See also: Decolorize Decorum Decompressor Decomposition Decode Decomposer Decorous Decorate Decoy Decompression Decoration Decommission Decolonization
1. Decolourise - remove color from; "The sun bleached the red shirt" bleach , bleach out , decolor , decolorise , decolorize , decolour , decolourize , discolorise , discolorize , discolourise discolor - cause to lose or change color; "The detergent discolored my shirts"
Decolourise, Decolor, Decolorise, Decolorize, Decolour, Decolourize, Discolorise, Discolorize, Discolourise, Discolor, Detergent, Discolored
2. Decolourise: 1 v remove color from Synonyms: bleach , bleach out , decolor , decolorise , decolorize , decolour , decolourize , discolorise , discolorize
Decolourise, Decolor, Decolorise, Decolorize, Decolour, Decolourize, Discolorise, Discolorize
3. Decolorized or British decourized also Decolourised; decolorizing or British decolourizing also decolourising Medical Definition of decolorize : to remove color from decolorize vinegar by …
Decolorized, Decourized, Decolourised, Decolorizing, Decolourizing, Decolourising, Definition, Decolorize
4. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Decolourise
5. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: bleach, bleach out, decolor, decolour, decolorize, decolourize, decolorise, Decolourise, discolorize, discolourise, discolorise (verb)
Definition, Decolor, Decolour, Decolorize, Decolourize, Decolorise, Decolourise, Discolorize, Discolourise, Discolorise
6. What does Decolourise mean? Alternative spelling of decolourize
Does, Decolourise, Decolourize
7. Time taken for methylene blue solution to Decolourise in well water is the longest thus the level of water pollution in well water is the lowest
8. Click here👆to get an answer to your question ️ Which one of the compounds cannot Decolourise an acidified solution of KMnO4 ?
9. Answer with step by step detailed solutions to question from HashLearn's Chemistry, Hydrocarbons- "The hydrocarbon which does Decolourise alkaline KMnO4solution and also does not give any precipitate with ammonical silver nitrate is" plus 6299 more questions from Chemistry
Detailed, Does, Decolourise
10. Dictionary entry overview: What does Decolourise mean? • Decolourise (verb) The verb Decolourise has 1 sense:
Dictionary, Does, Decolourise
11. Remove color from Familiarity information: Decolourise used as a …
12. Decolourise definition: remove color from synonyms: decolor, bleach, discolorize, discolor, decolourize, decolorise, discolorise, discolourise, decolour, bleach
Decolourise, Definition, Decolor, Discolorize, Discolor, Decolourize, Decolorise, Discolorise, Discolourise, Decolour
13. Does Benzene Decolourise Bromine Water
Does, Decolourise
14. Benzene does not Decolourise bromine water
Does, Decolourise
15. Solution: Unsaturated compounds which contain C = C or C ≡ C, Decolourises the purple colour of alkaline K M n O 4 solution
16. Osbourne descaling Decolourise, his strands very sad
Descaling, Decolourise
17. Richmondena shimmy as if to Decolourise herself to the arcuate dendroidal goby, clamorously any of the popularizer berryed.Unsymmetrically, and sewing pfaff sewing embroidery machine machine servicing.You cohere my sewing machine servicing, joyce.
Decolourise, Dendroidal
18. A and B are unsaturated hydrocarbons and are therefore alkenes as they Decolourise bromine water
19. Compound C is not an Alkene but is a cycloalkane as it does not Decolourise bromine water
Does, Decolourise
20. B) Explain why after a while the managnate(VII) ions did Decolourise straight away
Did, Decolourise
21. An acid which can Decolourise purple coloured potassium permanganate solution is: An acid which can Decolourise purple coloured potassium permanganate solution is:
22. Start studying 8 - investigating the effect of ammonium hydroxide on the time taken for chloroplasts to Decolourise DCPIP
Decolourise, Dcpip
23. Decolourised meaning Simple past tense and past participle of Decolourise.
Decolourised, Decolourise
24. This means that they do not quickly Decolourise bromine solution
Do, Decolourise
25. To colourise/Decolourise the Taskbar and Start Menu+Action Centre: Open regedit (press Win+R, type "regedit" and press Enter) Navigate to the following key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize" A) If you do not want the Taskbar or Start Menu+Action Centre colourised, set the value "ColorPrevalence" …
Decolourise, Do
26. Here is the formula: Vitamin C content of fruit juice= concentration of 1% standard vitamin C solution (%) x volume needed to Decolourise 0
27. You cannot Decolourise the green pigments in a leaf, but you can always wait till it dies, you can try to put it in the dark or in a jar, that'll help
Decolourise, Dies, Dark
28. Alkenes can Decolourise bromine water, but alkanes cannot
29. Assertion: Alkynes Decolourise bromine water
30. Looking for phrases related to the word Decolourise? Find a list of matching phrases on! The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource.
31. NEET 2017: Name the gas that can readily Decolourise acidified KMnO4 solution: (A) SO2 (B) NO2 (C) P2O5 (D) CO2
32. Which of the following, if present, will not Decolourise the `KMnO_(4)` solution? To an acidic solution of an anion, a few drops of `Kmno_(4)` solution are added
Decolourise, Drops
33. Which of the following, if present, will not Decolourise the `KMnO_(4)` solution? Books
34. In people with normal iron levels, ferric ions Decolourise betalain (the red pigment in beets)
35. In iron-deficient states, there are inadequate amounts of iron to Decolourise this pigment
Deficient, Decolourise
36. Alkenes can Decolourise bromine water, but alkanes cannot
37. 0.2 moles of a hydro carbon, which cannot Decolourise bromine water, on complete combustion produced of
38. The extracellular ligninolytic enzymes produced by fungi in pure or crude form can Decolourise various textile dyes
Decolourise, Dyes
39. Experiment showing how the vitamin C from a fruit juice sample Decolourise a solution of DCPIP
Decolourise, Dcpip
40. The present paper reviews the efficiency of bacterial species (individual and consortia) to Decolourise wastewater containing reactive azo, anthroquinone and triphenylmethane dyes either individually or mixed or with metal ions
Decolourise, Dyes
41. Now, to Decolourise the leaf, transfer the leaf from boiling water to a beaker containing ethanol and boil the leaf in a water bath
42. Place this leaf in petri dish and add few drops of iodine solution over the Decolourised leaf.
Dish, Drops, Decolourised
43. Decolourise translation in English-Finnish dictionary
Decolourise, Dictionary
decolourise - remove color from; "The sun bleached the red shirt". bleach, bleach out, decolor, decolorise, decolorize, decolour, decolourize, discolorise, discolorize, discolourise. discolor - cause to lose or change color; "The detergent discolored my shirts".
transitive verb : to remove color from decolorize vinegar by adsorption of impurities on activated charcoal : to remove color from decolorize vinegar by adsorption of impurities on activated charcoal
Alternative spelling of decolourize. English Wiktionary. Available under CC-BY-SA license. "Decolourise." YourDictionary. LoveToKnow. Decolourise. (n.d.). In YourDictionary. Retrieved from
tr.v. de·col·or·ized, de·col·or·iz·ing, de·col·or·iz·es To remove the color from.