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See also: Distraught Distrait Distraction Distraint Distrained Distrainment Distress Distinct Distinguish Distinction Distinctive Distribution Distinguished Distorted Distal Distressed Distance Distillation District Disturbance Distribute Distant Population Define

1. Distrait definition is - apprehensively divided or withdrawn in attention : distracted

Distrait, Definition, Divided, Distracted

2. How to use Distrait in a sentence


3. Distrait definition, inattentive because of distracting worries, fears, etc.; absent-minded

Distrait, Definition, Distracting

4. Distrait, distraught - Distrait means "absent-minded as a result of apprehension, worry, etc."—while distraught means "agitated" and "bewildered, distracted."

Distrait, Distraught, Distracted

5. Distrait means "preoccupied with worry." If you can't concentrate on the hot gossip your friend is sharing with you because you can't stop thinking about what your mom is going to say about the window you accidentally broke, you're Distrait.


6. What does Distrait mean? Inattentive or preoccupied, especially because of anxiety

Does, Distrait

7. Find 7 ways to say Distrait, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


8. Translation for 'Distrait' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.

Distrait, Dictionary

9. He has always seemed somewhat Distrait, but now he has the lost air of a man who has fallen from the heavens into an unknown world.: Although her journey into madness is somewhat short-circuited, Rachel Pickup is also a frighteningly Distrait Ophelia.: But, as someone about to construct a bomb might appear Distrait anyway, the judgment was difficult.: She towers over most human beings and

Distrait, Difficult

10. Distrait - Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de Distrait - synonymes, homonymes, difficultés, citations.

Distrait, De, Difficult

11. Le conducteur est Distrait lorsque son attention est monopolisée par des stimuli provenant d'informations d'importance secondaire mais aussi par des informations concernant la conduite qui sont proposées de façon telle qu'elles demandent trop d'attention [] de la part du conducteur.

Distrait, Des, De, Demandent, Du

12. Distrait (comparative more Distrait, superlative most Distrait) absent-minded, troubled, distracted; Quotations

Distrait, Distracted

13. 1817: Frances Brooke, Manners: A Novel Part III But to return to our friend Desmond:—he was too well bred to have asked such an unfair question, had he not been completely Distrait

Desmond, Distrait

14. Distraite definition is - Distrait —used especially of women

Distraite, Definition, Distrait

15. The first known use of Distraite was in the 15th century


16. Distrait translate: absent-minded, absent-minded, distracted

Distrait, Distracted

17. ‘Perhaps, patients about to undergo operations at the hands of Distrait surgeons could be allowed to get their tattoos done on the NHS.’ ‘His manner was, I thought, a shade Distrait, a little other worldly.’ ‘But, as someone about to construct a bomb might appear Distrait anyway, the judgment was difficult.’

Distrait, Done, Difficult

18. English words for Distrait include inattentive, abstracted, forgetful, absentminded, wandering, vague, vacant, faraway and broody


19. Distrait aboriginal Upstairs 岡瓦那大陸 冈瓦那大陆 grenade capinar metalni adhesive label Croatian Navy intestines, entrails migoljiti se untimely marking time Marian kiitosvirsi (mus) vegetative characters quoted share almond fag folder broadband, broadband connection odd lig armik repopulating bondmaid Midwestern U.S.: horse on left


20. Distrait Lyrics: Why do I struggle to find the words that will express my true and honest feelings? / The ones that hold some meaning / Yet I digress into shit without much substance / Self-

Distrait, Do, Digress

21. Elle aurait Distrait le lecteur du thème central.: It would have distracted the reader from the central theme.: Confond certains sons, facilement Distrait par les bruits environnants.: Gets certain sounds mixed up, is easily distracted by surrounding noises.: En fait, ça me Distrait.: As a matter of fact, it has a way of distracting me.: Soit ça, soit Rhonu te Distrait.

Distrait, Du, Distracted, Distracting

22. Distrait translations: absent-minded, absent-minded, distracted

Distrait, Distracted

23. Synonyms for Distrait in Free Thesaurus


24. 8 synonyms for Distrait: absent, absent-minded, abstracted, bemused, faraway, inattentive, preoccupied, distracted

Distrait, Distracted

25. What are synonyms for Distrait?


26. Distraite definition, (of a woman) inattentive because of distracting worries, fears, etc.; absent-minded

Distraite, Definition, Distracting

27. Distrait adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." literary (absent-minded) Distrait adj adjectif: modifie un nom

Distrait, Describes

28. English Translation of “Distrait” The official Collins French-English Dictionary online

Distrait, Dictionary

29. Distrait - Diccionario Francés-Español online

Distrait, Diccionario

30. Principales traductions: Français: Espagnol: Distrait adj adjectif: modifie un nom


31. Holmes was curiously Distrait, and we walked up and down the garden path for some time in silence

Distrait, Down

32. (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) The three rode abreast, Alleyne Edricson with his eyes cast down and his mind Distrait , for his thoughts were busy with the conversation which he had had with Sir Nigel in the morning.

Doyle, Down, Distrait

33. Being, however, quite unaccustomed to dealing with this dual condition of mind it is to be feared he was a little "Distrait" and mechanical of speech

Dealing, Dual, Distrait

34. Auntie became excessively pale, and was sometimes quite "Distrait" and bewildered-looking, which was little wonder, considering all she had to do and arrange.

Distrait, Do

35. Distrait definition: absent-minded ; abstracted Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Distrait, Definition

36. See authoritative translations of Distrait in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.


37. Fortnite - Emote: DistraitPensez à vous abonner et à mettre un pouce bleu si …


38. Le Distrait (English: Absent-minded, alternative English title: The Daydreamer) is a 1970 French comedy film directed by Pierre Richard, starring Pierre Richard, Marie-Christine Barrault and Bernard Blier.

Distrait, Daydreamer, Directed

39. Distrait capacitor starting cultivated chytat smash cologne or perfume applied after shaving, soothing scented liquid owacja vidjeti izbliza meliorative sensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to shouchinosuke able to transmit, able to transfer (heat, electricity, etc.), conducting energy, transmitting nerve impulse become


40. Cherchez Distrait et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes français de Reverso

Distrait, Dans, Dictionnaire, De

41. Vous pouvez compléter les synonymes de Distrait proposés par le dictionnaire de synonymes français Reverso en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans les synonymes de mots français : Wikipedia, Trésor de la langue française, Lexilogos, dictionnaire Larousse, dictionnaire

De, Distrait, Dictionnaire, Dictionnaires, Dans

42. Distrait 'Distrait' is a 8 letter word starting with D and ending with T Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Distrait We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Distrait will help you to finish your crossword today


43. Distrait Various Artists Electronic · 2013 Preview SONG TIME Beat in a Bottle


44. Synonyms for Distraite in Free Thesaurus


45. 8 synonyms for Distrait: absent, absent-minded, abstracted, bemused, faraway, inattentive, preoccupied, distracted

Distrait, Distracted

46. "Distrait": examples and translations in context Stapleton was talking with animation, but the baronet looked pale and Distrait


47. Translation for 'Distrait' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations.

Distrait, Dictionary

48. Find more ways to say Distrait, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


49. (4) His manner was, I thought, a shade Distrait , a little other worldly


50. (5) Set in Paris in 1928, Hastings's play focuses on Joyce's Distrait daughter, Lucia

Distrait, Daughter

51. (6) Perhaps, patients about to undergo operations at the hands of Distrait surgeons could be allowed to get their tattoos done on the NHS.

Distrait, Done

52. Le Distrait streaming vf Difficile de faire plus maladroit et tête en l'air que Pierre Malaquet

Distrait, Difficile, De


DISTRAIT [dəˈstrā]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does distrait mean?

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word distrait. Origin: From distrait. Origin: [F. See Distract.] dis′trā, adj. absent-minded. [Fr.] How to pronounce distrait? How to say distrait in sign language? Would you like us to send you a FREE new word definition delivered to your inbox daily? "distrait."

What is the origin of the word distrait?

Distrait is a somewhat literary word with an unusual history. Borrowed from Anglo-French, it was used in the 15th century in a sense very close to that of "distraught," which means "deeply agitated or troubled.". (Both words are ultimately from the Latin adjective distractus.) Later, during the 18th century,...

What does distraint mean?

Definition of distraint : the act or action of distraining First Known Use of distraint circa 1736, in the meaning defined above

What does distraire mean in French?

Old French destrait, past participle of destraire (modern distraire ), from Latin distrahō (“I distract”) . “ distrait ” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé ( The Digitized Treasury of the French Language ).

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