See also: Dispensationalism Dispensationalist Disposition Disparate Disparity Dispute Disperse Disparage Display Dispatch Displacement Dispensation Disparaging Dispense Dispositive Dispose Dispel Disposed Disposal Dispersion Health Disposable Disparities Define
1. Dispensationalists often pride themselves on a consistent literal interpretation of scripture and one can easily see how this can cause issues when discussing matters between Dispensationalists and non-Dispensationalists
Dispensationalists, Discussing
2. Hyperdispensationalism, Mid-Acts Dispensationalism or Bullingerism (to which ultradispensationalism properly applies) is a Protestant conservative evangelical movement that values biblical inerrancy and a literal hermeneutic.Opponents of hyperdispensationalism are traditional Dispensationalists, like John Walvoord and Charles Ryrie, classic Acts 2 Pauline Dispensationalists, [clarification
Dispensationalism, Dispensationalists
3. Dispensationalists did not always agree on the number of dispensations, but they did agree on the concept
Dispensationalists, Did, Dispensations
4. Progressive Dispensationalists do not deny a literal 1,000-year kingdom that Christ will rule over
Dispensationalists, Do, Deny
5. Are We Hyper-Dispensationalists? by David M
Dispensationalists, David
6. While Dispensationalists are best known for their eschatology, their ecclesiology drives everything
Dispensationalists, Drives
7. There are three primary groups of Dispensationalists today: progressive, traditional, and ultra (hyper).
8. The Dispensationalists seemed to be twisting Scripture to fit dispensationalism, whereas the others were explaining Scripture
Dispensationalists, Dispensationalism
9. Dispensationalists hold to the verbal inspiration and infallibility of the Bible
10. Though the exact views of the eras of human history, or dispensations, may differ, Dispensationalists are consistent in insisting that throughout every age
Dispensations, Differ, Dispensationalists
11. Many Dispensationalists say, "No, this doesn't belong to us
Dispensationalists, Doesn
12. It is to be fulfilled in the kingdom." Because that passage incorporates the Lord's Prayer, many Dispensationalists refuse to pray the Lord's Prayer
13. Dispensationalists claim that their principle of hermeneutics is that of literal interpretation
14. In recent decades, many Dispensationalists have opted for a more “progressive” approach, wherein the number of ages is fewer and the lines of distinction are less defined
Decades, Dispensationalists, Distinction, Defined
15. However, either way, Dispensationalists
16. They are called Ultra Dispensationalists
17. Dispensationalists employ “a consistently literal principle of interpretation.” This principle “is at the heart of dispensational eschatology.” Dispensationalists assert that God’s purposes center in His glory, rather than in the “single purpose of salvation.” 4.
Dispensationalists, Dispensational
18. Dispensationalists differ as to the number and extent of these dispensations
Dispensationalists, Differ, Dispensations
19. Dispensationalists agree that Biblical faith is not fideism, faith without an object
20. Dispensationalists make many of the same errors that the Pharisees of Christ’s time made
21. Contrary to the Dispensationalists’ claim that their system is the result of a “plain interpretation” (Charles Ryrie) of Scripture, it is a relatively new innovation in Church history, having emerged only around 1830, and was wholly unknown to Christian scholars for …
22. Further, Dispensationalists believe that God will ultimately fulfill all the promises He has made to Israel during the Lord’s millennial reign
Dispensationalists, During
23. Five Dispensationalists Who Changed My Direction
Dispensationalists, Direction
24. Dispensationalists agree that 1 Cor 15:20-28 is a passage whose scope includes the whole millennial period, up to the consummation
25. Dispensationalists have told us to be “literal.” Doesn’t this mean not reading in things that have no warrant in the text?
Dispensationalists, Doesn
26. Dispensationalists believe that God has a distinctive plan for ethnic and national Israel that includes their spiritual restoration and conversion, as well as a specific geographic destiny
Dispensationalists, Distinctive, Destiny
27. Featured on the same platform together are Arminians, like Bill Bright and Luis Palau; Pentecostals, like Jack Hayford and Chuck Smith; Dispensationalists, like Charles Swindoll and …
28. Dispensationalists quibbled over the number and names of the dispensations, but most American Dispensationalists followed Scofield's seven-fold scheme: Innocency (before the Fall), Conscience
Dispensationalists, Dispensations
29. Dispensationalists rightly believe that God has a continuing role in His plan for Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Dispensationalists, Descendants
30. Dispensationalists teach the “pretribulation rapture of the church”
31. Dispensationalists are often accused of believing in two types of salvation, that Old Testament people were saved by the sacrificial system and New Testament people are saved by grace through faith
32. Ryrie summarizes the distinct nuances of what Dispensationalists believe about salvation in different dispensations nicely.
Distinct, Dispensationalists, Different, Dispensations
DISPENSATIONALISTS [dispensationalists]
The classic seven dispensations are Innocence, Conscience, Government, Promise, Law, Grace, and Millennial Kingdom. In each of these, there is a recognizable, six-fold pattern of how God worked with those living in the dispensation.
Generic dispensationalism divides the history of mankind into seven distinct dispensations: The dispensation of innocence, the dispensation of conscience, the dispensation of human government, the dispensation of promise, the dispensation of Law, the dispensation of grace, and the millennial kingdom of Christ.
DOCTRINE OF DISPENSATIONS. I. Definition: a dispensation is a period of human history expressed in terms of divine revelation (divine viewpoint of history). Dispensations are both a divine outline of history as well as a divine category of human history.
A. Mid Acts Dispensationalism is a twist on the “Different Gospel” idea that claims Peter taught a different path to salvation than Paul. Mid-Acts people go further, saying that Peter taught repentance to the Jews to prepare them for Israel’s Kingdom Age, while Paul taught being washed in the Blood to the Church.