Use Deferred in a sentence

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1. Deferred definition is - withheld for or until a stated time

Deferred, Definition

2. How to use Deferred in a sentence.


3. Suspended or withheld for or until a certain time or event: a Deferred payment; Deferred taxes


4. Withheld over a certain period; postponed: a Deferred payment


5. Wells Fargo’s February settlement with the Justice Department includes a Deferred prosecution agreement that’s contingent on the bank “continuing to cooperate with further government investigations.” THE BIGGEST BUSINESS SCANDALS OF 2020 LEE CLIFFORD DECEMBER 27, 2020 FORTUNE

Department, Deferred, December

6. Deferred We have now demonstrated that prenatal inflammation suffices to induce Deferred glutamatergic synaptic dysfunction in adult

Deferred, Demonstrated, Dysfunction

7. From the Cambridge English Corpus The input signature consists of Deferred


8. Type: Function (Deferred Deferred) A function that is called just before the constructor returns


9. The jQuery.Deferred () factory creates a new Deferred object.


10. If you are a former Federal employee who was covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), you may be eligible for a Deferred annuity at age 62 or the Minimum Retirement Age (MRA)


11. What does Deferred mean? The definition of Deferred is put off or delayed

Does, Deferred, Definition, Delayed

12. (adjective) An example of Deferred is a project that has been put on t


13. The Deferred income annuity rider can simplify your clients' retirement income planning strategies in several important ways, not the least of which involves the ability to gain the benefits of both variable and Deferred income annuities within one single annuity package.


14. Tax-Deferred status refers to investment earnings—such as interest, dividends, or capital gains—that accumulate tax-free until the investor takes constructive receipt of the profits

Deferred, Dividends

15. The Deferred.promise () method allows an asynchronous function to prevent other code from interfering with the progress or status of its internal request.


16. A Deferred annuity is an insurance contract that generates income for retirement


17. Deferred - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

Deferred, Dictionary, Discussion

18. Items on a company's balance sheet that may be used to reduce taxable income in the future are called Deferred tax assets


19. (Accounting: Financial statements) Deferred expenses are paid for before they are used, and Deferred income is received before it has been earned


20. A Deferred annuity provides an income at …


21. Deferred annuity: verzögerte Rente {f} econ


22. Deferred asset: Anspruch {m} Deferred bonds: nichtbevorrechtigte Obligationen {pl} fin


23. Deferred bonds: Obligationen {pl} mit verzögerter Verzinsung: Deferred charges: verzögerte Gebühren {pl} insur


24. Deferred compensation: Entgeltumwandlung {f} Deferred compensation: Deferred Compensation {f


25. Deferred revenue (or Deferred income) is a liability, such as cash received from a counterpart for goods or services that are to be delivered in a later accounting period

Deferred, Delivered

26. When such income item is earned, the related revenue item is recognized, and the Deferred revenue is reduced.


27. A Deferred diagnosis was made when a child had FAS characteristics, but the clinicians requested either more information about CNS functions from neuropsychologic testing or evidence of maternal alcohol exposure to confirm an FAS diagnosis.

Deferred, Diagnosis

28. Deferred compensation plans come in two types — qualified and non-qualified


29. There are two types of Deferred tax as discussed below – Deferred tax asset; When an inconsistency between the income statement of an organisation and its corresponding tax statement provides that the company pays its tax liability for another period in advance or is able to reduce its tax liability for a subsequent period in a particular, fiscal year, then that is

Deferred, Discussed

30. The Columbia Business School Deferred Enrollment Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to gain a few years of work experience with a guarantee of admission to Columbia's highly selective MBA program, and the flexibility to begin the full-time program two to …


31. Requested a Deferred payment Synonyms: delayed, postponed Yielded to someone else's decision or judgment

Deferred, Delayed, Decision

32. The decision was Deferred to the regional manager (accounting) Whose value is not realized until a future date: e.g

Decision, Deferred, Date

33. Deferred annuities can come with all sorts of features (at a cost) that provide specific types of death benefits and/or future income guarantees

Deferred, Death

34. Here is an overview of four main types of Deferred annuities: fixed, variable, equity-indexed, and longevity.


35. In a Deferred annuity, savers contribute money either in one lump sum or over time, and then defer their income stream until later — potentially decades later — depending on how far away they

Deferred, Defer, Decades, Depending

36. Dojo/Deferred is a class that is used as the foundation for managing asynchronous threads in Dojo

Dojo, Deferred

37. Deferred compensation refers to the part of one’s contribution that is withheld and paid at a future date

Deferred, Date

38. Deferred compensation can be broadly classified into Qualified Deferred Compensation and Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation


39. Since the compensation is paid at a later date, the amount Deferred for payment is not included while computing

Date, Deferred

40. See 3 authoritative translations of Deferred in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.


41. Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) On January 20, 2021, President Biden issued a memorandum directing the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, to take appropriate action to preserve and fortify DACA, consistent with applicable law.

Deferred, Daca, Directing

42. A Deferred liability is listed on a balance sheet as a liability until the good or service is delivered

Deferred, Delivered

43. A Deferred asset is an expenditure that is made in advance and has not yet been consumed


44. Deferred Income Tax On a balance sheet, a tax that a company will owe on its income, but that has not yet been assessed


45. Deferred Tax Liability – Depreciation is the most common example of Deferred Tax Liability

Deferred, Depreciation

46. The South Carolina Deferred Compensation Program (Deferred Comp) offers a unique opportunity for you to save for your future


47. Deferred Comp is available to most members covered by the South Carolina Retirement Systems, and Empower Retirement administers the program


48. The issue is to remove the current income and hold it as Deferred income


49. Credit Deferred income, customer name


50. Credit Deferred income, customer name


51. Deferred income is a liability account


52. Nonqualified Deferred compensation - Deferred compensation: Last post 13 Nov 09, 10:30: Def: nonqualified Deferred compensation - Compensation that has been earned by an employee, … 2 Replies: active-Deferred member / Deferred member: Last post 05 Jul 19, 12:02: As part of this closure, the majority of the staff were made redundantThe Group

Deferred, Def

53. The Deferred Compensation Plan is a supplemental retirement plan option in addition to your County retirement plan


54. Deferred lighting (also known as Light Pre-Pass) is a modification of the Deferred Shading


55. This technique uses three passes, instead of two in Deferred shading


56. The screen-space, “Deferred” pass then outputs only



DEFERRED [dəˈfər]


  • put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.
  • postpone the conscription of (someone).
Synonyms: postpone . put off . adjourn . delay . put back . carry over . shelve . suspend . stay . prorogue . pigeonhole . mothball . put over . table . continue . remit . respite .


  • submit humbly to (a person or a person's wishes or qualities).
Synonyms: yield . submit . give way . give in . surrender . accede . bow . capitulate . acquiesce . knuckle under . respect . honor . truckle . disobey .