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See also: Cuffing Peribronchial Cuff Cuffed Cufflinks Cuffee Off Rotator Ring Incomplete Complete Moderate

1. Cuffing to hide something, normally drugs, in the female vagina


2. Cuffing season refers to a specific time of year when people become extremely motivated to get "coupled up." It generally occurs from October to March

Cuffing, Coupled

3. Cuffing Season During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be " Cuffed " or tied down by a serious relationship

Cuffing, Cuffed

4. Cuffing season is that period of time between fall and the dead of winter when people start looking for someone they can spend those long, frigid months with,” says Sullivan

Cuffing, Can

5. Cuffing season is so called because it describes the desire to be “tied down” (or cuffed”) that often arises in the colder months

Cuffing, Called, Cuffe, Colder

6. To be honest, even definitions of "Cuffing" vary widely, but the most popular answer by far is that it comes from "handcuff." As in, you’ve handcuffed someone to yourself, figuratively, for the

Cuffing, Comes

7. Cuffing is a dating term for when a person starts a relationship with someone


8. It comes from "handCuffing" a person, which is when his hands are linked together with handcuffs


9. The term has a negative connotation since Cuffing someone is done to restrain the person

Connotation, Cuffing

10. Cuffing season — that time of year when singles seek out someone to shack up with during the cold months — usually kicks off in November, …

Cuffing, Cold

11. I later learned that Cuffing season is actually the period of time between fall and the dead of winter when people start searching for someone with whom they can spend the those long, frigid

Cuffing, Can

12. Urban Dictionary defines "Cuffing" as the moment when "people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves, along with the rest of the world, desiring to be tied down by a


13. The modern-day term “Cuffing season” refers to the colder months of the year, which coincide with the holiday season, when people are more likely to …

Cuffing, Colder, Coincide

14. Cuffing season refers to a period where single people begin looking for short-term partnerships to pass the colder months of the year

Cuffing, Colder

15. Cuffing season usually begins in October and lasts until just


16. Cuffing In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives

Cuffing, Can

17. A jailer Cuffing his wrist to that of a prisoner for an hour or two …


18. Cuffing season is a term to describe the relationships people seek out at the start of fall so they have someone to hibernate with through the winter


19.Cuffing season is when people start to want to be tied down in a serious relationship,” says licensed clinical psychologist Dara Bushman, PsyD

Cuffing, Clinical

20. Cuffing season refers to a specific time of year when people become extremely motivated to get "coupled up"

Cuffing, Coupled

21. Synonyms for Cuffing in Free Thesaurus


22. Cuffing season refers to the time of year when people start craving connection

Cuffing, Craving, Connection

23. Traditionally, Cuffing season is thought to begin sometime in the fall, when Instagram soft-launches of apple-picking dates and couples hiking in flannel and Bean boots fill timelines

Cuffing, Couples

24. Cuffing season is upon us, and relationship experts say singles will be taking it more seriously than ever


25. Read dating experts' predictions and advice on how to approach Cuffing


26. Cuffing Season is the time of year when people couple off to combat the cold and loneliness

Cuffing, Couple, Combat, Cold

27. In wintertime, one can often see the homeless Cuffing

Can, Cuffing

28. This is known as Cuffing season


29. What is it? No matter the current season, Cuffing Season is always right around the corner

Current, Cuffing, Corner

30. With its warm, modern-take-on-floral scent, Cuffing Season sets the perfect mood for an ambient night in solo


31. Cuffing season was first defined on the crowdsourced online Urban Dictionary in 2010 as “the time of year when people are looking to be in a relationship”, and then subsequently in 2018 as

Cuffing, Crowdsourced

32. This potential complication can result from Cuffing of the catheter balloon

Complication, Can, Cuffing, Catheter

33. Cuffing Season starts in the fall


34. According to Urban Dictionary, which first added the term in 2011, Cuffing Season takes place during the fall and winter months


35. Definition of Cuffing in the dictionary


36. What does Cuffing mean? Information and translations of Cuffing in the most comprehensive …

Cuffing, Comprehensive

37. Periportal Cuffing of the liver is an extremely rare ultrasonographic phenomenon with a prevalence of approximately 0.95 % in our unit


38. Echo-rich periportal Cuffing occurs more frequently than echo-poor periportal Cuffing


39. The majority of echo-poor periportal Cuffing is associated with malignant dis …


40. Traditionally, Cuffing season wasn`t necessarily about finding a serious relationship


41. Drafting for Cuffing season is officially in full force—after all, we’re in the middle of Libra season, and Libra is the sign of relationships!In fact, we’re now entering Cuffing season’s


42. As for how Cuffing season is changing this year due to the pandemic, well, the isolation that many people feel, especially if sheltering in place alone, can make you want to share your shelter

Cuffing, Changing, Can

43. Peribronchial Cuffing Symptoms Talking about the symptoms of Peribronchial Cuffing, it itself is a symptom of various pathological conditions

Cuffing, Conditions

44. Cuffing your pant legs can bring style to almost any casual outfit and can perfectly accent your kicks

Cuffing, Can, Casual

45. Trim your stretch / jersey garments with cuffs or Cuffing (rib tube) to give a professional finish

Cuffs, Cuffing

46. The Cuffing family name was found in the USA, and the UK between 1880 and 1891


47. The most Cuffing families were found in the USA in 1880, and the UK in 1891


48. In 1880 there was 1 Cuffing family living in New York


49. This was 100% of all the recorded Cuffing's in the USA


50. New York had the highest population of Cuffing families in 1880.


51. Cuffing season is a time for winter romance with someone new


52. Know everything about the Cuffing season and some rules to enjoying the Cuffing season


53. Cuffing season is the period during the autumn and winter months where finding a boyfriend or girlfriend is suddenly a lot more appealing


54. It’s officially Cuffing season: The time of year when singles start coupling up, in the hopes of finding a partner to keep them company through the cruel winter months.But this year, Cuffing

Cuffing, Coupling, Company, Cruel

55. A TUBULAR knit rib Cuffing, Seam Less, 7cms wide


56. Used as a Cuffing or concealed Cuffing, legging, warmers etc

Cuffing, Concealed

57. Knitted Cuffing, 2x1 construction

Cuffing, Construction



  • › What does cuffing mean sexually
  • › What does cuffing mean
  • › What does cuffing mean slang
  • › Cuffing across the face
  • › What is cuffing a girl
  • › Cuffing season urban dictionary

Frequently Asked Questions

What does cuffing mean?

Cuffing is a dating term for when a person starts a relationship with someone. It comes from "handcuffing" a person, which is when his hands are linked together with handcuffs. The term has a negative connotation since cuffing someone is done to restrain the person.

What does cuffing mean in Urban Dictionary?

Urban Dictionary defines "cuffing" as the moment when "people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves, along with the rest of the world, desiring to be tied down by a serious relationship.".

What does cuffed mean?

Definition of cuffed in English: cuffed. adjective. (of an item of clothing) having a section of the material at the end turned back, or a separate band sewn on. ‘laboratory coats with cuffed sleeves’. in combination ‘a double-cuffed striped shirt’.

What does on the cuff mean?

on the cuff 1. With the expectation, promise, or obligation that payment will be given in the future. 2. Without payment being necessary; for free. 1. On credit, as in He tried to hire a detective on the cuff. 2. Free of charge, as in We hope these drinks are on the cuff.

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