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See also: Diagnosis Diagnostic Danish Danio Denoise Denoising Dinosaur Denisovan Denison Dinosaurus Dinosaurios Daniel Danielle Dainty Daniella Dani Danica Danites Daniela

1. Danios are a hardy, lively family of fish that do well in cooler water, making them suitable for unheated tanks. Here are some of the popular Danio species, so you can consider which one would be a good fit for you

Danios, Do, Danio

2. Danios are schooling fish in the Family Cyprinidae. Most species grow to less than 2” and are typically surface oriented


3. A few types, like dangila and giant Danios, can reach 5” in length.

Dangila, Danios

4. Zebra danios, or zebrafish, inhabit tropical and subtropical Bangladesh, Bhutan, and India. A similar species once had its range extend to Myanmar and Pakistan, but reclassification narrowed that range


5. Gold Ring Burmese Danios are found in a variety of habitats, ranging from fast-moving streams to slow-moving, nearly stagnant ponds


6. Leopard Danios Pictures: Young Leopard Danios, swimming in our aquariums


7. Zebra Danios are a favorite of freshwater fish hobbyists because of their ease of care. They are also prolific breeders and the easiest type of egglayers to breed


8. Danios are: Members of the large Cyprinidae or minnow family. Omnivorous and feed primarily on zooplankton, phytoplankton (including algae), small insects and larvae


9. Danios are a genus of small freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae


10. Danios/Minnows Danios and Minnows are small, active schooling fish well suited for the community aquarium


11. Danios and Minnows are also used in aquariums to help bring more reclusive species out into the open.


12. Danios are hardy, energetic, and mild tempered fish


13. They are good fish for most aquariums, and Danios are strongly recommended as good fish for beginners in their first aquarium


14. Zebra Danios are vertebrates as they have a backbone like human beings


15. The adult Zebra Danios have barbels or antennae near their mouth that helps them in searching for food in the wild


16. Danios are from places like India and Pakistan and can be found in every type of water environment you can imagine (such as fast-moving streams, stagnant ponds, and so on)


17. Celestial Pearl Danios are delightful small tropical fishes that do extremely well in a peaceful community tank

Danios, Delightful, Do

18. Large or very aggressive species should be avoided, as the Danios are shy fish that are easily intimidated, and they will become withdrawn and stressed if harassed by other tankmates.


19. GloFish® Danios are hardy and active fish with a whole lot of color! Select from these great colors: Galactic Purple® Daniosunburst Orange® DanioCosmic Blue® Daniostarfire Red® DanioElectric Green® Danio Danios are schooling fish, so we recommend having at least five in your aquarium (you can mix and match colors!)

Danios, Daniosunburst, Daniocosmic, Daniostarfire, Danioelectric, Danio

20. Danios are a species of freshwater minnow fish that prefer the company of others when in captivity


21. But how many different types are there, you … Types of Danios (You Should Consider) Read More »

Different, Danios

22. Easy to care for and hardy, GloFish Danios are undemanding and thrive in a range of aquatic conditions


23. Pearl Danios prefer fairly soft, neutral water with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0 with a temperature range between 64 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit and up to 20 dGH

Danios, Degrees, Dgh

24. The Pearl Danio enjoys soft, neutral water conditions so it will be comfortable with other Danios (and BrachyDanios – i.e

Danio, Danios

25. Small Danios) and most small community fishes.


26. Zebra Danios are not a demanding fish when it comes to filtration and any HOB (hang-on-back) filter or sponge filter will usually suffice

Danios, Demanding

27. HOB filters are usually the best choice, since they not only provide excellent filtration, but they also keep the Danios occupied for hours playing in the filter’s current or making vain attempts to jump


28. Danios usually stay in the upper to middle regions of the tank and rarely feed from the lower strata


29. Danios, on the other hand, are not livebearers, they lay eggs instead, and they even feed on their eggs


30. Both guppies and Danios can feed on guppy fry, and guppies will also join Danios in feeding on their eggs


31. What Makes Danios And Guppies Compatible? Danios and guppies are good together because they have a lot of things in common.


32. Hikari Danios are good survivors and will readily adapt to most aquarium conditions, within reason


33. Though a school of Danios can be kept in a smaller aquarium, they will do best in about a 20-gallon size

Danios, Do

34. Zebra Danios thrive best in freshwater


35. Iosif Adamache of Danios Electric is A #1! He is a fully licensed electrician (Lic


36. Zebra Danios (also known as striped Danios or zebrafish) are a type of freshwater fish and highly popular with aquarium hobbyists


37. I posted yesterday that my Danios have been sitting at the top or bottom of the tank


38. Danios, while hardy and long lived, demand high-quality water conditions (don’t let my friend’s cruel treatment of his Danios be an example to follow!) and frequent water changes if they are to thrive and display their finest colors and patterns

Danios, Demand, Don, Display

39. Danios are hardy fish and can tolerate a wide range of water variation; thus, they become the perfect choice for newbies


40. The ideal pH for Danios ranges from 6.5 to 7.5


41. Danios are tropical fish so I wouldn't recommend them with Goldfish


42. Celestial pearl Danios are gentle fish that prefer a peaceful aquarium


43. Other Danios will get along with Celestials



DANIOS [ˈdanēˌō]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does genus Danio mean?

Species of this genus consume various small aquatic insects, crustaceans and worms . The name "danio" comes from the Bangla name dhani, meaning "of the rice field". Danio was described in the early 19th century by Francis Hamilton. Two of the species included by him in the genus, still remain valid— D. dangila and D. rerio.

Where can you find danio fish in the wild?

Danio is a genus of small freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae found in South and Southeast Asia, commonly kept in aquaria. They are generally characterised by a pattern of horizontal stripes, rows of spots or vertical bars. Some species have two pairs of long barbels.

What is the history of Danio?

Danio was described in the early 19th century by Francis Hamilton. Two of the species included by him in the genus, still remain valid— D. dangila and D. rerio. About a century later (1916) and with many more species described in the meantime, the genus was split; the larger species into Danio and the smaller species into...

What is the difference between a female and male danios?

Generally speaking, the female danios have rounder and deeper body shapes compared to the males regardless of whether they are carrying roe or not. Males usually have slender as well as smaller bodies compared to females. The male zebra danio has a torpedo-shaped body while the females tend to have a bigger belly.

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