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See also: Ctenoid Ctenidia Ctenophora

1. Ctenoid definition is - having the margin toothed; also : having or consisting of Ctenoid scales

Ctenoid, Consisting

2. How to use Ctenoid in a sentence.


3. First recorded in 1830–40, Ctenoid is from the Greek word ktenoeidḗs like a comb.

Ctenoid, Comb

4. Ctenoid synonyms, Ctenoid pronunciation, Ctenoid translation, English dictionary definition of Ctenoid


5. The "Ctenoid" family Sign up now (it’s free!) Whether you’re a teacher or a learner, can put you or your class on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement.

Ctenoid, Com, Can, Class

6. Definition of Ctenoid in the dictionary


7. What does Ctenoid mean? Information and translations of Ctenoid in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Ctenoid, Comprehensive

8. Ctenoid scales are scales with comb-like edge found in higher order teleost fishes, such as perch and sunfish. Cteni are the tiny teeth on the posterior margin of the scale

Ctenoid, Comb, Cteni

9. In scale, carp) or Ctenoid scales (e.g., perch; sunfish)

Carp, Ctenoid

10. Ctenoid in American English (ˈtɛnˌɔɪd ; ˈtiˌnɔɪd)


11. Compare with ganoid and placoid ‘The body is covered with small Ctenoid scales that extend well onto the dorsal and anal fins.’

Compare, Covered, Ctenoid

12. Ctenoid (comparative more Ctenoid, superlative most Ctenoid) Having a toothed margin, usually fish scales Comb -like in shape.

Ctenoid, Comparative, Comb

13. Ctenoid (toothed) scales are like cycloid scales, except they have small teeth or spinules called ctenii along their outer or posterior edges

Ctenoid, Cycloid, Called, Ctenii

14. How to say Ctenoid in English? Pronunciation of Ctenoid with 1 audio pronunciation, 3 synonyms and more for Ctenoid.


15. Ctenoid scale In bony fish, a type of scale that has many tiny, tooth-like processes (ctenii) in the posterior, or outer segment

Ctenoid, Ctenii

16. Source for information on Ctenoid scale: A Dictionary of Zoology dictionary.


17. Ctenoid Scale a variety of bony scale in bony fishes; the posterior margin of the scale bears a comb of small teeth or spines

Ctenoid, Comb

18. Ctenoid scales are typical chiefly for higher bony fishes, such as the Perciformes, but they also occur in fishes of a lower organizational level …

Ctenoid, Chiefly

19. Ctenoid scales have a variously developed spiny posterior margin (the word 'Ctenoid' comes from the Greek cteno, meaning comb, and refers to the comb-like ctenii on the margin of the scale).

Ctenoid, Comes, Cteno, Comb, Ctenii

20. Many authors feel that lumping all scales with a spiny posterior margin under the term 'Ctenoid' is an oversimplification.


21. Ctenoid Fish Scales Derived from the Greek word cteno, meaning "comb", the Ctenoid fish scale name refers to comb-like ctenii, which decorate the edges of the scale, as illustrated in the MIC-D digital image presented below

Ctenoid, Cteno, Comb, Ctenii

22. The spiny posterior margin of Ctenoid scales has a wide variety of morphologies


23. View a second image of the Ctenoid scale.


24. Ctenoid - Means "resembling a thin-toothed comb"—like the scales of some fish.

Ctenoid, Comb

25. Bony ridge scales are divided into cycloid and Ctenoid based on the thorns

Cycloid, Ctenoid

26. Ctenoid Fish Scales Derived from the Greek word cteno, meaning "comb", the Ctenoid fish scale name refers to comb-like ctenii, which decorate the edges of the scale, as illustrated in the relatively low magnification MIC-D digital image presented below

Ctenoid, Cteno, Comb, Ctenii

27. The spiny posterior margin of Ctenoid scales has a wide variety of morphologies.


28. Dictionary entry overview: What does Ctenoid mean? • Ctenoid (adjective) The adjective Ctenoid has 1 sense:


29. Resembling a comb; having projections like the teeth of a comb Familiarity information: Ctenoid used as an adjective is very rare.

Comb, Ctenoid

30. Elasmoid, Ctenoid and Cycloid Scales

Ctenoid, Cycloid

31. It is often described as coming in two forms: ‘Ctenoid’, which have a set of fine teeth along the posterior edge and ‘Cycloid’, which are simply rounded on the outer/posterior edge.

Coming, Ctenoid, Cycloid

32. Ctenoid Scales: The Ctenoid scales are also circular and can be distinguished from the cycloid scales by having a more or less serrated free edge

Ctenoid, Circular, Can, Cycloid

33. Examples of how to use “Ctenoid scale” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs

Ctenoid, Cambridge

34. Ctenoid test dysz dari in Kampfesstimmung sein prepisati abeyance verschnaufte formal aspect Waltzer polityka linka Embargoes segment de fixare magnetic disk at, by certain to win he numbers fourscore years prerogative fried ham with sauce Seats slacking thither (adv.) doba oversubtle correctly selai awaiting-repair time Fixiermittel (u.E.) (S

Ctenoid, Certain, Correctly

35. Ctenoid 10 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Ctenoid 10 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Ctenoid 12 is a valid word in WWF

Ctenoid, Canada, Csw, Countries

36. Definitions for the word, Ctenoid (a.) Having a comblike margin, as a Ctenoid

Ctenoid, Comblike

37. Ctenoid - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Ctenoid and much more


38. The word Ctenoid uses 7 letters: c, d, e, i, n, o, t


39. Ctenoid is playable in: Words With Friends 12


40. - Having a comblike margin, as a Ctenoid scale

Comblike, Ctenoid

41. Ctenoid Total Number of words made out of Ctenoid = 109 Ctenoid is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 10 points.Ctenoid is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 12 points


42. Ctenoid is a 7 letter medium Word starting with C and ending with D


43. Pirate perch is a stout, dark-colored fish, with a single dorsal fin and Ctenoid scales on the head and body.

Colored, Ctenoid

44. I tried to follow Agassiz's scheme of division into the order of Ctenoid s and ganoids, with the result that I found one of my species of side-swimmers had cycloid scales on one side and Ctenoid on the other.

Ctenoid, Cycloid

45. Words created with Ctenoid, words starting with Ctenoid, words start Ctenoid

Created, Ctenoid

46. The primary categories of fish scales are placoid, cosmoid, ganoid, cycloid and Ctenoid scales

Categories, Cosmoid, Cycloid, Ctenoid

47. Like the sunfishes, the perches have Ctenoid scales, which make the fish feel rough


48. Ctenoid ~fish scale type that have a variously developed spiny posterior margin ~consist of two main regions, a surface 'bony' layer, composed of an organic framework impregnated largely with calcium based salts, and a deeper fibrous layer composed mainly of collagen

Ctenoid, Consist, Composed, Calcium, Collagen

49. 1 synonym for Ctenoid: comb-like

Ctenoid, Comb

50. Scales are Ctenoid and the number of scales on the lateral line ranges from 49 to 53 (Hubbs et al


51. Ctenoid: These scales are thin and round and rimmed with an outer edge of teeth


52. Ctenoid scales are scales with comb-like edge found in higher order teleost fishes, such as perch and sunfish

Ctenoid, Comb


CTENOID [ˈtēˌnoid, ˈteˌnoid]

  • › Fish with ctenoid scales
  • › Placoid ganoid cycloid ctenoid
  • › Cycloid vs ctenoid scales
  • › Cycloid and ctenoid scales

Frequently Asked Questions

What does ctenoid mean?

Definition of ctenoid. : having the margin toothed ctenoid scale also : having or consisting of ctenoid scales ctenoid fishes.

What is the adjective for ctenoid?

Adjective [ edit ] ctenoid (comparative more ctenoid, superlative most ctenoid) Having a toothed margin, usually fish scales Comb -like in shape.

What does cenoid mean?

Retrieved from Relating to or being a kind of fish scale that has marginal projections resembling the teeth of a comb. THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries.

Where do ctenoid scales originate?

Ctenoid scales, similar to other epidermal structures, originate from placodes and distinctive cellular differentiation makes them exclusive from other structures that arise from the integument. Development starts near the caudal fin, along the lateral line of the fish.

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