1. Cyprinid is the name for any of the freshwater fishes in the minnow or carp family Cyprinidae, which includes such members as carp, goldfish, zebrafish, minnow, and chub.
Cyprinid, Carp, Cyprinidae, Chub
2. Cyprinidae is a family of freshwater fish, commonly called the carp or minnow family.It includes the carps, the true minnows, and relatives like the barbs and barbels.Cyprinidae is the largest and most diverse fish family and the largest vertebrate animal family in general, with about 3,000 species of which only 1,270 remain extant, divided into about 370 genera.
Cyprinidae, Commonly, Called, Carp, Carps
3. Cyprinid definition is - any of a family (Cyprinidae) of soft-finned freshwater fishes including the carps and minnows.
Cyprinid, Cyprinidae, Carps
4. Common carp, like many other Cyprinids possess a set of small intermuscular bones, called Graten in German, not attached to the skeleton
Common, Carp, Cyprinids, Called
5. Cyprinid definition, any fish belonging to the Cyprinidae, or minnow family
Cyprinid, Cyprinidae
6. Any of numerous often small freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae, which includes the minnows, carps, and shiners.
Cyprinidae, Carps
7. Any of numerous often small freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae, which includes the minnows, carps, and shiners.
Cyprinidae, Carps
8. Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 is associated with an acute systemic disease in goldfish (Carassius auratus) known as goldfish hemopoietic necrosis
Cyprinid, Carassius
9. The Cyprinid herpesvirus I (CHV) of common carp manifests itself in three clinical forms: chronic and benign epidermal proliferation or carp pox (CP), acute septicaemia in very young carp and dormant infection
Cyprinid, Chv, Common, Carp, Clinical, Chronic, Cp
10. Infection with the liver fluke, Opisthorchis felineus , caused by the consumption of infected raw or undercooked Cyprinid fish is common in humans and carnivores in the middle Ob River basin (Tomsk region, Russia) and can lead to diseases in humans
Caused, Consumption, Cyprinid, Common, Carnivores, Can
CYPRINID [ˈsiprəˌnid]