See also: Curtsies Court Curtsying Courtesy Curtsey Curtseyed Curtesy Curt Curtail Curtailment Curtailed Curtly Curtsy Curtilage Curtain Curtailing Curtness Iron Being The
1. What Curtsys Have Visited This Page? Add Your Name Back to Top
2. On the Fourth Day of Fitmas, my trainer gave to me: 4 lunges, 3 Curtsys, 2 burpees and a 1 minute plank
3. On the Sixth Day of Fitmas: 6 mountain climbers, 5 knee push ups, 4 lunges, 3 Curtsys, 2 burpees and a 1 minute plank.
Climbers, Curtsys
4. Do two sets on each side—10 Curtsys and 10 Curtsys with side kicks
5. The rules governing who Curtsys to whom are not strictly based on the order of succession, but are rather based on a document from 2005 called the “‘Precedence Of The Royal Family To Be
Curtsys, Called
6. Genealogy for Dorothy Curtsys (1550 - 1602) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives
7. 2 visitors have checked in at Curtsys' Brothel.
Checked, Curtsys
CURTSYS [ˈkərtsē]
Definition of curtsy. (Entry 1 of 2) : an act of civility, respect, or reverence made mainly by women and consisting of a slight lowering of the body with bending of the knees. curtsy.
curtsy, curtsey(verb) bending the knees; a gesture of respect made by women. Synonyms: curtsey. curtsy, curtsey(verb) bend the knees in a gesture of respectful greeting. Synonyms: curtsey, bob. curtsy, bob(verb) make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect.
curtsey (plural curtsies or curtseys) A small bow, generally performed by a woman or a girl, where she crosses one calf of her leg behind the other and briefly bends her knees and lowers her body in deference.