See also: Darkling Darling Darkness Darkle Dark Darkly Darken Darkened Darker Shot Define Design
1. Darkling definition is - in the dark
Darkling, Definition, Dark
2. How to use Darkling in a sentence.
3. Darkling synonyms, Darkling pronunciation, Darkling translation, English dictionary definition of Darkling
Darkling, Dictionary, Definition
4. The dark: "She carried some rugs for me through the shrubbery in the Darkling"
Dark, Darkling
5. Darkling definition, in the dark
Darkling, Definition, Dark
6. 24 synonyms of Darkling from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 23 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Darkling, Definitions
7. Darkling: being without light or without much light
8. Darkling A term often used to name the wicked, ashen-skinned humanoids that are often seen on the cliffs of Ingharia by passing boats and planes
9. Darkling (plural Darklings) Darkness; Adjective
Darkling, Darklings, Darkness
10. Darkling (not comparable) Dark; growing dark; darkening
Darkling, Dark, Darkening
11. 1867, Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach: And we are here as on a Darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night
Dover, Darkling
12. Darklings, also known as dark ones, were a lineage of fey that suffered a curse from the Summer Queen, forever doomed to absorb light and to suffer rapid aging from exposure to it
Darklings, Dark, Doomed
13. The absorbed light over the lifetime of a Darkling was explosively released at the time of its death, destroying its body and much of its surroundings.
Darkling, Death, Destroying
14. The Darkling is a Pureblood Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts χ
15. The Darkling’s voice seemed to float out of the shadows
16. Darkling is paranormal novella about witch Ryder, who has unique abilities and many secrets, kept from his friends (cycle-mates)
17. If you're looking for a short read with witches, rituals, demons ann lqbtq+ cast of characters, Darkling is for you
Demons, Darkling
18. But Jeff soon discovers the source of Rubin's power: a caged creature called a "Darkling," which possesses the power to create incredible wealth for the person who will pledge unending "companionship."
Discovers, Darkling
19. ‘A cold wind fell out of the Darkling, late-autumn sky, rushing down the sides of the little valley and bumping into the house with a start.’ ‘In the late afternoon and well on into the Darkling evening Graham pottered happy as something that's very happy indeed, pulling out the winter wall-flowers, planting out the new salvias, and
Darkling, Down
20. Definition of Darkling in the dictionary
Definition, Darkling, Definitions, Dictionary
21. What does Darkling mean? Information and translations of Darkling in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Does, Darkling, Dictionary, Definitions
22. Darklings are lesser creatures who serve the host of the Darkness
Darklings, Darkness
23. Darklings possess a variety of abilities
24. Immortality - Darklings live as long as their master desires and/or needs them.Additionally, if a Darkling is killed, the host can resurrect it
Darklings, Desires, Darkling
25. Superhuman Strength - Darklings aresupernaturally
26. Darkling never revealed anything about herself, though she seemed to forge a quick friendship with Kim Brand, aka Flygirl
27. Serious without being overbearing, Darkling was a sensual woman with an
28. Darkling definition: in the dark or night Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Darkling, Definition, Dark
29. ~Darkling~ ~book 3~ ~We're the D'Artigo sisters: Half-human, half-Faerie, we are savvy-and sexy-operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency
30. Darkling is a word that was initially used adverbially, modifying a verb, (e.g
31. Leaving Darkling, with the sense leaving in a dark sort of way); developing uses encompassed its use as an adjective (a Darkling footpath), and as a noun.It may have moral reverberations - so that for example in Henry Porter's play Two Angry Women of Abingdon, it has the association with deeds which are 'shady'.
Darkling, Dark, Developing, Deeds
32. In Bardugo's Shadow & Bone books, the Darkling is the powerful leader of the Grisha - people who practice the Small Science, this world's form of magic
33. " Darkling " is the 60th episode of Star Trek: Voyager, the 18th episode of the third season
34. Darkling beetle is the common name of the large family of beetles Tenebrionidae
35. Definition of Darkling adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Definition, Darkling, Dictionary
36. Darklings are an Act 3 encounter
37. The player will fight 3 Darklings at a time, and they all start with the Life Link buff
38. On the first turn, all Darklings have a 50% chance of using Nip and a 50% chance of using Harden
39. The middle Darkling continues this pattern afterwards; it cannot use Chomp
40. After the first turn, the outer 2 Darklings have a 30% chance of using Nip, 40% chance of using
41. Start reading The Darkling: A Novel on your Kindle in under a minute
42. The Darkling was a complex, tortured character who did the wrong things for the right reasons
Darkling, Did
43. Even though the Darkling wanted to change, Mal got a free pass
44. Now, another argument is that the Darkling did some horrible things
Darkling, Did
45. The family Tenebrionidae, the Darkling beetles, is one of the largest beetle families
46. The family name comes from the Latin tenebrio, meaning one who loves darkness.People raise Darkling beetle larvae, known as mealworms, as food for birds, reptiles, and other animals.
Darkness, Darkling
47. Audience Reviews for The Darkling
48. The latest tweets from @biDarkling
49. What does Darkling mean? In the dark
Does, Darkling, Dark
50. Darklings were a race of fungoid people native to Yuggoth
51. Around 23,000 BC, the Darklings fought a war with the Tzun and were driven back to 61 Cygni
Darklings, Driven
52. The Tzun were left weakened by the Darkling genetic weaponry
53. Pinned Post #the Darkling #aleksander morozova #shadowandboneedit #shadow and bone #tgtedit #grishaedit #shadowandbonedaily #yalitedit #tvedit #userhayf #userlj #userzoya #userchaitali #ladystarks #usersmile #userbecca #underbetelgeuse #userneve #mine #my gifs #i just #love him so much #this took an entire day of my life #like HOURS #but the
Darkling, Day
54. The Darkling is a Pureblood Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts χ
55. Darkling's are one of the few Heartless who can speak.
DARKLING [ˈdärkliNG]
Definition of darkling (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : dark 2 : done or taking place in the dark Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about darkling
As the wakeful bird sings darkling. 1816, Lord Byron, Darkness: I had a dream, which was not all a dream. The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars. Did wander darkling in the eternal space, Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth. Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
(fantasy) A creature that lives in the dark. Dark; darkening. obscure; done or happening 'in the dark' or unseen. In the dark; in obscurity. Present participle of darkle. From Middle English derkelyng, from derk (“dark”) + -lyng (“-ling”). The verb darkle is a back-formation from darkling. English Wiktionary. Available under CC-BY-SA license.
Synonyms of darkling. black, caliginous, dark, darkened, darkish, darksome, dim, dimmed, dusk, dusky, gloomy, lightless, murky, obscure, obscured, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, rayless, somber (or sombre), stygian, tenebrific, tenebrous, unlit.