See also: Dowager Dowager's Duchess Stately Empress Dower
1. Examples of Dowager in a Sentence The estate is owned by a wealthy Dowager. the town's Dowagers frequently shake their heads over the younger generation Recent Examples on the Web The guests at the wedding—the Dowager, …
Dowager, Dowagers
2. A Dowager is a widow who holds a title or property—a "dower"—derived from her deceased husband
Dowager, Dower, Derived, Deceased
3. As an adjective, Dowager usually appears in association with monarchical and aristocratic titles
4. In popular usage, the noun Dowager may refer to any elderly widow, especially one of both wealth and dignity.
Dowager, Dignity
5. (often used as an additional title to differentiate her from the wife of the present king, duke, etc.): a queen Dowager; an empress Dowager.
Differentiate, Duke, Dowager
6. 1. Dowager - a widow holding property received from her deceased husband widow, widow woman - a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection
Dowager, Deceased, Dead
7. What does Dowager mean? A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband
Does, Dowager, Derived, Deceased
8. Dowager's hump or hyperkyphosis is an excessive curvature of the spine
9. A queen Dowager, Dowager queen or queen mother (compare: princess dowager, Dowager princess or princess mother) is a title or status generally held by the widow of a king
Dowager, Dowa
10. In the case of the widow of an emperor, the title of empress Dowager is used.
11. The name- ‘Dowager’ is itself associated with the idea of an elderly woman or widow
12. But nowadays the Dowager’s Hump is seen in young adults and small children as well
13. 🎈🎊 Dowager 🎊🎈 is committed to providing the highest standards of customer service to every customer
14. Dowager means "a woman holding property or a title from her deceased husband." It comes through French from the Latin word meaning "to endow" and is related to dowry
Dowager, Deceased, Dowry
15. Using the title Dowager countess also distinguishes Violet as the widow of the previous Earl of Grantham from the current countess, Cora.
Dowager, Distinguishes
16. Dowager is a shiny coal black mare
17. The Dowager’s hump can develop in both men and women, but it gets its nickname from the slightly rounded hunch you might see at the base of an elderly woman’s neck
Dowager, Develop
18. The Dowager’s hump used to be a type of posture that was only associated with elderly women
19. A closer look at the name only emphasizes this fact, specifically, the definition of a ‘Dowager’ is a widow or a dignified elderly woman.
Definition, Dowager, Dignified
20. Cixi, Wade-Giles romanization Tz’u-hsi, also called Xitaihou or Xiaoqin Xianhuanghou, byname Empress Dowager, (born November 29, 1835, Beijing, China—died November 15, 1908, Beijing), consort of the Xianfeng emperor (reigned 1850–61), mother of the Tongzhi emperor (reigned 1861–75), adoptive mother of the Guangxu emperor (reigned 1875–1908), and a towering presence over the Chinese …
Dowager, Died
21. The Dowager knows the other Deathlords have learned her plan through their spies, and consider her mad
Dowager, Deathlords
22. The Dowager accepted that the moment she made her pact with the Abhorrence of Life
23. But that doesn’t make her wrong.The Dowager’s appearance varies with her moods if not more frequently.
Doesn, Dowager
24. Dowager - a widow holding property received from her deceased husband widow, widow woman - a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection
Dowager, Deceased, Dead
25. Dowager’s Hump is not a term often used when I went through a Physical Therapy school
26. I looked the term up and it happens that a Dowager is somebody like Violet Crawley — Lady Grantham in “Downton Abbey”
Dowager, Downton
27. Lady Grantham is formally known as Dowager Countess of Grantham, the widow of the Earl of Grantham.
28. The old Dowager's voice toned down, and she pulled her black feathers straight upon her head.
Dowager, Down
29. Dowager’s Hump is an outward curvature of the thoracic vertebrae of the upper back
30. In addition to the bump on the base of the neck, Dowager’s Hump has a forward head posture where your head is jutting forward.
31. A clarification: "Queen Dowager" and "Queen Mother" don't mean the same the same thing; it just happens that the late Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon held both titles
Dowager, Don
32. "Queen Dowager" is the widow of a King; while "Queen Mother" is a Queen Dowager who is also the mother of a reigning monarch.
33. That’s especially true when it comes to Dowager’s Hump — the non-medical term that refers to the stooped appearance of many older people, particularly women
34. What is Dowager’s Hump? Dowager’s Hump is a forward bending of the spine
35. You use Dowager to refer to the wife of a dead duke, emperor, or other man of high rank
Dowager, Dead, Duke
36. The Dowager Queen fainted with shock
37. Nobody was allowed to eat in the Empress Dowager's presence
38. Dowager’s hump is one of the most common ailments that impacts the elderly
39. This is why one of the best ways to prevent Dowager’s hump is to make lifestyle changes
40. What is a Dowager’s hump? It is an enlarged prominence that is formed at the lower region of the neck
41. The Dowager Countess is exquisitely brought to life by Academy Award winner and actual Dame Maggie Smith, who delivers each line with the charisma and dry humor of a true legend.
Dowager, Dame, Delivers, Dry
42. What is a Dowager’s Hump? It is a condition characterized by a formation of a hump on the upper back
43. ‘The Dowager duchess is not receiving callers.’ ‘Amhuinnsuidhe Castle - in effect a Scots baronial house - was built in 1867 by a Scottish architect, and it was the Dowager Countess who encouraged the production of Harris Tweed.’ ‘The Dowager countess will be there and you can bet no one will rest until everything is perfect.’
Dowager, Duchess
44. French Translation of “Dowager” The official Collins English-French Dictionary online
Dowager, Dictionary
45. ‘The Dowager duchess is not receiving callers.’ ‘Amhuinnsuidhe Castle - in effect a Scots baronial house - was built in 1867 by a Scottish architect, and it was the Dowager Countess who encouraged the production of Harris Tweed.’ ‘The Dowager countess will be there and you can bet no one will rest until everything is perfect.’
Dowager, Duchess
46. • A Dowager is a widow who holds a title or property • Chiefly applied to widows of personages of rank • The style given to the widow of a British peer or baronet • A widow holding property received from her deceased husband
Dowager, Deceased
47. A Dowager is a serious-minded older woman, especially one who is a wealthy widow
48. In some countries, the widow of a king was historically known as the Queen Dowager.
49. 'Dowager' is the 2nd novel in Lucci's Michaela McPherson Mystery series, but you don't need to start on #1 to enjoy this one
Dowager, Don
50. In summary, if you enjoy a good medical thriller, you don't want to miss "The Case of the Dead Dowager"
Don, Dead, Dowager
51. The Dowager Lady Basilwether is a character in the 2020 film Enola Holmes, portrayed by Frances de la Tour.She is the grandmother of the runaway Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether.A staunchly conservative member of the nobility, she views it as her duty …
Dowager, De, Duty
52. This condition is also referred to as a Dowager hump, round back (postural kyphosis), or hunch back.
53. What is a Weekend / Dowager Countess Mug / Dowager Sarcastic Quotes / Funny Mothers Day Mug / Countess Tea Mug / British Humor Mom Mug PeachyApricot
Dowager, Day
54. Favorite Add to Downton Abbey Cross Stitch Pattern - Dowager Countess Quote crossstitchheroes
Downton, Dowager
55. The medical description for neck hump is Dowager
Description, Dowager
56. Put another way, "A Dowager peeress is the mother, stepmother, or grandmother of the reigning peer, and the widow of a preceding one
57. In no other case is she a Dowager." If she is eligible, a widow assumes the title of Dowager immediately she becomes a widow.
58. Dowager translate: (繼承了亡夫頭銜和財産的)寡居貴婦, 貴婦人;氣度不凡的老婦人
59. This is a gallery subpage for Dowager Hatt
DOWAGER [ˈdouəjər]
Definition of dowager. 1 : a widow holding property or a title from her deceased husband. 2 : a dignified elderly woman.
A dowager is a widow holding a title or property that was her late husband's. The root word is also found in the word "endow.". A living female who is an ancestor of the current holder of a title is also termed a dowager.
The Dowager Duchess was a huge Elvis fan and owned a collection ofElvis memorabilia. The Dowager Duchess, who died on September 24 at the age of 94, was the last of the Mitford sisters, the most celebrated and controversial family in pre-war high society. It was her head for business that transformed Chatsworth...