See also: Deliberative Deliberations Deliberate Deliberation Delineate Delirious Delinquent Delirium Delight Delightful Deliver Delineation Delicate Deliberately Delighted Delivery Delicious Deliverance Deliverables Delinquency Are Refrigerator Define Gluten
1. Deliberative (plural Deliberatives) A discourse in which a question is discussed, or weighed and examined. quotations ▼ A kind of rhetoric employed in proving a thing and convincing others of its truth, in order to persuade them to adopt it.
Deliberative, Deliberatives, Discourse, Discussed
2. [ { Deliberatives DEMOKRATIEMODELL NACH GUTTMAN/THOMPSON (GERMAN) } ] by Jurca, Anna Milena (AUTHOR) Oct-12-2013 [ Paperback ] [Jurca, Anna Milena] on
Deliberatives, Demokratiemodell
3. [ { Deliberatives DEMOKRATIEMODELL NACH GUTTMAN/THOMPSON (GERMAN) } ] by Jurca, Anna Milena (AUTHOR) Oct-12-2013 [ Paperback ]
Deliberatives, Demokratiemodell
4. Deliberatives By John Toole [email protected]; Feb 5, 2014 Feb 5, 2014; Some New Hampshire officials are still deliberating whether to hold deliberative
Deliberatives, Deliberating, Deliberative
5. CHAPTER IV.: of the subject of Deliberatives; and the abilities that are required of him that will deliberate of business of state
Deliberatives, Deliberate
6. CHAPTER V.: of the ends which the orator in Deliberatives propoundeth, whereby to exhort or dehort
Deliberatives, Dehort
7. Les normes del 12è Congrés donaven un termini per recollir avals entre el 9 de desembre del 2020 i el 27 de febrer de 2021 perquè el candidat presentés el seu programa en assemblees i trobades Deliberatives.
Del, , De, Desembre, Deliberatives
8. Participa a les trobades Deliberatives! entre el 16 i el 19 de febrer » CCOO signa un preacord a Girbau que redueix significativament les persones afectades per acomiadament
Deliberatives, De
9. There can be little confidence in a security under the constant revisal of thirteen different Deliberatives
Different, Deliberatives
10. Encarem el 1r nivell del procés congressual amb la celebració de trobades Deliberatives al nostre territori on les afiliades i afiliats a CCOO tindran l’oportunitat de debatre els documents congressuals del 12è Congr&eac
Del, De, Deliberatives, Debatre, Documents
11. Hale's satisfactory paper on "Extended" and "Remote" Deliberatives in Greek, in the Transactions of the American Philological Association, xxiv
12. It was dictated by a principle which bitter experience then taught us, and which in peace or war will always be found true—that adequate supplies to the federal treasury, can never flow from any system which requires the intervention of thirteen Deliberatives between the call and the execution
Dictated, Deliberatives
13. Jouez avec le mot Deliberatives, 3 définitions, 0 anagramme, 0 préfixe, 0 suffixe, 18 sous-mots, 0 cousin, 1 lipogramme, 0 anagramme+une Le mot Deliberatives vaut 19 points au scrabble.
14. Seminaris d’experts, sessions Deliberatives per eixos i plataforma de participació en línia)
Deliberatives, De
DELIBERATIVES [dəˈlibərādiv, dəˈlib(ə)rədiv]
deliberative(Noun) A kind of rhetoric employed in proving a thing and convincing others of its truth, in order to persuade them to adopt it. deliberative(Adjective) That deliberates.
Deliberately is defined as done on purpose. An example of deliberately used as an adverb is in the sentence, "He deliberately disobeyed me," which means that he disobeyed me on purpose. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "Deliberately.".
6 Deliberative antonyms - Opposite of Deliberative. thoughtless. hot-headed. instinctive. casual. adj. haphazard. extremist.
This reference page can help answer the question what are some adjectives commonly used for describing DELIBERATION. anxious, brief, calm, careful, cautious, certain, cold, collective, common, conscious, considerable, cool. deep, democratic, due, earnest, equal, ethical, extreme, free, full, further, good, grave.