See also: Cussed Cussedness Cursed Cuss Cussing Cussy Customer Would Do Define
1. Cussedly synonyms, Cussedly pronunciation, Cussedly translation, English dictionary definition of Cussedly
2. Cussedly: 1 adv in a stubborn unregenerate manner Synonyms: mulishly , obdurately , obstinately , pig-headedly , stubbornly
3. ‘With a bigger squad than ever before and less games in a shorter time, this was always going to be a difficult tour, yet Lenihan's organisation was Cussedly obtuse, and the Irishman was the dominant figure behind the scenes.’.
4. ‘With a bigger squad than ever before and less games in a shorter time, this was always going to be a difficult tour, yet Lenihan's organisation was Cussedly obtuse, and the Irishman was the dominant figure behind the scenes.’
5. What does Cussedly meaning? Asked by: Jamil Pfannerstill
6. Cussedly (comparative more Cussedly, superlative most …
Cussedly, Comparative
7. Translation for 'Cussedly' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.
8. Cussedly Independent Believers Matthew 5:17-20 William F
9. Synonyms for Cussedly include deucedly, awfully, damnably, deuced, rather, accursedly, blastedly, confoundedly, cursedly and infernally
Cussedly, Confoundedly, Cursedly
10. Definition of Cussedly adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
11. (เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา Cussedly มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *Cussedly*)
Cussedly, Card
12. Cussedly - Dictionary definition and meaning for word Cussedly
13. Definitions of Cussedly, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Cussedly, analogical dictionary of Cussedly (English)
14. Dictionary entry overview: What does Cussedly mean? • Cussedly (adverb) The adverb Cussedly has 1 sense:
15. In a stubborn unregenerate manner Familiarity information: Cussedly used as an adverb is very rare.
16. Synonyms for Cussedly in Free Thesaurus
17. 5 synonyms for Cussedly: mulishly, obdurately, obstinately, pig-headedly, stubbornly
18. What are synonyms for Cussedly?
19. How this page explains Cussedly ? It helps you understand the word Cussedly with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Cussedly better than this page.
Cussedly, Comprehensive, Can
20. D Subbarao Cussedly took on Finance Ministry & refused to toe its line, even though he ended up baffling markets
21. Cussedly; Cussedly; cussedness; cussedness; cusses; cusses; cusses a blue streak; cusses her out; cusses him out; cusses like a sailor; cusses like a trooper; cusses me out; cusses one out; cusses out; cusses somebody out; cusses someone out; cusses them out
Cussedly, Cussedness, Cusses
22. Adverb: Cussedly kú-sid-lee
23. In a stubborn unregenerate manner "she remained Cussedly in the same position"; - stubbornly, pig-headedly, obdurately, mulishly, obstinately, bloody-mindedly [Brit], intransigently
24. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 13 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Cussedly: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Cussedly" is defined.
Computing, Cussedly, Click
25. Looking for phrases related to the word Cussedly? Find a list of matching phrases on! The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource.
Cussedly, Com
26. The task against a Cussedly defiant Pakistan lies ahead In the wake of the verdict, India will obviously have to watch how the Pakistan Army reacts
27. 'Harlots' season 3: EP Moira Buffini reveals her take on Lady Fitz and Charlotte's romance: 'I'm afraid we're Cussedly unsentimental' 'Harlots' EP opines that there's a real dearth of nuanced, thrilling stories about love between women on screen.
Charlotte, Cussedly
28. Still there is something Cussedly original about Kauffman: a narrative artist who leaves the narrative out of her art
29. Obstinately: 1 adv in a stubborn unregenerate manner Synonyms: Cussedly , mulishly , obdurately , pig-headedly , stubbornly
30. Americans are Cussedly libertarian, obviously, in ways that would undoubtedly reduce compliance with any suppression campaign
Cussedly, Compliance, Campaign
31. It is proudly, Cussedly uncontainable
32. Unspotted Pepito mangled bombastically, he isolated his arrayals very Cussedly Picric Izaak swells her didrachm so fretfully that Willis notch very diversely
CUSSEDLY [cussedly]