See also: Diminishingly Diminish Diminutive Diminished Diminution Diminishing Diminuendo Diminishment Dimitir Dimming Dimissory
1. Diminishingly definition is - in a diminishing manner : decreasingly
Diminishingly, Definition, Diminishing, Decreasingly
2. How to use Diminishingly in a sentence.
3. Most of these are Diminishingly shallow in terms of the depth and seriousness of the relationship, but they can be misconstrued
Diminishingly, Depth
4. Can't we be friends? The catastrophe of infanticide is Diminishingly rare, but almost always associated with untreated postpartum depression or psychosis
Diminishingly, Depression
5. Diminishingly meaning In a diminishing manner; becoming progressively smaller.
Diminishingly, Diminishing
6. Definition of Diminishingly in the dictionary
Definition, Diminishingly, Definitions, Dictionary
7. What does Diminishingly mean? Information and translations of Diminishingly in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Does, Diminishingly, Dictionary, Definitions
8. Over the longer term, a Diminishingly competitive league will only drive fans and television viewers, dismayed at its repetitiveness, towards other sports or leagues
Diminishingly, Drive, Dismayed
9. Diminishingly (comparative more Diminishingly, superlative most Diminishingly) In a diminishing manner; becoming progressively smaller.
Diminishingly, Diminishing
10. Synonyms for Diminishingly include decreasingly, ever less, less and less, to a lesser, at a declining rate, fallingly, loweringly, deterioratingly, vanishingly and …
Diminishingly, Decreasingly, Declining, Deterioratingly
11. What does it mean by "evasion stacks Diminishingly with other sources of evasion" regarding talisman of evasion.i dont get it
Does, Diminishingly, Dont
12. Antonyms for Diminishingly include increasingly, ever more, more and more, to a greater extent, growingly, mountingly, flourishingly, boomingly, burgeoningly and crescively
13. Diminishingly How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? di-min-ish-ing-ly
Diminishingly, Divided, Di
14. Search Diminishingly and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso
Diminishingly, Definition, Dictionary
15. You can complete the definition of Diminishingly given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
Definition, Diminishingly, Dictionary, Dictionaries
16. Define Diminishingly by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.
Define, Diminishingly, Dictionary, Database, Dream
17. Looking for phrases related to the word Diminishingly? Find a list of matching phrases on! The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource.
18. Late Victorian, solidly brick built, it rose through three floors of Diminishingly elaborate casement windows, the uppermost arched attractively and poking out from a fine mansard roof.
19. The precision of the subjunctive -- which literate people bother with less and less, the simple past tense increasingly and Diminishingly employed in its place -- is never arbitrary, and its
20. One behavior of the SPRT detection system should be noted: after the initial detection, the SPRT redetects the drift with a Diminishingly smaller required number of samples
Detection, Drift, Diminishingly
21. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Diminishingly' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch
Die, Diminishingly, Deutsch
22. These are Diminishingly rare in the general population
23. Get Your Custom Essay on I looked down at the water as it Diminishingly sloshed around in Just from $13,9/Page
Down, Diminishingly
24. Seems like a Diminishingly small number of vehicles
25. Heal, health regeneration, lifesteal, and spell lifesteal amplifications stack Diminishingly, so do reductions
Diminishingly, Do
26. Diminishingly synonyms and Diminishingly antonyms
27. Top synonym for Diminishingly (another word for Diminishingly) is reducedly.
28. The health regen amplification stacks Diminishingly with other sources of health regen amplification
29. The lifesteal amplification stacks Diminishingly with other
30. We've got 178 anagrams for Diminishingly » Any good anagrams for Diminishingly? This page list all the various possible anagrams for the word Diminishingly.Use it for solving word puzzles, scrambles and for writing poetry, lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
31. By eliminating the need for a formal education in programming or robotics, such interfaces and capabilities make the skills gap and learning curve for using cobots Diminishingly small
32. Famously supported by studies showing that people are Diminishingly sensitive to prices
33. Heal Amplification now stacks Diminishingly rather than additively Spell Lifesteal Amplification now stacks Diminishingly rather than additively Items
34. Diminishingly is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Diminishingly meaning, Diminishingly word synonyms, and its similar words
Diminishingly, Described, Details
35. Diminishingly meaning in Urdu is تخفیف کے انداز میں and Diminishingly word meaning in …
36. But nevertheless, under his watch the Left disappeared up its own fundament, replacing Obama’s sober ecumenicalism with a series of Diminishingly original comedians on …
Disappeared, Diminishingly
37. Intuitively, when things converge you're kind of, each successive term tends to get Diminishingly small or maybe it cancels out in some type of an interesting way
38. Notes: Reattention turf moldboards talonic favillae Diminishingly
39. Together, our experiments support a model in which the transition from sedentary to light activity is associated with an increase in daily energy expenditure, but further increases in physical activity produce Diminishingly small increments in daily energy expenditure.
Daily, Diminishingly
40. Another word for decreasingly: less and less, ever less, Diminishingly, at a declining rate, to a lesser or smaller Collins English Thesaurus
Decreasingly, Diminishingly, Declining
41. In 7.27, many things were changed to stack Diminishingly rather than additively
42. For example "Heal Amplification now stacks Diminishingly rather than additively"
43. If, disabled candidates become Diminishingly less visible in the jobs market, that muscle memory can be quickly lost and the disability inclusion cause set back a significant number of years.
Disabled, Diminishingly, Disability
44. First, the loud, “not in my backyard” activists who often dominate housing policy discussions are not representative of the state as a whole, but rather, a Diminishingly small group of politically active but self-interested residents.
Dominate, Discussions, Diminishingly
45. Evasion stacks Diminishingly with itself and other miss chance abilities.
46. Together, our experiments support a model in which the transition from sedentary to light activity is associated with an increase in daily energy expenditure, but further increases in physical activity produce Diminishingly small increments in daily energy expenditure.[2]
Daily, Diminishingly
Definition of diminishingly. : in a diminishing manner : decreasingly the rain continued, but diminishingly, all that night. You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary.
English Language Learners Definition of diminish : to become or to cause (something) to become less in size, importance, etc. : to lessen the authority or reputation of (someone or something) : to describe (something) as having little value or importance
1 : to make less or cause to appear less diminish an army's strength His role in the company was diminished.