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See also: Detected Detective Detection Detector Lowest Determine Determined Deterrent Determination Detest Detect Detente Deteriorate Deterrence Determinism Deterioration Detestable Determinant Deterministic Deterred Detergent Social Border

1. Detected synonyms, Detected pronunciation, Detected translation, English dictionary definition of Detected

Detected, Dictionary, Definition

2. To discern : Detected a note of sarcasm in the

Discern, Detected

3. Find 46 ways to say Detected, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


4. 10 synonyms and near synonyms of Detected from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 10 antonyms and near antonyms


5. Find another word for Detected.


6. Meaning, if you are tested for the coronavirus and get either a ‘positive’ or a result saying 'Detected' you are infected with the virus and should be quarantined whether you have symptoms or not.


7. It has since been Detected in many countries around the world


8. This variant was first Detected in the US at the end of December 2020

Detected, December

9. Originally Detected in early October 2020, B.1.351 shares some mutations with B.1.1.7.


10. Detected X is a powerful, personalised, on-line radiology training and research tool that is available world-wide and has been successfully tested in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Middle East, US …


11. Get it working How to fix second monitor not Detected on Windows 10 If Windows 10 cannot detect a second monitor, use these tips to troubleshoot and resolve the most common problems.

Detected, Detect

12. Perceived (Detected by means of the senses) perceived; sensed (Detected by instinct or inference rather than by recognized perceptual cues) heard (Detected or perceived by the sense of hearing) Antonym: unDetected (not perceived or discerned) Sense 2

Detected, Discerned

13. Context example: he winced at the Detected flicker of irony


14. 2 days ago · The USGS Detected a 2.0 earthquake near Altamont on Saturday

Days, Detected

15. The strain was Detected by scientists at Mount Sinai hospital in New York City and verified by the Department of Health's Wadsworth Center Laboratories

Detected, Department

16. Detected file download from a known malicious source: Analysis of host data has Detected the download of a file from a known malware source on %{Compromised Host}.-Medium: Detected persistence attempt [seen multiple times] Analysis of host data on %{Compromised Host} has Detected installation of a startup script for single-user mode.

Detected, Download, Data

17. Microsoft edge virus Detected Microsoft edge won't download files and keeps saying every file has a virus

Detected, Download

18. (CNN)Two coronavirus strains first Detected in California are now officially "variants of concern," according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Detected, Disease

19. TPM device is not Detected Jump to solution Not that this is an option for everyone but luckily the laptop was still under warranty and a motherboard swap did the trick for me.

Device, Detected, Did

20. SALT LAKE CITY — One case of the Brazilian COVID-19 variant has been Detected in …


21. The alias template Detected_or is an alias for an unspecified class type with two public member typedefs value_t and type, which are defined as follows:

Detected, Defined

22. If the drive is still not Detected, close Device Manager, reseat the drive cables if necessary, and skip to Reset the computer power to reset power

Drive, Detected, Device

23. SARS-CoV-2 RNA has also been Detected in other sample types, but there is limited understanding of the clinical or laboratory significance of its detection in blood

Detected, Detection

24. Headphones, I should note, ARE Detected correctly


25. With the Realtek driver, not even headphones were being Detected

Driver, Detected

26. With the Windows driver, headphones are Detected

Driver, Detected

27. Moisture has been Detected in your charger/USB port


28. On newer Samsung phones such as Galaxy S10, Note 10, and Galaxy S20, you’ll also find some tips to fix the ‘Moisture has been Detected‘ issue


29. It was Detected by Fulgent Genetics in a positive test sample collected March 2, according to a county news release


30. This article applies to TeamViewer users without a license who have been suspected or Detected for commercial use


31. General We want to address the feedback about users being suspected or Detected for commercial use


32. If your second monitor is Detected but not displaying, sometimes it’s just a setting messing things up

Detected, Displaying

33. Antonyms for Detected include non-Detected, unDetected, abandoned, desecrated, forgotten, unnoticed, unperceived, unseen, hid and hidden

Detected, Desecrated

34. 1 day ago · Others Detected in the samples, such as phthalates, have previously been found in humans before and have been linked to adverse health effects, such …

Day, Detected

35. Purpose: We identified histological differences between prostate cancer foci that are Detected and missed using multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging

Differences, Detected

36. The case where the hard disk is not Detected is a hardware issue and requires you to have an understanding of BIOS

Disk, Detected

37. While using Windows 10, accessibility of BIOS might seem difficult and for that very reason, I have attached the steps that one can follow to reach the BIOS when the hard disk is not Detected.

Difficult, Disk, Detected

38. Resolving "Battery Not Detected" Problems


39. We've got 51 rhyming words for Detected » What rhymes with Detected? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Detected.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.


40. Former intelligence chief: 'Quite a few more' UFOs Detected than public knows


41. Describes an issue in which the Hosts file is Detected as adware, spyware, or other malware in Windows Defender

Describes, Detected, Defender

42. The South Africa variant, known as B.1.351, was first Detected in the U.S


43. The ZEUS VIRUS Detected PopUp is a web browser tech support scam shown by remote tech support companies that try to scare visitors into thinking that they are infected with the …


44. HP Reverb G2 not Detected (At all) on motherboard or USB insert card (ASMedia ASM1042) ‎12-07-2020 07:55 AM - last edited on ‎12-12-2020 01:09 PM by MarcusC HP Recommended



DETECTED [dəˈtekt]

  • › What does detected mean
  • › Is detected a verb

Frequently Asked Questions

What does detected means?

tr.v. de·tect·ed, de·tect·ing, de·tects. 1. To discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of. 2. To discern (something hidden or subtle): detected a note of sarcasm in the remark. 3. To learn something hidden and often improper about: detected the manager in a lie.

What is the meaning of detect?

Detect(adj) detected. Detect(verb) to uncover; to discover; to find out; to bring to light; as, to detect a crime or a criminal; to detect a mistake in an account.

What is the definition of detection?

Definition of detection 1 : the act of detecting : the state or fact of being detected 2 : the process of demodulating

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