See also: Dehiscence Discern Dehisced Discernible Dehiscent Dehiscencia
1. From Modern Latin dehiscentia (in Linnaeus), from Latin dehiscentem, present participle of Dehiscere.
Dehiscentia, Dehiscentem, Dehiscere
2. dehiscence (n.) "a gaping," in botany, "the discharge of seeds or pollen," 1828, from Modern Latin dehiscentia, from dehiscentem (nominative dehiscens), present participle of Dehiscere "to gape, open, split down" (of the earth, etc.), from de- (see de-) + hiscere, inchoative of hiare "to yawn" (see yawn (v.)).
Dehiscence, Discharge, Dehiscentia, Dehiscentem, Dehiscens, Dehiscere, Down, De
3. Dehīscere dehīscō, dehīscere (3.) In English: to leave a gap In German: aufklaffen, aufplatzen In French: s’ouvrir, se fendre See also: Dehiscere
Deh, Dehiscere
4. 1828, from Modern Latin dehiscentia, from dehiscentem (nominative dehiscens), present participle of Dehiscere “to gape, open, split down” (of the earth, etc.), from de- (see de-) + hiscere, inchoative of hiare “to yawn” (see yawn (v.)).
Dehiscentia, Dehiscentem, Dehiscens, Dehiscere, Down, De
5. N (L Dehiscere, to gape) opening and shedding contents; said of stamens and fruits The opening of an anther, fruit, or other structure to permit the escape of reproductive bodies (biology) release of material by splitting open of an organ or tissue; the natural bursting open at maturity of a fruit or other reproductive body to release seeds or
6. Dehiscens is the present participle of Dehiscere, "to open up"
Dehiscens, Dehiscere
7. The term "dehiscence," from the verb, "Dehiscere," to gape, is graphic and descriptive
Dehiscence, Dehiscere, Descriptive
8. Mid 17th century from Latin Dehiscere, from de- ‘away’ + hiscere ‘begin to gape’ (from hiare ‘gape’).
Dehiscere, De
9. The term "dehiscence," from the verb, "Dehiscere," to gape, is graphic and descriptive
Dehiscence, Dehiscere, Descriptive
10. Dehiscens is the present participle of Dehiscere, "to open up".
Dehiscens, Dehiscere
11. The term dehisce comes from Latin Dehiscere (to split open), from hiscere (to gape, yawn), from Latin hiare (to yawn)
Dehisce, Dehiscere
12. Word History: This word comes from the Latin verb Dehiscere "to gape open" comprising de "from, out" + hiscere "to gape, yawn"
Dehiscere, De
13. From the Latin Dehiscere (to split open), from hiscere (to gape, yawn), from the Latin hiare (to yawn).
14. A media coelum regione Dehiscere coepit: Summisere oculos cum duce turba suos
Dehiscere, Duce
15. Latin de = away, hiscere = to gape, hence, a separation, a splitting away n (L Dehiscere, to gape) opening and shedding contents; said of stamens and fruits The opening of an anther, fruit, or other structure to permit the escape of reproductive bodies
De, Dehiscere
16. Latinsky Dehiscere rozvírat se Dehiscence může být také omylem zapsáno jako: dehyscence Komentáře
Dehiscere, Dehiscence, Dehyscence
17. The term indehiscent comes from Latin Dehiscere (to split open), from hiscere (to gape, yawn), from Latin hiare (to yawn)
18. Etymology: from Latin Dehiscere, "to split open", and from hiscere, "to gape, to yawn"; from Latin hiare, "to yawn"
19. It finds its origins in Mid 17th century: from Latin Dehiscere, from de- …
Dehiscere, De
20. A media coelum regione Dehiscere coepit: Summisere oculos cum duce turba suos
Dehiscere, Duce
21. Mirantes Dehiscere aliquando aut intremescere illam ("Tentiamo di raggiungere tutte le fibre intime della terra … meravigliandoci che talvolta essa si spalanchi e si metta a tremare”) Plinio il Vecchio, Naturalis Historia, XXXIII, 1
Dehiscere, Di, Della
22. These two types of fruits nicely illustrate the difference between what the botanists call indehiscent and dehiscent fruits (from the Latin Dehiscere, to split open)
Difference, Dehiscent, Dehiscere
23. Well, it does come from Latin Dehiscere, and the ere is the infinitive ending, which we don’t need in English
Does, Dehiscere, Don
24. 发音指南:学习如何用母语拉丁语中的“Dehiscere”发音,“Dehiscere”英文翻译和音频发音
25. Simul et oppidi turris quae maximum propugnaculum fuerat, subrutis fundamentis, Dehiscere ingentibus rimis et tum conflagrare immisso facium 1 igni coepit; incendiique simul et ruinae metu territi Contrebienses de muro trepidi refugerunt; et ut legati mitterentur ad dedendam urbem ab universa multitudine conclamatum est
Dehiscere, De, Dedendam
DEHISCERE [dəˈhisns]