Use Diktat in a sentence

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See also: Diktat Dictatorship Dictate Dictatorial Dictation Dictated Dictating Dictative Dictator Diction Dictionary Dictum

1. In Diktat you might recognize the English word dictate. Both words derive from Latin dictare ("to assert" or "to dictate"), a form of dicere ("to say"). Diktat passed through German where it meant "something …

Diktat, Dictate, Derive, Dictare, Dicere

2. Any decree or authoritative statement: The Board of Education issued a Diktat that all …

Decree, Diktat

3. Any decree or authoritative statement: The Board of Education issued a Diktat that all employees must report an hour earlier

Decree, Diktat

4. The Crossword Solver found 4 answers to the Diktat crossword clue


5. Diktat menjadi salah satu sumber ajar bagi pendidik di kelas

Diktat, Di

6. Tapi apakah kalian sudah mengetahui fungsi dan pengertian Diktat dengan jelas? Jika belum, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menjelaskan secara rinci mulai dari fungsi, manfaat, hingga cara pembuatannya.

Dan, Diktat, Dengan, Dari

7. Immer wieder erlebe ich, dass Schüler bei Diktatprüfungen verzweifelt aufgeben und das in erster Linie nicht, weil sie die Rechtschreibungsregeln nicht geübt haben, sondern weil sie beim Schreiben nach Diktat einfach nicht mitkommen.

Dass, Diktatpr, Das, Die, Diktat

8. / ˈdɪk.tæt / an order that must be obeyed, or the act of giving such an order: The coach issued a Diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice


9. The occupying force ruled by Diktat.


10. Pengertian Diktat menurut Purwadarminta (KBBI) Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Diktat adalah pegangan yang dibuat guru berupa ketikan maupun stesilan

Diktat, Dibuat

11. Pengertian lain menurut Totok Djuroto Diktat adalah buku pelajaran yang termasuk kelompok karangan ilmiah hanya saja dibuatnya bukan berdasarkan penelitan, tetapi materi pelajaran dan suatu ilmu.

Djuroto, Diktat, Dibuatnya, Dan

12. Borrowed from German Diktat, from Latin dictātum, supine of dictō (“dictate”)

Diktat, Dict, Dictate

13. Diktat In the dictionary, a Diktat is defined as an order that is harsh and unilaterally imposed on a people without their permission. It is usually used with the connotation of being issued to a defeated country or people

Diktat, Dictionary, Defined, Defeated

14. Diktat was the title of the head of state of Corellia.


15. The definition of a Diktat is a strict order

Definition, Diktat

16. An example of Diktat is the Treaty of Versailles.


17. The Versailles Diktat Hammering out the treaty Learn about the history of the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the German's resentment for the treaty paving the way …


18. ‘The reason behind the Government Diktat was a perceived conflict of interest in an institute preparing elite athletes and researching performance-enhancing drugs at the same time.’ ‘The arm's length principle, which ensures that funding is allocated, not at the Diktat of government, but on the advice of experts, would thereby be

Diktat, Drugs

19. The characterization of the Versailles Treaty as a "dictated peace," a Diktat in the German usage, became the object of bitter debate in 1919 and, with crescendos and diminuendos, ever since

Dictated, Diktat, Debate, Diminuendos

20. Definisi/arti kata 'Diktat' di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah n 1 catatan pelajaran yang dibuat oleh siswa pada waktu mengikuti pelajaran; 2 buku pe

Definisi, Diktat, Di, Dibuat

21. Diktat (foaled 25 February 1995) is a British Thoroughbred racehorse and sire


22. Die Wölfe erlauben meine Kommentierung ihres Diktat.: The wolves are allowing my comments on their dictation.: Babytragen werden nach dem Diktat der aktuellsten Trends entworfen und genäht.: Babycarriers are designed and sewn according to the dictation of the most up-to-date trends.: Dem ihm aufgezwungenen Diktat haben sich fast alle seine Mitglieder gebeugt.

Die, Diktat, Dictation, Dem, Der, Designed, Date

23. You use Diktat to refer to something such as a law or government which people have to obey even if they do not agree with it, especially one which seems unfair.

Diktat, Do

24. Comme si le Diktat du jour consistait à divertir à tout prix, tellement cela rapporte gros, et à penser le moins possible

Diktat, Du, Divertir

25. 8 synonyms of Diktats from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 18 related words, definitions, and antonyms

Diktats, Definitions

26. Definition of Diktat in the dictionary

Definition, Diktat, Definitions, Dictionary

27. What does Diktat mean? Information and translations of Diktat in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …

Does, Diktat, Dictionary, Definitions

28. Definition of Diktat noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Definition, Diktat, Dictionary

29. Shop designer items by Diktat online

Designer, Diktat

30. Un Diktat unilatéral et le fait d'imposer ses propres modèles aux autres produisent le résultat inverse


31. A unilateral Diktat and imposing one's own models produces the opposite result


32. Des commerçantes ont manifesté pour protester contre ce Diktat.

Des, Diktat

33. Jeg tenker å kjøre Diktat i full klasse


34. En del av elevene har full kontroll på dette, men Diktaten er likevel en fin lytteøvelse for alle elevene

Del, Dette, Diktaten

35. Tips: For å spare tid kan elevene rette seg selv på denne Diktaten :-) Trykk på PILA til høyre for å få lastet ned dokumentene :-)

Denne, Diktaten, Dokumentene

36. Diktat Meaning: "dictated peace," a severe settlement imposed on a defeated nation by a victorious one," 1933, from… See definitions of Diktat.

Diktat, Dictated, Defeated, Definitions

37. Mit diesem einfachen Diktat kannst du dein Hörverständnis in Deutsch üben

Diesem, Diktat, Du, Dein, Deutsch

38. Das Diktat ist etwas länger, wenn du nicht den ganzen Text schreiben willst, kannst d

Das, Diktat, Du, Den

39. Definition and synonyms of Diktat from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.

Definition, Diktat, Dictionary

40. This is the British English definition of Diktat.View American English definition of Diktat.

Definition, Diktat

41. From German Diktat (command, order, dictation), from Latin dictatum (something dictated), from dictare (to dictate), frequentative of dicere (to say)

Diktat, Dictation, Dictatum, Dictated, Dictare, Dictate, Dicere

42. The characterization of the Versailles Treaty as a “dictated peace,” a Diktat in the German usage, became the object of bitter debate in 1919 and, with crescendos and diminuendos, ever since

Dictated, Diktat, Debate, Diminuendos

43. Um das Diktat effektiv zu verwenden, sollten Sie über einen Tablettstift zum Korrigieren und Formatieren verfügen

Das, Diktat

44. Sie können über die Spracherkennung Text per Diktat in …

Die, Diktat

45. A wide selection of Diktat Men's Clothing from the best brands on YOOX


46. The ABA's 'Diversity' Diktat By Gail Heriot

Diversity, Diktat


DIKTAT [dikˈtät]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Diktat mean?

Definition of diktat 1 : a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed (as on a defeated nation) 2 : decree, order Synonyms Did You Know?

How to use Diktat in a sentence?

Example Sentences Learn More about diktat Did You Know? In diktat you might recognize the English word dictate. Both words derive from Latin dictare ("to assert" or "to dictate"), a form of dicere ("to say"). Diktat passed through German where it meant "something dictated."

Is Hansard a diktat?

Faced with the diktat imposed on it, nearly all its members have bowed. It is a programme and is not designed to be a diktat . Managing people by threat or diktat does not produce efficient or profitable business. Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0 死命令, 勒令… 死命令, 勒令…

What does dikt mean?

/ dɪkˈtɑt /.

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