Use Decentration in a sentence

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1. Psychology Definition of Decentration: Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development where a child slowly moves away from an egocentric world to a world shared with others

Definition, Decentration, Development

2. Decentering (also known as Decentration) refers to the ability to consider multiple aspects of a situation

Decentering, Decentration

3. Decentration (dec) A displacement, horizontal and/or vertical, of the centration point of a spectacle lens from the standard optical centre position (British Standard)

Decentration, Dec, Displacement

4. Decentration (Noun) The removal of something from a centre


5. Decentration involves the ability to pay attention to multiple attributes of an object or situation rather than being locked into attending to only a single attribute.


6. Lens Decentration occurs when the optical center of the lens is not the same as the geometric center of the lens cutout for a particular frame


7. Decentration This is tied to conservation


8. Your child needs to figure out Decentration so that they can conserve correctly


9. Decentration meaning The removal of something from a centre.


10. This is known as prism by Decentration. If the power is insufficient, however, the prism must be cut into the surface of the lens


11. Although Decentration was increased after capsulotomy, no significant position change was observed (horizontal p = 0.350, vertical p = 0.107)


12. The angle of tilt and Decentration at both meridians was significantly higher in the PCO group after capsulotomy compared to the control group (p < 0.001 for all).


13. The values of IOL Decentration (0–1.5 mm) and IOL tilt angle (0–6.0°) selected in this study also are consistent with the range reported in the literature for studies of IOL displacement.21, 22

Decentration, Displacement

14. As you might expect, the opposite of centration is when a person is paying attention to multiple aspects of a situation, and it is called Decentration


15. Piaget came to understand that the ability to conserve depended upon two more fundamental cognitive or thinking skills: Decentration and Reversibility

Depended, Decentration

16. Decentration involves the ability to pay attention to multiple attributes of an object or situation rather than being locked into attending to only a single attribute.


17. Decentration was measured using a Scheimpflug camera with a difference map of the tangential curvature at 12 months postoperatively.

Decentration, Difference

18. In vertical Decentration, there was a more upward shift of the IOLs in the right eyes operated with the temporal approach than with the superior approach (75.8% and 50.0%, respectively, p = 0.003)


19. Start studying Decentration (Module 4)


20. To investigate the Decentration and tilt of plate-haptic multifocal intraocular lenses (MfIOLs) in myopic eyes


21. With Decentration, both prism power and prism base direction are manifested

Decentration, Direction

22.  The power of the prism depends on the amount of lens Decentration and the refractive power of the lens being decentered

Depends, Decentration, Decentered

23.  The prism base orientation depends on the direction of Decentration and whether the lens is positive or negative

Depends, Direction, Decentration

24. The tilt and Decentration of the IOLs and the visual quality were measured 1 month after surgery


25. Results: The horizontal tilt and Decentration of the IOLs in the open-globe-injury group were significantly higher than those in the control group (both P < 0.05)


26. In the open-globe-injury group, the horizontal Decentration was significantly


27. The total Decentration can be calculated by subtracting the patient's PD from the frame PD


28. Additionally, what does Decentration mean? Decentering (also known as Decentration) refers to the ability to consider multiple aspects of a situation.

Does, Decentration, Decentering

29. Find the Decentration necessary to have no prism in front of the eyes in the primary position of gaze


30. If we want the total Decentration, we have to add in the


31. Piaget came to understand that the ability to conserve depended upon two more fundamental cognitive or thinking skills: Decentration and Reversibility

Depended, Decentration

32. Decentration involves the ability to pay attention to multiple attributes of an object or situation rather than being locked into attending to …


33. IOL Decentration was quantified as the distance between the visual axis center and the IOL center using the OPD-Scan III aberrometer (Nidek Co., Ltd., Gamagori, Japan)

Decentration, Distance

34. The patients who received each IOL type were then divided into two subgroups (Decentration of ⩽ 0.25 or > 0.25 mm) to analyze the effect of IOL Decentration on these optical

Divided, Decentration

35. Decentration values of 0.0 mm (on axis), 0.5 mm, and 0.7 mm and tilt values of 0 degree, 5 degrees, and 7 degrees were evaluated

Decentration, Degree, Degrees

36. In a study by Tappin et al, early Decentration of the injected IOLs occurred in eyes without a continuous capsulorrhexis.


37. Decentration of the pupil is called korectopia


38. Tilt and Decentration of preoperative crystalline lenses and postoperative IOLs


39. Table 2 shows the mean values of the tilt and Decentration of preoperative crystalline lenses and postoperative IOLs relative to the visual line


40. For the crystalline lenses, the mean magnitude of tilt was 4.90°±1.81° and the mean Decentration was 0.21±0.02 mm


41. To determine the impact of Decentration and tilt on the imaging quality of aspheric intraocular lens (IOL) designs in a schematic model eye

Determine, Decentration, Designs

42. To measure the Decentration following SMILE in eyes with high myopic astigmatism and investigate its impact on visual quality


43. The effect of Decentration becomes relevant only for Decentrations of approximately 0.75 mm or larger, which would hardly ever occur in surgical practice, 21,23 unless in the presence of surgical

Decentration, Decentrations

44. In depth evaluations of lens tilt and Decentration are carried out using mainly two devices: A Purkinje-meter 1 or a Scheimpflug imaging based system, where the latter is commercial available for advanced ophthalmologic diagnostics

Depth, Decentration, Devices, Diagnostics

45. However, if you must add Decentration, the optical center and the MRP will not coincide


46. Decentration in English translation and definition "Decentration", Dictionary English-English online

Decentration, Definition, Dictionary

47. So if we’re looking for cognitive abilities to cultivate during our adulthood, Decentration is a good one to choose

During, Decentration

48. The mean total Decentration was 0.24 ± 0.11 mm (range: 0.04 to 0.49 mm) and 0.14 ± 0.10 mm (range: 0.00 to 0.34 mm) for the pupil center and tear film mark groups, respectively, and there was a


49. This post includes how to describe prism power and base, prism by Decentration, Prentice's Rule, Fresnel prisms, lens aberrations, aspheric lenses, and lenticular lenses

Describe, Decentration

50. The association between vertical Decentration and the induced spherical aberration was insignificant in SMILE group (P = 0.035)


51. There was an association between Decentration and safety index, efficacy index, vertical coma, spherical aberration, and HOAs in root mean square (RMS, μm) after SBK (all P …


52. Translations Translations for Decentration Decentration Would you like to know how to translate Decentration to other languages? This page provides all possible translations of the word Decentration in almost any language.


53. Tilt and Decentration of intraocular lenses (IOL) may occur secondary to a complicated cataract surgery or following an uneventful phacoemulsification


54. Although up to 2–3° tilt and a 0.2–0.3 mm Decentration are common and clinically unnoticed for any design of IOL, larger extent of tilt and Decentration has a negative impact on the optical performance and subsequently, the patients&rsquo

Decentration, Design



Frequently Asked Questions

What is decentration definition?

decentration (dec) A displacement, horizontal and/or vertical, of the centration point of a spectacle lens from the standard optical centre position (British Standard). See standard optical position centre; centration point.

What is decentration in cognitive development?

Decentering (also known as Decentration) refers to the ability to consider multiple aspects of a situation. In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the third stage is called Concrete Operational stage, where a child age 7-12 shows increased use of logic. One of the logical processes that develops is that of Decentering.

What does decentering mean?

Decentering (also known as Decentration) refers to the ability to consider multiple aspects of a situation.

Is decentration good or bad?

Like centration, decentration is good at times because it allows multiple pieces of information to be considered at once. But there are also drawbacks. Take multitasking, for example, which is a very advanced type of decentration.