See also: Dandiprat Dandy Dander Dandruff Dandelion Dandere Dandle Dandled Dandified Dandyism Dand
1. Dandiprat synonyms, Dandiprat pronunciation, Dandiprat translation, English dictionary definition of Dandiprat
Dandiprat, Dictionary, Definition
2. Dandiprat definitions (dated) An insignificant or contemptible person.
Dandiprat, Definitions, Dated
3. Definition of Dandiprat in the dictionary
Definition, Dandiprat, Definitions, Dictionary
4. What does Dandiprat mean? Information and translations of Dandiprat in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Does, Dandiprat, Dictionary, Definitions
5. Synonyms for Dandiprat include pipsqueak, cypher, cipher, gnat, insect, nonentity, non-person, pygmy, upstart and bozo
6. Dandiprat may be defined as “ In sport or contempt ”, “ Dandiprat was old British slang for a dwarf ” and “ The Dandiprat was an English 16th century silver coin ”
Dandiprat, Defined, Dwarf
7. Dandiprat (plural Dandiprats) An English coin worth three half-pence An insignificant or contemptible person 1848, Henry Norman Hudson, Lectures on Shakespeare - Volume 1, page 41: It seems but
Dandiprat, Dandiprats
8. Dandiprat 'Dandiprat' is a 9 letter word starting with D and ending with T Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Dandiprat We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Dandiprat will help you to finish your crossword today.
9. Dandiprat (redirected from Dandiprats) Dandiprat (ˈdændɪˌpræt) or dandyprat
Dandiprat, Dandiprats, Dandyprat
10. Antonyms for Dandiprat include somebody, figure, bigwig, kahuna, eminence, personage, kingpin, nabob, magnate and VIP
11. Dandiprat in British English or dandyprat (ˈdændɪˌpræt)
Dandiprat, Dandyprat
12. A Dandiprat may be a dwarf or small boy but also sometimes an insignificant or contemptible person
Dandiprat, Dwarf
13. Dandiprat (dan-dee-prat) Origin: 1510-20 orig
Dandiprat, Dan, Dee
14. A person of small or diminuative mind; a silly, finicky, or purile person And, finally, Wikipedia's agreeing definition: Dandiprat (plural Dandiprats) (obsolete noun) An insignificant or contemptible person The Numismatic
Diminuative, Definition, Dandiprat, Dandiprats
15. And then she remembered, with a fluttering heart, that she was likely to become a great lady and the peer of this fascinating Dandiprat
16. Therewithal she rightly apprehends the danger Bertram is in from the wordy, cozening squirt, the bedizened, scoundrelly Dandiprat, who has so beguiled his youth and ignorance.
Danger, Dandiprat
17. Dandiprat is NOT a valid word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Dandiprat13 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Dandiprat is NOT a valid word in WWF Definitions for the word, Dandiprat
Dandiprat, Definitions
18. Dandiprat & Co is an Oregon Assumed Business Name filed On November 16, 2018
19. Dandiprat synonyms, Dandiprat pronunciation, Dandiprat translation, English dictionary definition of Dandiprat
Dandiprat, Dictionary, Definition
20. This page lists all recordings of Beckus the Dandipratt, Op
21. Dobbs established his own publishing company, Dandiprat Press, and released “The Comfort of Distance” in October
Dobbs, Dandiprat, Distance
22. What does Dandiprats mean? (obsolete) Plural form of Dandiprat
Does, Dandiprats, Dandiprat
23. Dandyprat: See
Dandyprat, Dandiprat
24. The other suggestion asserted Dandiprat was a small coin minted during Henry VII’s reign
Dandiprat, During
25. As a miniscule Dandiprat brother and fellow bibliophile, he had quite the rapscallion reputation
26. Dandiprat—a young or insignificant person
27. (obsolete) plural of Dandiprat Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Dandiprat, Definition, Dictionary
28. Possessing no relevant business or political experience and no demonstrable leadership qualities apart from name recognition and good looks, he is a Dandiprat version of the fatuous nonentity
Demonstrable, Dandiprat
29. Source for information on Beckus the Dandipratt: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music dictionary.
Dandipratt, Dictionary
30. This video shows you how to pronounce Dandiprat
31. They often had strange names like Pyewacket or Dandiprat, or semi-descriptives such as Buzz, Digger, Tit, Bonecracker, Little Rat, Thistlepurr or Hop-Moon.
Dandiprat, Descriptives, Digger
32. Pigmeo as pigmy, dwarf or, Dandiprat.6 The wor survived wits h this meaning in dialect usage, especially in th norte h of England.7 In th sense oe f a small coin existe it d in the first half of the sixteenth century an, d it may be merely an acciden that t we find thi s use earlier than the other.
Dwarf, Dandiprat, Dialect
DANDIPRAT [ˈdandēˌprat]