Use Debauch in a sentence

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See also: Debauched Debauch Debaucherry Debauchee Debaucherous Debaucheries Debauchment Debauching Debate Debacle Debase Debar Debased Debatable Debarred Debasement Debasing Debarment Debating

1. Debauch definition is - to corrupt by intemperance or sensuality

Debauch, Definition

2. How to use Debauch in a sentence


3. Debauch definition, to corrupt by sensuality, intemperance, etc.; seduce

Debauch, Definition

4. To reduce the value, quality, or excellence of; debase: Debauch a currency

Debase, Debauch

5. / dɪˈbɔːtʃ / to destroy or damage something so that it is no longer considered good or moral: Lenin said that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to Debauch the currency.

Destroy, Damage, Debauch

6. Debauch means to destroy or corrupt someone's morals

Debauch, Destroy

7. Overnight fame and wealth might Debauch a previously mild-mannered and altruistic actor


8. As a noun, Debauch refers to a wild party characterized by excess


9. The old-fashioned meaning of Debauch involved antiquated ideas about virtue and the idea that a person's "moral purity" could be corrupted.


10. The Debauch of the previous night laid the foundation of disease, from which Charles never recovered

Debauch, Disease

11. CHARLES DURAN THE AUTHOR OF THE WALDOS There, as he had expected, the men were waiting in ominous silence, their eyes red with Debauch and hate

Duran, Debauch

12. Orgy, Debauch, Debauchery, saturnalia, riot, bacchanal, bacchanalia, drunken revelry (verb) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity corrupt, pervert, subvert, demoralize, demoralise, Debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect (verb) …

Debauch, Debauchery, Drunken, Drinking, Demoralize, Demoralise, Debase, Deprave

13. See authoritative translations of Debauch in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.


14. Debauch (v.) 1590s, "to entice, seduce, lead astray" (from allegiance, family, etc.), from French débaucher "entice from work or duty," from Old French desbaucher "to lead astray," a …

Debauch, Duty, Desbaucher

15. Synonyms & Antonyms of Debauch to lower in character, dignity, or quality the long stay on a tropical isle had Debauched the ship's crew to the point where they no longer acted like naval professionals

Debauch, Dignity, Debauched

16. The rejection of the allegations by Hanif Abbassi by the Supreme Court is the victory for the nation, as Imran Khan is the only Leader who is not corrupt or Debauch.The Supreme Court should order arrest of Hanif Abbassi on account of false allegations on Imran Khan who bought the flat of London and properties in Bani Gala through his hard earned income from the Cricket, Imran Khan is the HERO


17. The French House is an iconic Soho watering hole, scene of many an artistic, theatrical or literary Debauch


18. This is Hindi cinema at its most debased, Debauch, dreadful

Debased, Debauch, Dreadful

19. ‘The place had a reputation for hands-on Debauch (and was reportedly raided by cops earlier this year), so of course we were curious.’ ‘The roots of many carnivals around the world are in pre-Lenten Debauch - a time to get down and dirty before those 40 days of strained piety.’

Debauch, Down, Dirty, Days

20. To reduce the value, quality, or excellence of; debase: Debauch a currency

Debase, Debauch

21. The act or a period of Debauchery


22. Definition of Debauch a stint of extreme enjoyment involving pleasures of a carnal nature Examples of Debauch in a sentence On the night of his graduation, Jake engaged in an alcoholic Debauch and ended up in the emergency room

Definition, Debauch

23. Debauch - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

Debauch, Dictionary, Discussion

24. Today, Debauch eyewear is distributed in the East Coast of the US and Canada to a series of big optical chains and independents, as well as in Russia and Ukraine

Debauch, Distributed

25. Out of the box Are currencies being Debauched? Certainly it would seem that the capitalist system appears to be doing its level best to destroy itself at the moment.

Debauched, Doing, Destroy

26. Debauch: 1 n a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Synonyms: bacchanal , bacchanalia , Debauchery, drunken revelry , orgy , riot , saturnalia Type of: revel , revelry unrestrained merrymaking v corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality “ Debauch the young people with wine and women” Synonyms: corrupt , debase ,

Debauch, Drinking, Debauchery, Drunken, Debase

27. “Shall” is a mandatory verb — implying that the man really intended to both seduce and Debauch from the beginning.


28. Debauch definition: to lead into a life of depraved self-indulgence Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Debauch, Definition, Depraved

29. Debauch - Dictionary definition and meaning for word Debauch

Debauch, Dictionary, Definition

30. Definition (noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Synonyms: bacchanal, bacchanalia, Debauchery, drunken revelry, orgy, riot, saturnalia

Definition, Drinking, Debauchery, Drunken

31. Dictionary entry overview: What does Debauch mean? • Debauch (noun) The noun Debauch has 1 sense:

Dictionary, Does, Debauch

32. A wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Familiarity information: Debauch used as a noun is very rare

Drinking, Debauch

33.Debauch (verb) The verb Debauch has 1 sense:


34. Corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality Familiarity information: Debauch used as a verb is very rare.


35. Bad companions had Debauched the young girl


36. The young man's honesty was Debauched by the prospect of easy money


37. Debauchery (countable and uncountable, plural Debaucheries) Indulgence in sensual pleasures; scandalous activities involving sex, alcohol, or drugs without inhibition

Debauchery, Debaucheries, Drugs

38. Debauch definition: to lead into a life of depraved self-indulgence Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Debauch, Definition, Depraved

39. ‘The place had a reputation for hands-on Debauch (and was reportedly raided by cops earlier this year), so of course we were curious.’ ‘The roots of many carnivals around the world are in pre-Lenten Debauch - a time to get down and dirty before those 40 days of strained piety.’

Debauch, Down, Dirty, Days

40. Debauch [sb] ⇒ vi intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (behave self-indulgently) comportarse como un libertino loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como …

Debauch, Direct, De, Dos

41. Built From The Sky (akai remix 16 + DAW beat) by Mr. Debauch published on 2015-09-29T07:47:13Z Mr.Debauch - lo-fi Caked Up (SP-303)(Little Vic Remix) by Mr. Debauch

Daw, Debauch

42. Continue about Gillett’s Debauch signs letter of intent; Search form


43. Top synonyms for Debauch (other words for Debauch) are corrupt, vitiate and deprave.

Debauch, Deprave

44. Debauch: A secret you keep as long as you can.


45. What does Debauch mean? Debauch is defined as the act of indulging in sensual pleasures

Does, Debauch, Defined

46. Debauch is currently on hold until further notice


47. Debauchery is a noun meaning crazy partying and wild nights, usually accompanied by a lot of alcohol


48. So you probably don't want to engage in any kind of Debauchery the night before an exam.

Don, Debauchery

49. Find words for Debauch in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary

Debauch, Dictionary

50. Traducir Debauch de Inglés a español.

Debauch, De

51. " Debauch as a brand fits nicely onto a range of accessories outside of eyewear," she said, adding: "Expanding outside of eyewear wasn't the goal when we established Debauch, but it certainly isn't a recent thing either." Out of the box


52. - To lead away from purity or excellence; to corrupt in character or principles; to mar; to vitiate; to pollute; to seduce; as, to Debauch one's self by intemperance; to Debauch a woman; to Debauch an army.


53. Debauch To corrupt the morals or principles of; entice into improper conduct, as excessive indulgence, treason, etc.; lead astray, as from morality, duty, or allegiance: as, to Debauch a youth by evil instruction and example; to Debauch an army.; Debauch Specifically, to corrupt with lewdness; bring to be guilty of unchastity; deprave; seduce: as, to Debauch a woman.

Debauch, Duty, Deprave

54. Find 46 ways to say Debauch, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


55. Marc Debauch has been creating homoerotic fantasy art for almost 40 years


56. Summary: Paula Debauch was born on 07/01/1978 and is 42 years old


57. Paula Debauch currently lives in Hoover, AL; in the past Paula has also lived in Manitowoc WI


58. Sometimes Paula goes by various nicknames including Paula J Caldwell, Paula J De Bauch and Paula J Debauch.

De, Debauch



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  • › Debauch the currency meaning
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