See also: Dubiousness Dubious Dubiously Dubiety Dubois Dubitable Dubitativo Jubilee Dubitation Dubai Dubitative Indubitably
1. Find 12 ways to say Dubiousness, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
2. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for Dubiousness. doubtfulness, questionableness, shakiness, uncertainness
Dubiousness, Doubtfulness
3. “the Dubiousness of his claim”.
4. Doubt, Dubiousness, doubtfulness, question (noun) uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something "the Dubiousness of his claim"; "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise" Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:
Doubt, Dubiousness, Doubtfulness, Definition
5. © 2015-2021, Dubiousness.US
6. Incertitude the Dubiousness of his claim to the throne
7. (Translation of Dubiousness from the PASSWORD English-French Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)
Dubiousness, Dictionary, Dictionaries
8. See authoritative translations of Dubiousness in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
9. The Dubiousness of becoming involved in such investigations is that one easily loses the totality in dwelling on the particular, as if Don Giovanni seduced with his handsomeness Kierkegaard's Don Giovanni and the seductions of the inner ear about five million dollars; however, given the Dubiousness …
Dubiousness, Dwelling, Don, Dollars
10. ‘All I got was a stuck record that repeated my misdemeanours in a tone of voice that left me in no doubt as to the Dubiousness of my credentials, pedigree and character.’
Doubt, Dubiousness
11. ‘My first reaction, frankly, is one of Dubiousness.’
12. Dictionary entry overview: What does Dubiousness mean? • Dubiousness (noun) The noun Dubiousness has 2 senses: 1
Dictionary, Does, Dubiousness
13. How to say Dubiousness in English? Pronunciation of Dubiousness with 1 audio pronunciation, 11 synonyms, 2 meanings, 5 translations, 2 sentences and more for Dubiousness.
14. What does Dubiousness mean? The state of being dubious
Does, Dubiousness, Dubious
15. ‘All I got was a stuck record that repeated my misdemeanours in a tone of voice that left me in no doubt as to the Dubiousness of my credentials, pedigree and character.’
Doubt, Dubiousness
16. ‘My first reaction, frankly, is one of Dubiousness.’
17. A little more caution and Dubiousness is called for regarding relying on sources like PMW & MEMRI
18. Matthew Yglesias » Jihad TV "I understand the general kind of Dubiousness among non-profits, because they are incredibly stretched, and we're asking them to put resources into these new things without proven returns," he says.
19. Dubiousness 'Dubiousness' is a 11 letter word starting with D and ending with S Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Dubiousness
20. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Dubiousness will help you to finish your crossword today.
21. The Dubiousness – the state of being unsure of something 1 the doubt ; the uncertainty ; the doubtfulness ; the incertitude ; the dubiety ; the Dubiousness
Dubiousness, Doubt, Doubtfulness, Dubiety
22. 1 Also Called 2 Capabilities 3 Associations 4 Limitations 5 Known Users Dubiousness Induction Unbelievability Bestowal/InducementThe user can induce unbelievability into any living target, making it so that the target cannot be believed by anyone for anything that they may be trying to tell them
23. Top synonyms for Dubiousness (other words for Dubiousness) are doubt, uncertainty and dubiety.
Dubiousness, Doubt, Dubiety
24. Dubiousness Meaning in English to Urdu is شبہ, as written in Urdu and Shuba, as written in Roman Urdu
25. There are many synonyms of Dubiousness which include Doubtfulness, Dubiety, Indecision, Mistrust, Question, Questionability, Skepticism, Suspicion, Uncertainty, Questionableness, etc.
Dubiousness, Doubtfulness, Dubiety
26. Antonyms for Dubiousness include certainty, trust, conviction, sureness, certitude, surety, confidence, assurance, belief and assuredness
27. We found 21 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Dubiousness: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Dubiousness" is defined
Dictionaries, Definitions, Dubiousness, Directly, Defined
28. General (19 matching dictionaries) Dubiousness: [home, info]
Dictionaries, Dubiousness
29. Courage, femininity, Dubiousness
30. Dubiousness in a sentence - Use "Dubiousness" in a sentence 1
31. Charles Barkley has more technical fouls and more publicized Dubiousness
32. She always avoid the matter, trailing off an air of Dubiousness
33. Click for more sentences of Dubiousness
34. Dubiousness (ˈDubiousness) noun
35. The Dubiousness of digitized signature services November 22, 2020 Notice I referred to "digitized" instead of digital, this is a very important distinction
Dubiousness, Digitized, Digital, Distinction
36. More recently, he was quoted in a March 15, 2021 Major League Baseball column, calling baseball a “game to be loved,” further adding to the Instagram post’s Dubiousness
37. Ashleigh Demaray HIST 208 Dubiousness plays a Dubiousness plays a double character in the Mahabharatam .Jayadeva 's Bhagavadgita Govinda presents literary criticism via the lineament of Radha .== main tradition == Hindooism has no key doctrinal potency and many practising Hindustani do not exact to belong to any item appellation or custom .Four John Major appellation are , however , used in
Demaray, Dubiousness, Double, Doctrinal, Do
38. "doubtfulness, Dubiousness," 1650s, from Late Latin dubietas "doubt, uncertainty," from Latin dubius "vacillating, fluctuating," figuratively "wavering in opinion, doubting" (see dubious).Earlier in the same sense were dubiosity (1640s), Dubiousness (1650s); also see dubitation.
Doubtfulness, Dubiousness, Dubietas, Doubt, Dubius, Doubting, Dubious, Dubiosity, Dubitation
39. Dubiousness (comp) transfer syntax name suta-uxocchingu desolare argue singardemo yakut audiometer able to perform acuo strojevi za slaganje na hrpu cinderella waxbill prussian blue city in China rota deliciously body of a plough Hauptfilme (pl.) koleno WSW file moved concevoir Kopfwunde (die) kuluttaa loppuun romans (n.) librarian orage estate
Dubiousness, Desolare, Deliciously, Die
40. Dubiousness sentence in english
41. (Note: See Dubiousness for more definitions.) Quick definitions from Macmillan Provided by
Dubiousness, Definitions
42. — dubiously adverb — Dubiousness noun [uncountable] Examples from the Corpus dubious • The new strategy of stopping drug smugglers is untested and dubious.
Dubiously, Dubiousness, Dubious, Drug
43. Antonio Trease HISTORYRELIGION 936 Dubiousness plays a Dubiousness plays a double function in the Mahabharatam .Jayadeva 's Gita Govinda presents literary criticism via the graphic symbol of Radha .== main tradition == Hinduism has no central doctrinal agency and many practising Hindoo do not exact to belong to any finicky appellative or tradition .Four major denomination are , however , used
Dubiousness, Double, Doctrinal, Do, Denomination
44. The latter website, which is insecure, explains on one page that “the present Human Rights Tribunal started within the Reign of the Heavens before it was placed in trust,” further adding to its Dubiousness.
45. The unblemished safety record of the Skyway (the 1994 “accident” was the first in the 38-year history of the ride), the obvious Dubiousness of Charles’ claim, and the relatively small amount
DUBIOUSNESS [ˈd(y)o͞obēəsnəs]
Dubious(adj) doubtful or not settled in opinion; being in doubt; wavering or fluctuating; undetermined. Dubious(adj) occasioning doubt; not clear, or obvious; equivocal; questionable; doubtful; as, a dubious answer. Dubious(adj) of uncertain event or issue; as, in dubious battle.
doubtful, dubious(adj) fraught with uncertainty or doubt. "they were doubtful that the cord would hold"; "it was doubtful whether she would be admitted"; "dubious about agreeing to go". Synonyms: tentative, in question(p), doubtful, dubitable.
doubt(n) Synonyms: dubiousness, dubitation, scruple, hesitation, suspense, distrust, suspicion, perplexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, difficulty, indecision. Antonyms: certainty, clearness, precision, determination, decision, conviction, satisfaction.