belly. It can cause life-threatening bleeding and needs medical care right away. In more than 90% of cases, the egg implants in a fallopian tube. This is called a tubal pregnancy.
If your hCG levels are between 1500 and 2000 but a gestational sac is not seen, it can indicate an ectopic pregnancy.
Most people who have ectopic pregnancies go on to have healthy pregnancies. If both fallopian tubes are still intact, or even just one, the egg can be fertilized as normal. However, if you have a preexisting reproductive problem, that can affect your future fertility and increase your risk of future ectopic pregnancy.