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See also: Dory Doric Dowry Dorian Doritos Dorian's Dorin Doris

1. Doryphoros The Doryphoros typifies the new approach to depicting the human form in the high Classical Period of Greek art. Artists placed increasing emphasis on the ideal man, who was depicted in heroic nudity with a young, athletic body that was naturalistic in musculature and pose.

Doryphoros, Depicting, Depicted

2. The Doryphoros was one of the most sought after, and most copied, Greek sculptures.


3. 480/475–415 BCE), the Doryphoros, or Spear-Bearer, has long been regarded as an exemplum of male beauty as conceived of by the ancient Greeks.


4. Doryphoros is a magnificent sculpture dating back to the 1 st century. It’s actually a Roman copy of the original Greek bronze sculpture created in 450 BCE, representing an athlete

Doryphoros, Dating

5. Doryphoros balanced figure, idealized proportions gives it an artistic impression.


6. Doryphoros in Greek translates as "spear bearer." This marble sculpture of the Doryphoros is a Roman copy of the first original bronze by Polykleitos


7. We are lucky enough to have a sculpture that was made at the same time as the original Doryphoros referred to as the Riace Bronze or Young Warrior from Riace (c 460-450 BCE) that approximates


8. Greek ring engraved with the head of the Doryphoros by Polykleitos, c


9. 50-40 B.C., green chalcedony and gold, Eastern Mediterranean, 2.2 x 1.7 cm, Marble head of Doryphoros , c450-c440 BC


10. It covers in detail the sculpture of Polykleitos, a name that should be better known as it is actually his creation, the Doryphoros that makes up a large number of the surviving torsos from antiquity.

Detail, Doryphoros

11. Doryphoros is a word in some Text, I can barely remember what it was, but the word stuck with me for some reason. Doryphoros is named after a Greek sculpture, the Doryphoros, the "Spear-Bearer"


12. Meanings for Doryphoros it is a famous Greek sculpture made by the artist Polykleitos.


13. The Doryphoros Latinised as Doryphorus of Polykleitos is one of the best known Greek sculptures of classical antiquity, depicting a solidly built, muscular, standing warrior, originally bearing a spear balanced on his left shoulder

Doryphoros, Doryphorus, Depicting

14. The Doryphoros is one of the best known Greek sculptures of the classical era in Western Art and an early example of Greek classical contrapposto


15. The Doryphoros (Greek Δορυφόρος, "Spear-Bearer"; Latinised as Doryphorus) of Polykleitos is one of the best known Greek sculptures of the Classical Era in Western Art, depicting a solidly-built, well-muscled standing athlete, originally bearing a spear balanced on his left shoulder

Doryphoros, Doryphorus, Depicting

16. Media in category "Doryphoros" The following 37 files are in this category, out of 37 total


17. Famed for its balance and idealised proportions, the Doryphoros is regarded as one of the best known examples of fifth century BCE Greek sculpture and an image of ideal masculinity


18. Several important sculptures of this subject existed in Doryphoros - definition of Doryphoros by …

Doryphoros, Definition

19. 726 but also making reference to this cast: "A facsimile of the bronze copy of the Doryphoros of Polykleitos, the celebrated fifth century sculptor of Argos, has been secured for the Museum of Classical Archaeology by the co-operation of the Art Institute of Chicago.


20. Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear-Bearer), Early Classical Period, Roman marble copy after a Greek bronze original from c


21. The MIA’s Doryphoros, dating from the lst century B.C., is a Roman marble copy of a Greek bronze sculpture that was made between 450 B.C

Doryphoros, Dating

22. POLYKLEITOS, Doryphoros (spear bearer)


23. Polykleitos’ Doryphoros is well known for its perfect sense of geometrical dimensions, but little is known of the statue, other than that, it was created as way for Polykleitos to demonstrate his treatise entitled the Canon (the “Rule”)

Doryphoros, Dimensions, Demonstrate

24. The Doryphoros, or spear bearer, a statue of a standing nude youth, has been identified as this statue, which Cicero and Pausanius plausibly attributed to Polykleitos


25. Doryphoros and Augustus of Prima Porta 1


26. The Doryphoros is a counter-pose object; this simply means that it is a standing figure with most of the weight pressed on one foot.


27. Doryphoros was originally holding a spear in his left hand; appropriate, given that his name means, literally, “spear-bearer.” The sculpture is a well-known and early example of classical Greek contrapposto (the shifting of weight onto one leg and off-axis shoulders and arms.)


28. The Doryphoros Description This stone sculpture is a naked human-like figure standing six feet tall

Doryphoros, Description

29. Doryphoros (“Spearbearer”) of


30. Polyclitus’s two greatest statues were the Diadumenus (430 bce; “Man Tying on a Fillet”) and the Doryphoros (c

Diadumenus, Doryphoros

31. Home Visual Resources Center Digital Image Collection Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), front view

Digital, Doryphoros

32. Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), front view


33. -Doryphoros reveals the contrapposto pose, also known as a slight shift in weight and bonding of the knees-These create a visual appearance of a harmony of opposing forces; it demonstrates the potential for bodily movement

Doryphoros, Demonstrates

34. Use Polykleitos' writings to explain how those ideas shaped the creation of the original Doryphoros.


35. This richly illustrated volume of superb essays by art historians, classical scholars, and archaeologists discusses Polykleitos’ life and influence, his intellectual and cultural milieu, and his best-known work—the bronze Doryphoros, or “Spear-Bearer.”

Discusses, Doryphoros

36. What does Doryphoros mean? (art) A spear-bearer; a statue of a man holding a spear or in the attitude of a spear-bearer

Does, Doryphoros

37. The Doryphoros, dates from 450-400 BC, it is a Roman marble copy of a Greek bronze sculpture and carved by the sculptor Polykleitos

Doryphoros, Dates

38. Doryphoros is one of the most classic sculptures from the high classical period.


39. Doryphoros of Polyclitus, Roman copy in marble of bronze original, c


40. Doryphoros and Augustus of Prima Porta 1


41. The Doryphoros is a counter-pose object; this simply means that it is a standing figure with most of the weight pressed on one foot


42. Doryphoros (Canon) Login Here The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: Learn more about UA’s notice of nondiscrimination .

Doryphoros, Discrimination

43. This marble sculpture of the Doryphoros is a Roman copy of the first original bronze by Polykleitos


44. We are lucky enough to have a sculpture that was made at the same time as the original Doryphoros referred to as the Riace Bronze or Young Warrior from Riace (c 460-450 BCE) that approximates what the original Doryphoros must have looked like.


45. Doryphoros MAN Napoli Inv6011 Schema-Contrapposto-chiasmo-ponderazione-Canone policleteo-Doriforo di Policleto.png 2,050 × 4,100; 32.12 MB Doryphoros MAN Napoli Inv6011-2.jpg 807 × 1,500; 361 KB Doríforo Pompeya 01.JPG 3,456 × 5,184; 4.67 MB

Doryphoros, Doriforo, Di, Dor

46. The Doryphoros: He’s Kind of a Big Deal 22 Oct ’12

Doryphoros, Deal

47. This is the Doryphoros, which means “spear bearer,” a Roman copy of a sculpture from the High Classical period of Ancient Greece


48. The Doryphoros is an example of perfect slideshow 1


49. “The Doryphoros is an example of perfect naturalism”




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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Doryphoros mean?

Define Doryphoros. Doryphoros synonyms, Doryphoros pronunciation, Doryphoros translation, English dictionary definition of Doryphoros. n. 1. A spear bearer; a statue of a man holding a spear or in the attitude of a spear bearer. Several important sculptures of this subject existed in...

What is the history of the Doryphoros?

The Doryphoros is one of the best known Greek sculptures of the classical era in Western Art and an early example of Greek classical contrapposto. The lost bronze original would have been made at approximately 450-400 BCE.

Did doryphoros have a spear?

Polykleitos’ original Doryphoros had a spear that rested on the left shoulder, and the statue would have been able to stand without any support. (A tree trunk, or other strut, was often added to marble copies for support.)

What is Doryphoros in Greek art?

The Doryphoros typifies the new approach to depicting the human form in the high Classical Period of Greek art. Artists placed increasing emphasis on the ideal man, who was depicted in heroic nudity with a young, athletic body that was naturalistic in musculature and pose.

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