See also: Drought Drouth Droughty Growth Druthers Drool Drowsy Drown Group Drouse
1. By the time the Old English noun was taken into Middle English, it had three common spellings: drought, drougth, and Drouth
Drought, Drougth, Drouth
2. You may wonder why one word with one fixed spelling (drugian) ended up as a noun with three common spellings (drought, drougth, and Drouth).
Drugian, Drought, Drougth, Drouth
3. Definition of Drouth in the dictionary
Definition, Drouth, Definitions, Dictionary
4. What does Drouth mean? Information and translations of Drouth in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Does, Drouth, Dictionary, Definitions
5. Drouth Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy, released 31 July 2020 1
Drouth, Dread
6. Drouth families relocated include 39 transfers from Drouth states and 80 independents or Drouth families al- ready in the Pacific Northwest
7. The Drouth family name was found in the USA between 1880 and 1920
8. The most Drouth families were found in the USA in 1880
9. In 1880 there were 11 Drouth families living in Ohio
10. This was about 69% of all the recorded Drouth's in the USA
11. Ohio had the highest population of Drouth families in 1880.
12. See authoritative translations of Drouth in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
13. The Drouth ('The Thirst') is a website and magazine published in Glasgow, Scotland
14. But Drouth is a fairly common variant in parts of the U.S., including the Midwest
15. I am not asking for opinions about Drouth per se because it is very well established (ancient, actually) and I have no objection to it in speech even though I don't use it myself
Drouth, Don
16. The Drouth is an American-format quarterly periodical published in Glasgow, Scotland
17. ‘Campbell once asserted that, while ‘Drouth, hot winds, grasshoppers and so forth’ posed serious challenges, the ‘Greatest hazard’ to the success of his corporation was the ‘human element.’’
18. Drouth in American English (draʊθ ; draʊt)
Drouth, Dra
19. Alternative form of drought 1965, Marguerite Young, Miss MacIntosh, My Darling, Scribner, page 174: Name other great catastrophes this world has seen, the floods, the fires, the earthquakes, plague or famine or Drouth
Drought, Darling, Drouth
20. Drouth from 5 years ago, at a house party in Seattle, this is an unreleased song titled Trance Recursive
21. Drouth, playing in the rain at a house party in Seattle, WA
22. Drouth live in Seattle June 25 2016.
23. There are flood and Drouth Over the eyes and in the mouth, Dead water and dead sand Contending for the upper hand.
Drouth, Dead
24. The last desert is "The desert in the garden the garden in the desert." Although both theologically and poetically doubled, "the garden the garden" is framed by the "desert / Of Drouth."For the reader this image is one more variation of the "unstilled world" still whirling "About the centre of the silent Word."Drouth
Desert, Doubled, Drouth
25. Seventeenth in a series Drouth (droo·th) Dialect, chiefly Scot ~n
Drouth, Droo, Dialect
26. As a matter of fact, while Drouth’s sound has, in the past at least, often seen them compared to their countrymen in Uada (and, I’ll admit, the massive, melody-infused riff-fest of “An Apiarist” still continues to bear this out, to an extent), the increased intensity and aggression displayed here makes this comparison less accurate by
Drouth, Displayed
27. Synonyms for Drouth in Free Thesaurus
28. 2 synonyms for Drouth: drought, drought
Drouth, Drought
29. In Drouth Stricken Area, one of Alexandre Hogue's Erosion series paintings, the formerly verdant landscape has been sculpted into sand dunes by the dry, hot wind
Drouth, Dunes, Dry
30. Synonyms for Drouth include shortage, lack, scarcity, deficiency, dearth, want, insufficiency, inadequacy, deficit and paucity
Drouth, Deficiency, Dearth, Deficit
31. "The Drouth is broken," said Doughall Donn, adding, with wonder in his voice: "What manner of folk are those yonder?
Drouth, Doughall, Donn
32. If a season of Drouth occurs when the cabbages have begun to head, the heads will harden prematurely; and then should a heavy rain fall, they will start to make a new growth, and the consequence will be many of them will split.
33. Hypernyms ("Drouth" is a kind of): dryness; waterlessness; xerotes (the condition of not containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water))
Drouth, Dryness
34. We found 19 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Drouth: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Drouth" is defined
Dictionaries, Definitions, Drouth, Directly, Defined
35. General (16 matching dictionaries) Drouth: Webster's 1828 Dictionary [home, info] Drouth: Free Dictionary [home, info]
Dictionaries, Drouth, Dictionary
36. The Drouth ('The Thirst') is a website and magazine published in Glasgow, Scotland
37. Drought: 1 n a shortage of rainfall “farmers most affected by the drought hope that there may yet be sufficient rain early in the growing season” Synonyms: Drouth Type of: dryness , waterlessness , xerotes the condition of not containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water) n a prolonged shortage “when England defeated Pakistan it
Drought, Drouth, Dryness, Defeated
38. It is estimated that, owing to the Drouth Washington state will loose something like three million bushels of wheat, which will doubtless mean a raise in the price of wheat to make up for the fall off
Drouth, Doubtless
39. Drouth do this with some carefully put together structures
Drouth, Do
40. HOME Drouth A Judge saved an Ohio man from going to jail - and from any further drink driving offences - by ordering him to move within easy walking distance of a liquor store
Drouth, Drink, Driving, Distance
41. Crazy World Now, you don't have work up a Drouth with all this typing malarkey.
Don, Drouth
42. The extraordinarie Drouth quhilk is liklie to burne wp and destroy the cornis; 1613 Aberd
Drouth, Destroy
43. That the said mylne was werie stedable to the toune in tyme of ane Drouth and frost; 1660 Glasgow B
44. In reguard of the Drouth of the yeir; 1681 Lanark B
45. My burning heart, which Drouth of comfort crost; 1606
46. The Poetry of Drouth By Edmund Wilson, Jr
47. Drouth For encoded binaries (like images, documents, etc.) use the file upload form a bit further down on this page
Drouth, Documents, Down
48. A drought (or Drouth, in some regions) is an event of prolonged shortages in the water supply, whether atmospheric (below-average precipitation), surface water or ground water.A drought can last for months or years, or may be
Drought, Drouth
49. Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy by Drouth, released 31 July 2020 1
Dread, Drouth
DROUTH [dro͞oTH]
(drout) also drouth (drouth) n. 1. A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions. 2. A prolonged dearth or shortage.
Definition of drought. 1 : a period of dryness especially when prolonged specifically : one that causes extensive damage to crops or prevents their successful growth resistant to drought.
By the time the Old English noun was taken into Middle English, it had three common spellings: drought, drougth, and drouth. You may wonder why one word with one fixed spelling ( drugian) ended up as a noun with three common spellings ( drought, drougth, and drouth ).
Definition of drought. 1 : a period of dryness especially when prolonged specifically : one that causes extensive damage to crops or prevents their successful growth resistant to drought.