1. Decentering (also known as Decentration) refers to the ability to consider multiple aspects of a situation
Decentering, Decentration
2. One of the logical processes that develops is that of Decentering.
Develops, Decentering
3. This has been described as Decentering. In essence, to decenter is to take a figurative step back from our beliefs and thoughts
Described, Decentering, Decenter
4. Description The concept of Decentering originated with Piaget, who defined Decentering as a feature of operational thought, the ability to conceptualize multiple perspectives simultaneously
Description, Decentering, Defined
5. Feffer applied Piaget’s concept of Decentering to the cognitive maturity of social content.
6. The Mitakon does not have any Decentering, but it does have tilt
Does, Decentering
7. “Home and Away: Decentering and the City.” Arcade Art/Design in the Northwest: Image and Identity Vol
Decentering, Design
8. Mark does research in Interpersonal Communication, Social Decentering, Interpersonal
Does, Decentering
9. Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist World (A Hypatia Book) [Narayan, Uma, Harding, Sandra] on Amazon.com
10. Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and …
11. Decentering is a way of understanding the world in its social and psychological aspects that holds that there is no single way to read an event, or institution, or text.
12. Also called Decentering.Compare centration.
13. A Meditation for Decentering Your Self: “It’s Not About Me” Taking a step back from a fixed view of self, or Decentering, can help us to get less caught up in believing our ideas about who we think we and others are
14. Decentering Whiteness 2015 Edition by Jeff Hitchcock and Charley Flint F O R E W O R D This year the Center for the Study of White American Culture (CSWAC) celebrates its 20th Anniversary
15. The findings suggest that mindful Decentering is linked to the experience of unity with other people or one’s …
16. Black voices have long been silenced because of white centering—it’s well past time to deal with the discomfort and practice real Decentering
Deal, Discomfort, Decentering
17. Mindfulness and Decentering are closely related processes both assumed to promote well-being
18. While some researchers claim that mindfulness and Decentering can be clearly differentiated others suggest to use these concepts interchangeably
Decentering, Differentiated
19. The precise relation between mindfulness and Decentering remains unclear and therefore the present study aims to determine the relation between …
Decentering, Determine
20. Objectives: To assess whether participation in a 12-week course of LKM for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with improved positive emotions, Decentering, and personal resources.
Disorder, Decentering
21. Decentering Citizenship follows three groups of Filipina migrants' struggles to belong in South Korea: factory workers claiming rights as workers, wives of South Korean men claiming rights as mothers, and hostesses at American military clubs who are excluded from claims—unless they claim to be victims of trafficking
22. Results: Analyses revealed that change in Decentering and change in mindfulness significantly mediated the effect of MBSR on anxiety
23. When both mediators were included in the model, the multiple mediation analysis revealed a significant indirect effect through increases in Decentering, but not mindfulness.
24. Decentering has been described as a potential key mechanism underlying both cognitive reappraisal (Ingram and Hollon, Reference Ingram, Hollon and Ingram 1986) and mindfulness (Shapiro et al., Reference Shapiro, Carlson, Astin and Freedman 2006).
Decentering, Described
25. Decentering, as defined by Jean Piaget, occurs when the mind considers and coordinates experience from more than one perspective
Decentering, Defined
26. Focusing on Decentering in two parts of the writing process--discovery and audience awareness--a study examined the relationship between the personal and impersonal Decentering abilities of college freshmen and their overall writing abilities.
Decentering, Discovery
27. IDENTIFIERS *Decentering (Psychological) ABSTRACT
28. The variety of terms used to describe the process of self-other differentiation in communication--empathy, role taking, Decentering, and perspective taking are but a few--tend to undermine efforts to establish a consistent framework for research in this area
Describe, Differentiation, Decentering
29. Toward Decentering the New Testament is the first introductory text to the New Testament written by an African American woman biblical scholar and an Asian-American male biblical scholar.This text privileges the voices, scholarship, and concerns of minoritized nonwhite peoples and communities.
30. Decentering is the activity of taking the perspective of another entity
31. A Fireside Chat on Decentering Whiteness: How DaFuq Do We Do That? by Jodi-Ann Burey Free Actions and Detail Panel
Decentering, Dafuq, Do, Detail
32. Decentering (Decentration) Decentering (also known as Decentration) refers to the ability to consider multiple aspects of a situation
Decentering, Decentration
33. The authors propose Decentering the child as a critical motion in the education of pedagogists who work to refuse developmental pedagogies in early childhood education
Decentering, Developmental
34. Decentering, a central change strategy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, is a process of stepping outside of one’s own mental events leading to an objective and non-judging stance towards the self
35. The study aimed at investigating associated mechanisms of Decentering
36. The present study investigated the relation of Decentering, operationalized by means of the German Version of the
37. In characterizing Decentering with respect to a teacher’s focus on student thinking, we use two illustrations that highlight the importance of Decentering in making in-the-moment decisions that are based on student thinking
Decentering, Decisions
38. We also discuss the influence of teacher Decentering actions on the quality of student–teacher interactions and their
Discuss, Decentering
39. The second aim was to identify attitudes of "Decentering" or "thirdness" in the
40. Decentering Whiteness requires dismantling a system that has become the status quo
Decentering, Dismantling
41. Decentering is when an element (or more than one) doesn't have its optical axis quite perfectly aligned with the others
Decentering, Doesn
42. Decentering is really a matter of degree -- every lens element is decentered to at least some degree
Decentering, Degree, Decentered
43. Background: Decentering, a central change strategy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, is a process of stepping outside of one’s own mental events leading to an objective and non-judging stance towards the self
44. The study aimed at investigating associated mechanisms of Decentering.
Div, Data, Decentering, Developed
46. Decentering Whiteness & Building Multiracial Community
47. Widespread Decentering in individuals furthers solidarity within a community as individuals learn to take responsibility for others and the whole of a community
48. Finally, in his latest publication “Faith in the Public Square” (London 2012), Williams deepens his conviction in the importance of Decentering for the well-being of all.
Deepens, Decentering
49. What is Decentering and What Does it Do? Strictly speaking, Decentering would involve one or more of the lens elements being off of the central axis of the lens
Decentering, Does, Do
50. There is a reversal, a Decentering and rejection of ideas and practices that “half-affirm” the dignity of people based on racial constructs, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, etc.
Decentering, Dignity
DECENTERING [dēˈsen(t)əriNG]
decentring (noun) · decentering (noun) · de-centring (noun) · de-centering (noun)
Decentering (also known as Decentration) refers to the ability to consider multiple aspects of a situation. In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the third stage is called Concrete Operational stage, where a child age 7-12 shows increased use of logic. One of the logical processes that develops is that of Decentering.
Psychology Definition of DECENTERING: 1. Techniques used to move from ventured thinking to open-minded thinking. 2. Dissolving the unity between self and identity.
PDF Version Also Available for Download. The concept of decentering originated with Piaget, who defined decentering as a feature of operational thought, the ability to conceptualize multiple perspectives simultaneously. Feffer applied Piaget’s concept of decentering to the cognitive maturity of social content.
Definition of decenter. transitive verb. : to cause to lose or shift from an established center or focus especially : to disconnect from practical or theoretical assumptions of origin, priority, or essence decenter Western conceptions of history — Ernest Larsen.