Use Directively in a sentence

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See also: Directive Directivity Directiveness Dire Direct Direction Director Directly Directory Directorate Directed Directing

1. The conclusion has Directively meaning to APF exploitation and application.


2. Although they particularly concentrate on people's tendencies to construct and create their own "emotional" difficulties, RET and CBT group procedures fully acknowledge the interactions of human thoughts, feelings, and actions and active-Directively employ a variety of cognitive, emotive, and behavioral group therapy techniques.

Difficulties, Directively

3. Therapists attempt to influence their clients to consider making changes, rather than non-Directively


4. Therapists attempt to influence their clients to consider making changes, rather than non-Directively


5. Therapists attempt to influence their clients to consider making changes, rather than non-Directively


6. Allowing (non-Directively encouraging) the child to make choices creates a felling of permissiveness; To facilitate decision making by the child

Directively, Decision

7. Although they particularly concentrate on people's tendencies to construct and create their own “emotional” difficulties, RET and CBT group procedures fully acknowledge the interactions of human thoughts, feelings, and actions and active-Directively employ a variety of cognitive, emotive, and behavioral group therapy techniques.

Difficulties, Directively

8. What would be a good strategy to begin Directively exploring a client’s personal history? “Tell me about your personal history.” “Tell me about one of your earliest childhood memories.” “What do you remember about your first elementary school teacher?” “Say whatever comes to mind.” “What was the most significant thing you

Directively, Do

9. Strategic Techniques • Therapeutic change comes about through and interactional process that occurs when a therapist intervenes actively and Directively in a system


10. Indeed, it’s virtually a taboo in the person-centred field: the first thing you learn when you learn about practising non-Directively


11. Chapter 1 – “In Pursuit of the Primary Emotion” ? gives us insight into “William and Mary” as we witness Leanne working compassionately and Directively to deepen emotional experience with a quiet male withdrawer and anxious female pursuer.

Directively, Deepen

12. Therapists attempt to influence their clients to consider making changes, rather than non-Directively


13. MTR) or Directively target flight leads (inside of MTR)


14. It departs from traditional Rogerian client-centered therapy through this use of direction, in which therapists attempt to influence clients to consider making changes, rather than non-Directively explore themselves.

Departs, Direction, Directively

15. The most marked difference was evident for Down's syndrome: 94% of genetic nurses, 57% of geneticists, and 32% of obstetricians reported counselling non-Directively

Difference, Down, Directively

16. Directively and facilitatively tutored)


17. I work Directively and collaboratively to help them regain a greater sense of orientation within their own lives and discover the meanings behind their struggles

Directively, Discover

18. Regarding (b), matched to judgements of reasonableness, we describe levels of leadership distinguished according to how Directively practitioners act; ranging from prompting patients to question unreasonable propositions or consider new propositions, to directive leadership whereby practitioners recommend options or deny requested procedures.

Describe, Distinguished, Directively, Directive, Deny

19. ABSTRACT Social workers in mental health settings struggle to support the principle of autonomy while weighing the need to Directively intervene when there is a risk of harm or when clients are nonadherent to treatment


20. Directively and facilitatively tutored)


21. When I say “Shut the door,” or write “Read the textbook,” or memo myself, “Don’t rely so heavily on the passive voice,” I am using language Directively

Door, Don, Directively

22. When your father says to you, “I am really sick of coming home to such a mess!” the best description of this sentence is: A) an exclamatory sentence used Directively, B) an exclamatory sentence used expressively, C) a declarative sentence used Directively, D) an imperative sentence used Directively.

Description, Directively, Declarative

23. Remember that IRL altitude and crossing restrictions are based on a number of different factors (other airways, flight paths, ground issues, etc.), and have controllers who will or may Directively get us down or slower sooner than published.

Different, Directively, Down


DIRECTIVELY [dəˈrektiv]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Directive mean?

Definition of directive (Entry 2 of 2) : something that serves to direct, guide, and usually impel toward an action or goal especially, government : an authoritative order or instrument issued by a high-level body or official a presidential directive.

What does establishing Directive mean?

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: establishing directive. An order issued to specify the purpose of the support relationship.

What does a primary directive mean?

prime directive (Noun) An order or mission which presents the overriding control over a course of action. Freebase (5.00 / 2 votes)Rate this definition:

What does initiating Directive mean?

initiating directive An order to a subordinate commander to conduct military operations as directed. It is issued by the unified commander, subunified commander, Service component commander, or joint force commander delegated overall responsibility for the operation. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.

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