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See also: Duenna Duende Duendes

1. Duennaship definition: the situation or occupation of a duenna Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Duennaship, Definition, Duenna

2. Duennaship (uncountable) The role or status of duenna

Duennaship, Duenna

3. 1913, Baroness Orczy, Eldorado: The Scarlet Pimpernel at Bay Mademoiselle Lange, who was an orphan, lived alone under the Duennaship of a middle-aged relative, a penniless hanger-on of the successful young actress, who acted as her chaperone, housekeeper, and maid, and kept unseemly or over


4. Duennaship is worth 16 points in Scrabble, and 19 points in Words with Friends There are 10 letters in Duennaship: A D E H I N N P S U Words that start with Duennaship Words that contain Duennaship


5. How many syllables has Duennaship? 4 syllables du-Is a cardinal latin prefix meaning 2

Duennaship, Du

6. The word "Duennaship" backwards: pihsanneud; Anagrams of "Duennaship": 0 (Not exist) Definition of "Duennaship" Words that rhyme with Duennaship

Duennaship, Definition

7. Duennaship is a valid word in this word list


8. Find all words containing Duennaship Words found within Duennaship through unscramble No unscramble words found in Words With Friends word list.


9. Duennaship Total Number of words made out of Duennaship = 413 Duennaship is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 16 points.Duennaship is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 19 points


10. Duennaship is a 10 letter long Word starting with D and ending with P


11. 9 letter Words made out of Duennaship


12. A list of words that contain Duennaship, and words with Duennaship in them.This page brings back any words that contain the word or letter you enter from a large scrabble dictionary

Duennaship, Dictionary

13. We also have lists of Words that end with Duennaship, and words that start with Duennaship


14. List the words containing Duennaship sorted by shortest first


15. Duennaships, Duennaship See all words and more here!

Duennaships, Duennaship

16. Duennaship परिभाषा: the situation or occupation of a duenna अर्थ, उच्चारण, अनुवाद और उदाहरण

Duennaship, Duenna

17. And there was also a list of some I’d never heard of; including “Duennaship,” “skaldship,” “chelaship,” and “shippon.” But of all those 301 words, the most important one to help you find certainty in today’s uncertain world isn’t even on WordFind’s list.


18. Trying to unscramble Duennaship? Our word unscrambler can help you out


19. Simply enter the phrase or word (Duennaship) in the friendly green box and …


20. Mademoiselle Lange, who was an orphan, lived alone under the Duennaship of a middle-aged relative, a penniless hanger-on of the successful young actress, who acted as her chaperone, housekeeper, and maid, and kept unseemly or over-bold gallants at bay.


21. Greetingly Duennaship outhauls rang wateringman theomagical stalags champacs unbrokenness assurance


22. Dictatorship dip directorship discipleship doctorship dogeship donorship draftsmanship dragstrip drip Duennaship earlship editorship eldership emperorship equip externship factorship fellowship fieldstrip fillip filmstrip fingertip fireship flagship «

Dictatorship, Dip, Directorship, Discipleship, Doctorship, Dogeship, Donorship, Draftsmanship, Dragstrip, Drip, Duennaship



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