See also: Dualism Dualismo Dualistic Dialysis Duality Dual Dually Dualidad Duly Worker
1. Dualises synonyms, Dualises pronunciation, Dualises translation, English dictionary definition of Dualises
Dualises, Dictionary, Definition
2. What does Dualises mean? Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dualise
Does, Dualises, Dualise
3. The word Dualises is playable in Words With Friends™, no blanks required
4. Words With Friends™ Letter Score: 11 Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Play In The Letters Dualises:
5. Verbs for dual include dualise, dualised, Dualises, dualising, dualize, dualized, dualizes and dualizing
Dual, Dualise, Dualised, Dualises, Dualising, Dualize, Dualized, Dualizes, Dualizing
6. There's one more pair of Dualises called the Dapple Dualies which unlock at level 26.
Dualises, Dapple, Dualies
7. Dualise (third-person singular simple present Dualises, present participle dualising, simple past and past participle dualised) Alternative spelling of dualize Anagrams [ edit ]
Dualise, Dualises, Dualising, Dualised, Dualize
8. Synonyms for Dualises in Free Thesaurus
9. As ' Dualises (D4) and (D,) (apply ', and use (D1)-(D3)), they are equivalent
10. This paper similarly Dualises intuitionism to aparaconsistent logic, but the dual is a different logic, namely closed setlogic
Dualises, Dual, Different
11. Looking for Dualises? Find out information about Dualises
12. Maths Logic having the property that the interchange of certain pairs of terms, and usually the distribution of negation, yields equivalent structures or Explanation of Dualises
Distribution, Dualises
13. If some alter ego fully Dualises M, then we say that M is fully dualisable
Dualises, Dualisable
14. M Dualises M [at the finite level] if the embedding η A: A → E D (A) is an isomorphism, for each [finite] algebra A ∈ A
15. (2) M fully Dualises M [at the finite level] if, in addition to (1), the structural embedding ε X: X → D E (X) is an isomorphism, for each [finite] structure X ∈ X
16. Priest (2009) formulates a propositional logic which, by employing the worldsemantics for intuitionist logic, has the same positive part but Dualises the negation, to produce a paraconsistent logic which it calls ‘Da Costa Logic’
Dualises, Da
17. In [13], it was shown that modal logic for coalgebras Dualises—concerning definability— equational logic for algebras
Dualises, Definability
18. A based on M, or M∼ Dualises M, if for every A ∈ A, the embedding eA is an isomorphism
19. If for every A in A fin, e A is an isomorphism, then M∼ Dualises M at the finite level
20. We show that if the cochain complex computing Ext groups (in the category of modules over Hopf algebroids) admits a cocyclic structure, then the noncommutative Cartan calculus structure on Tor over Ext Dualises in a cyclic sense to a calculus on Coext over Cotor
21. This algorithm Dualises the standard persistence one and clarifies the symmetry between clear and compress optimisations
22. For direct product everything Dualises well (if the category verifies AB4*) Share
Direct, Dualises
23. This algorithm Dualises the standard persistence one and clarifies the symmetry between clear and compress optimisations.
24. This Dualises a wellknown criterion of G
25. We show that if the cochain complex computing Ext groups (in the category of modules over Hopf algebroids) admits a cocyclic structure, then the noncommutative Cartan calculus structure on Tor over Ext Dualises in a cyclic sense to a calculus on Coext over Cotor
26. Jouez avec le mot Dualises, 4 définitions, 1 anagramme, 1 préfixe, 0 suffixe, 12 sous-mots, 5 cousins, 1 lipogramme, 3 épenthèses, 8 anagrammes+une Le mot Dualises vaut 9 points au scrabble.
27. Considered as a point of the vector space of rank 2n over GF(q), Dualises, with respect to the standard inner product, to a hyperplane which contains all the elements of U M since (I M) −M I = 0
28. In the dual space the subspace U M Dualises to the subspace U † M spanned by the rows of the matrix I −MT where MT denotes the transpose of
Dual, Dualises, Denotes
29. A in A,thenwesaythatM∼ Dualises M at the finite level.IfM∼ yields a duality on A, then we have a representation for A:eachalgebraA ∈ A is isomorphic to the algebra ED(A) of all morphisms from its dual D(A)intoM∼.IfeA and εX are isomorphisms, for all A ∈ A and X ∈ X,thenwesaythatM∼ yields a full duality on A or that M∼ fully
Dualises, Duality, Dual
30. Dualises ethical problems that most often are social in nature and thus results in an incomplete historical picture
DUALISES [ˈd(y)o͞oəˌlizəm]
Dualism, in philosophy, the use of two irreducible, heterogeneous principles (sometimes in conflict, sometimes complementary) to analyze the knowing process (epistemological dualism) or to explain all of reality or some broad aspect of it (metaphysical dualism ).
Definition of dualism. 1 : a theory that considers reality to consist of two irreducible elements or modes. 2 : the quality or state of being dual or of having a dual nature. 3a : a doctrine that the universe is under the dominion of two opposing principles one of which is good and the other evil.
Dualism, in philosophy, the use of two irreducible, heterogeneous principles (sometimes in conflict, sometimes complementary) to analyze the knowing process (epistemological dualism) or to explain all of reality or some broad aspect of it (metaphysical dualism ). Examples of epistemological dualism are being and thought, subject and object,...
Plato – A Dualist View. Dualism – Plato was a dualist, meaning he believed in two separate entities when it came to body & soul. Plato suggested that the soul is immortal while the body is mortal, at the end of life the soul is set free from the body.