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1. Dissepiments synonyms, Dissepiments pronunciation, Dissepiments translation, English dictionary definition of Dissepiments

Dissepiments, Dictionary, Definition

2. Butteridge's great heart, to see it laid open in relentlesss self-vivisection, and its pulsating Dissepiments ' adorned with emphatic flag labels


3. The main musculature can be seen through the thin skin to be divided into about sixty pairs of muscle-segments (myotomes) by means of comma-shaped Dissepiments, the myocommas, which stretch …

Divided, Dissepiments

4. What does the word Dissepiments mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word Dissepiments in our free online dictionary!

Does, Dissepiments, Definition, Dictionary

5. 'Dissepiments' is a 12 letter word starting with D and ending with S Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Dissepiments We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Dissepiments will help you to finish your crossword today


6. Dissepimentsthin, horizontal sheets of calcium carbonate accreted by the coral to support the living polyp—play a key role in the upward growth of the colony


7. Here, we first conducted a vital staining experiment to test whether Dissepiments were accreted with lunar periodicity in Porites coral skeleton, as previously hypothesized.


8. These corals are distinguished from others by their strong internal vertical walls (septa) and relatively few horizontal or angled partitions (tabulae and Dissepiments)

Distinguished, Dissepiments

9. ‘A distinctive character of adult corallites of Macgeea dubia is the tendency to develop numerous herringbone Dissepiments, which is increased by the fact that minor septa are commonly reduced.’

Distinctive, Dubia, Develop, Dissepiments

10. Dissepiments or connecting bars between adjacent stipes in rhabdosomes of dendroid graptolites were studied by means of electron microscopy (SEM and TEM)

Dissepiments, Dendroid

11. Dissepiments are composed of the central core and the outer envelope: the central core is made of rather irregularly arranged growth units made of the fusellar tissue, whereas the outer envelope has a distinct cortical appearance

Dissepiments, Distinct

12. Rugose corals will sometimes have Dissepiments, which are curved plates connected to septa and tabulae


13. Dissepiments, implying that thermal stress disrupts skeletal extension

Dissepiments, Disrupts

14. Our study verifies the lunar periodicity of Dissepiments,


15. Dissepiments the slender transverse partitions in the coelom of metameric invertebrate animals, such as segmented worms


16. Dissepiments form by the joining of the adjacent walls of paired coelomic cavities arranged one behind the other.


17. Dissepiments—thin, horizontal sheets of calcium carbonate accreted by the coral to support the living polyp—play a key role in the upward growth of the colony


18. Here, we first conducted a vital staining experiment to test whether Dissepiments were accreted with lunar periodicity in Porites coral skeleton, as previously hypothesized.


19. They have a hollow in the top surface (a calice) in which the polyp sat, together with numerous tabulae, septa (the major ones being arranged in groups of four), Dissepiments, and some have a central calcareous rod (columella).


20. Dissepiments - find the meaning and all words formed with Dissepiments, anagrams with Dissepiments and much more


21. The word Dissepiments uses 12 letters: d, e, e, i, i, m, n, p, s, s, s, t


22. Dissepiments is playable in: Words With Friends 20


23. Weak Dissepiments appeared in the lambelasmatid skeleton (Neotryplasma) in the latest Caradoc (t.s


24. The arrangements of septa, tabulae, and Dissepiments are all very important for the recognition of different species and higher taxa of rugose corals

Dissepiments, Different

25. Often these structures are best observed under a microscope using a combination of thin sections cut at longitudinal (showing septa) and transverse (showing tabulae and Dissepiments) angles


26. Dissepiments form by the joining of the adjacent walls of paired coelomic cavities arranged one behind the other


27. Dissepiments 'Dissepiments' is a 12 letter word starting with D and ending with S Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Dissepiments We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Dissepiments will


28. Dissepiments Total Number of words made out of Dissepiments = 546 Dissepiments is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 17 points.Dissepiments is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 20 points


29. Dissepiments is a 12 letter long Word starting with D and ending with S


30. Morphological examinations were conducted to determine the number of accessory tendons and the existence of Dissepiments for the extensor pollicis brevi …

Determine, Dissepiments

31. Dissepiments—thin, horizontal sheets of calcium carbonate accreted by the coral to support the living polyp—play a key role in the upward growth of the colony


32. Spurious or false Dissepiments are partitions otherwise formed


33. Trabeculothecal elements (b, c) are lightly shaded; Dissepiments (c, d) are dark

Dissepiments, Dark

34. Dissepimentarium The part of the interior of a corallite that is occupied by small plates (Dissepiments) which are convex towards the axis of the corallite

Dissepimentarium, Dissepiments

35. A few lack septa and instead possess Dissepiments


36. Tabulae analogous to those of Tabulata were usually very abundant and so was a complex array of Dissepiments which appear analogous to those of Scleractinia.


37. The skeleton of Fenestella colonies consists of stiff branches that are interconnected by narrower crossbars (or Dissepiments)


38. Stipes may be connected laterally by branches called Dissepiments


39. Dissepiments Sentence Examples In addition to the musculature of the proboscis and proboscidian sheath, longitudinal muscular fibres are found in the walls of the oesophagus, whilst transverse ones are numerous and united into vertical Dissepiments between the successive intestinal caeca, thus bringing about a very regular internal


40. Dissepiments outside of the zone of flat Dissepiments


41. Stereoplasm and Dissepiments together are referred to as


42. Dissepiments in the graptolite Monograptus turriculatus


43. PORE SURFACE cream, ochraceous to pale fulvous, slightly darker and more grey than the upper surface, sometimes discoloured when old, pores round to angular, mostly 1.5-2 per mm, but in some collections 3-4(5) per mm, Dissepiments thin to rather thick, entire, tubes concolorous with the context, usually not stratified, 1-10 mm long.

Darker, Discoloured, Dissepiments


DISSEPIMENTS [dəˈsepəmənt]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does dissepiment mean?

a dividing wall, membrane, or the like, in a plant or animal structure; dissepiment. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc.

What does dividipiment mean in biology?

Biology A partition dividing a part or organ; a septum. THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries. Copyright © 2016, 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. "Dissepiment."

What does septum mean?

n. Biology A partition dividing a part or organ; a septum. [Latin dissaepīmentum, partition, from dissaepīre, to divide : dis-, dis- + saepīre, hedge off (from saepēs, hedge ).] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

What are dissepiments in corals?

In addition to these parts the following structures may exist in corals:- Dissepiments are oblique calcareous partitions, stretching from septum to septum, and closing the interseptal chambers below. The whole system of dissepiments in any given calicle is often called endotheca. » more...

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