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See also: Ecotype Ecot Ecotage Ecotope Ecotrin Ecotonal Ecotone Ecotopia Ecotherapy Ecoturismo Ecotheology Ecotourism Ecotoxicity Ecoterrorism Ecoterrorist Ecotherapist Ecotoxicology Ecotec

1. The official Ecotypes survey takes about 20 minutes, and covers all fifteen axes and three themes, plus other features


2. Ecotypes were first recognized by scientists as far back as the 1920’s


3. Grass Ecotypes assembled in common garden studies revealed that northern Ecotypes of sideoats grama flower earlier than more southern Ecotypes, resulting in shorter plants

Ecotypes, Earlier

4. The different Ecotypes produce geographic variation in several other morphological traits, including stamen number, flower structure, and flower color (flowers vary from orange to all yellow with intermediate shading of orange and yellow).


5. Ecotypes synonyms, Ecotypes pronunciation, Ecotypes translation, English dictionary definition of Ecotypes

Ecotypes, English

6. The Ecotypes initiative, launched in early 2017 by Prof

Ecotypes, Early

7. All, however, are welcome to participate in Ecotypes


8. Ecotypes includes long and short surveys with customized


9. Below is an interactive map of the Ecotypes (origin of collections) for seeds and plants that we carry


10. Known as Ecotypes, these distinct types of orcas differ in size, appearance, prey preferences, foraging techniques, dialects, behaviours, and social groups


11. Their ranges often overlap, but they are also genetically distinct – they don’t appear to interbreed, and rarely interact with other Ecotypes.


12. In some cases, the natural distribution of putative Ecotypes may suggest the direction of response of putative Ecotypes to a perturbation


13. For example, when investigators shaded a Yellowstone hot spring mat, this increased the frequencies of Ecotypes normally found in the most-shaded depths of the photic zone (Becraft et al., unpublished data).

Example, Ecotypes, Et

14. Clines and Ecotypes Clines and Ecotypes are variants of a particular species adapted to a specific locale or set of environmental conditions

Ecotypes, Environmental

15. There are more than 6000 natural Ecotypes that have been collected and deposited in the FGSC (Fungal Genetics Stock Center), including an informative record of the collection site of each species deposited

Ecotypes, Each

16. The goal of this study was to group in Ecotypes previously identified Salmonella serovars isolated from water and sediment of two shrimp farms in Ceara and also research the genes: a) pef A (plasmid virulence encoded by fimbriae); b) invA (pathogenicity) and spvC (plasmid virulence).

Ecotypes, Encoded

17. Ecotypes, all of which he suggests should be named, under the species, Oecotypus alpinus


18. These "Ecotypes" can be differentiated on the basis of the sequence of their ribosomal RNA gene


19. Ecotypes which are produced due to differences in edaphic or soil factors, such as soil moisture, excess or deficiency of nutrients, change of soil pH, etc

Ecotypes, Edaphic, Excess, Etc

20. Are said to be edaphic Ecotypes

Edaphic, Ecotypes

21. Misra and Rao (1948) have studied Lindenbergia polyantha and Ramkrishnan (1961) has studied Euphorbia thymifolia and recorded several edaphic Ecotypes in them.

Euphorbia, Edaphic, Ecotypes

22. MEGAN landcover distribution data: Growth Forms and Ecotypes The Growth Form and Ecotype data available from this website are global 30 second (~1 km2) spatial resolution but MEGAN has been run using the higher spatial resolution landcover data in selected areas including the contiguous USA at 30

Ecotypes, Ecotype

23. Four Ecotypes (Col‐0, Ws‐2, Ler‐0 and Cvi‐0) were grown on orbit and then their patterns of transcript abundance compared to ground‐based controls using RNA sequencing


24. Transcripts from heat‐shock proteins were upregulated in all Ecotypes in spaceflight, whereas peroxidase transcripts were downregulated.


25. For example, 36 Ecotypes have been distinguished in the pine Pinus silvestris and 27 in the spruce Picea abies

Example, Ecotypes

26. In the medic Medicago falcata, for example, there are many Ecotypes in the Caucasus and only a few in the northern USSR

Example, Ecotypes

27. Plant Ecotypes record: the local elevation, frost free days, latitude, precipitation, soil fertility, soil moisture, soil type, sun and shade, temperatures, and wind speed.

Ecotypes, Elevation

28. In Ecotypes, it is common for continuous, gradual geographic variation to impose analogous phenotypic and genetic variation


29. Shahdara (SHA) and C24 Ecotypes were more tolerant to salt and drought stresses at the seedling growth stage, as evidenced by lower water loss rate, lower electrolyte leakage, and higher survival rate when compared to the other three Ecotypes under drought and salinity conditions.

Ecotypes, Evidenced, Electrolyte

30. Root architecture varies widely between species; it even varies between Ecotypes of the same species, despite strong conservation of the coding portion of their genomes

Even, Ecotypes

31. By contrast, noncoding RNAs evolve rapidly between Ecotypes and may control their differential responses to the environment, since …

Evolve, Ecotypes, Environment

32. Killer Whale Ecotypes and Forms Poster (PDF, 1 page) In the Spotlight


33. Three Ecotypes of killer whale occur in partial sympatry in the North Pacific


34. Subspecies, Varieties, Ecotypes, and Clines


35. Arabidopsis Ecotypes and Geographic Distribution of Arabidopsis Over 750 natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana have been collected from around the world and are available from the two major seed stock centers, ABRC and NASC


36. Arabidopsis Ecotypes under stress conditions [22,23]


37. These differentially expressed genes were enriched for those involved in biotic and abiotic responses, suggesting that natural variation for gene expression is frequently observed among different Arabi-dopsis Ecotypes

Expressed, Enriched, Expression, Ecotypes

38. However, different Ecotypes can differ for a large


39. Here, we describe how the abundance of six known Ecotypes, which have small subunit ribosomal RNA sequences that differ by less than 3%, changed along local and basin-wide environmental gradients in …

Ecotypes, Environmental

40. Known as Ecotypes, these distinct types of orcas differ in size, appearance, prey preferences, foraging techniques, dialects, behaviours, and social groups


41. Their ranges often overlap, but they are also genetically distinct – they don’t appear to interbreed, and rarely interact with other Ecotypes.


42. However, the highly stratified, summer conditions present in the Indian Ocean would likely result in a dominance of LL Ecotypes near the base of the photic zone (3, 12, 22)


43. One could argue that the high relative abundance of LL Ecotypes in the Pacific is the result of resuspension of cells from depth toward the sea surface.


44. Ecotypes are population of same species with different races, which is adapted to local environment Different Ecotypes of a particular species may differ in their edaphic, biotic or microclimatic requirements (Linhart and Grant, 1996; Eppela et al., 2013) and such adaptation either become irreversible or genetically fixed variations

Ecotypes, Environment, Edaphic, Eppela, Et, Either

45. Both Ecotypes were found in questing ticks in areas with multiple cervid species present, while only ecotype I was found in ticks in a region with only red deer present

Ecotypes, Ecotype

46. Hence, the geographical distribution of Ecotypes in ticks followed the distribution of cervid species present in a given region and their link to ecotype I and II.

Ecotypes, Ecotype

47. For Micos Ecotypes weighing 1 to 8.5 g, the cost of vision varied from 4 to 3% of resting metabolism


48. The lack of differentiation among Ecotypes in the mass scaling of the heart, digestive system, and gonads suggests that these organs were not under strong selective pressure to change during Mexican tetra diversification


49. Locally adapted Ecotypes can constitute an important part of the biodiversity, especially in young floras with few endemic species

Ecotypes, Especially, Endemic

50. However, the origins, distinctness and conservation value of many Ecotypes remain uncertain because genetic data are lacking or no common-garden study has been carried out.


51. The 44 Ecotypes were selected such that they were derived from various altitudes and latitudes


52. Relative growth rate (RGR; growth rate per unit plant mass) and its response to [CO2] varied by 1.5- and 1.7-fold among Ecotypes, respectively.


53. Nerka Ecotypes on the basis of collagen δ 13 C values


54. Ecotypes in cold regions evolve to derive maximum benefit from the short period that enables photosynthesis, growth and reproduction

Ecotypes, Evolve, Enables

55. Title: Killer whale morphology - Variation in morphology of killer whale Ecotypes Status: In Work Abstract: We are using elliptic Fourier analysis to determine the patterns of variation in morphology of dorsal fin shape, saddle patch shape, and eye patch shape of resident, transient, and offshore killer whales in the northeastern Pacific ocean.

Ecotypes, Elliptic, Eye

56. Highlights • An ocean acidification experiment with the two Ecotypes of Nacella concinna • No noticeable low-pH effects on the stress response in the Antarctic limpet • Adaptation of both Ecotypes to natural pH fluctuations in the fjord might be occurring Abstract Ocean acidification (OA) could become a serious threat for the Antarctic marine ecosystem over coming…

Experiment, Ecotypes, Effects, Ecosystem


ECOTYPES [ˈēkōˌtīp, ˈekōˌtīp]


  • a distinct form or race of a plant or animal species occupying a particular habitat.
  • › What does ecospecies mean
  • › Genetically distinct definition

Frequently Asked Questions

What does ecotype mean?

Ecotype definition is - a population of a species that survives as a distinct group through environmental selection and isolation and that is comparable with a taxonomic subspecies.

What does "eco type" mean?

e·co·type. a group, or race, within a species, having unique physical characteristics genetically adapted to particular environmental conditions. Origin of ecotype. eco- + type.

How do ecotypes manifest?

Experiments indicate that sometimes ecotypes manifest only when separated by great spatial distances (of the order of 1,000 km). This is due to hybridization whereby different but adjacent varieties of the same species (or generally of the same taxonomic rank) interbreed, thus overcoming local selection.

What is an ecotype in ecology?

Ecotype. In evolutionary ecology, an ecotype, sometimes called ecospecies, describes a genetically distinct geographic variety, population or race within a species, which is genotypically adapted to specific environmental conditions. Typically, though ecotypes exhibit phenotypic differences (such as in morphology or physiology)...

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