See also: Cram Cramped Crammed Cramming Cramps Cramdown Crame Crampons Cramping Cram-full Cramer's Down
1. Besides essay homework help, Cram also helps you memorize all that hard-to-remember information with online flashcards so that you ace your exams! You can even make your own set with our web-based flashcard maker and export them to any device
Cram, Can
2. English Language Learners Definition of Cram (Entry 2 of 2) US : a quick period of study in order to learn a lot of information quickly for a test, exam, etc
3. See the full definition for Cram in the English …
4. Vb, Crams, Cramming or Crammed 1
Crams, Cramming, Crammed
5. Verb (used with object), Crammed, Cram·ming
Crammed, Cram
6. Verb (used without object), Crammed, …
7. Cram has been in the Lakeview East neighborhood of Chicago for 11 years and until now has only been a brick & mortar location
Cram, Chicago
8. Brian and Teri Cram Middle School is a positive, safe, community with the highest expectations for everyone, everyday.
Cram, Community
9. Cram costs 20 gold coins per bucket
Cram, Costs, Coins
10. A Cram sword costs 50 gold coins.
Cram, Costs, Coins
11. Cram verb (FIT A LOT IN) [ T usually + adv/prep ] informal to force a lot of things into a small space: Eight children were Crammed into the back of the car.
Cram, Children, Crammed, Car
12. Cram’s official flashcard mobile app is here
13. Bring all the flashcard features you know and love about Cram to your iPhone
14. When you log into your Cram account the app automatically downloads your account information including: your created flashcard sets, your favorite flashcard sets and the flashcard sets you study most frequently.
Cram, Created
15. How many sponsored children does Cram have? We currently have 300 BKC sponsored children
Children, Cram, Currently
16. Bring all the flashcard features you know and love about to your Android phone or tablet
Cram, Com
17. When you log into your account the app automatically downloads your account information
Cram, Com
18. 55 synonyms of Cram from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 54 related words, definitions, and antonyms
19. Cram: a great number of persons or things massed together.
20. (formerly known as Flashcard Exchange) is a free, web-based application for creating, studying, and sharing flashcards
Cram, Com, Creating
21. Users on have created over 68 million flashcards.
Cram, Com, Created
22. Cram-A-Lot Manufactures commercial vertical balers, cardboard balers, trash compactors and horizontal balers quality engineered and designed with today’s latest technology and safety standard
Cram, Commercial, Cardboard, Compactors
23. With two manufacturing plants in Springdale, AR and Conway AR Cram-A-Lot also has a nationwide service network offering installation, service, parts and repair work.
Conway, Cram
24. Try Cram Fighter for free! Forgot your password? Back to
Cram, Cramfighter, Com
25. Cram: A COMMUNITY EFFORT As genomic sequencing increases around the globe, it becomes vital to store this data efficiently and sustainably
Cram, Community
26. GA4GH’s Cram file format for genomic data compression tackles this challenge and helps facilitate global collaboration.
Cram, Compression, Challenge, Collaboration
27. Find 63 ways to say Cram, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Cram, Com
28. Cram for (something) To study for a test shortly before it is to happen
29. You might have gotten a higher grade if you didn't Cram for that exam at the last minute
30. See also: Cram, for Cram for a/the test To study for a test shortly before it is scheduled to take place
31. You might have gotten a higher grade if you didn't Cram for the test at the last
32. Nursing Exam Cram Sheet for the NCLEX-RN The final mountain that nursing students must summit before becoming a registered nurse is the NCLEX
33. This is where this Cram sheet can help-- it contains condensed facts about the licensure
Cram, Can, Contains, Condensed
34. Cram somebody/something into/onto something He Crammed eight people into his car
Cram, Crammed, Car
35. Cram something in I could never Cram in all that she does in a day
Cram, Could
36. I managed to Cram down a few mouthfuls of food
37. Cram something Supporters Crammed the streets
Cram, Crammed
38. Cram something full I bought a large basket and Crammed it full of presents.
Cram, Crammed
39. See 12 authoritative translations of Cram in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
Cram, Conjugations
40. The Cram Course is an absolute must for anyone who is preparing to take the Georgia Real Estate Salesperson or Broker Examination
Cram, Course
41. No matter what school you attended for your prelicensing coursework, the Georgia MLS Cram Course will strengthen your content knowledge and will help you develop solid test-taking skills.
Coursework, Cram, Course, Content
42. The Cram family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920
Cram, Canada
43. The most Cram families were found in the USA in 1880
44. In 1840 there were 93 Cram families living in New Hampshire
45. This was about 40% of all the recorded Cram's in the USA
46. New Hampshire had the highest population of Cram families in 1840.
47. Cram meaning, definition, what is Cram: to force something into a small space: Learn more.
48. Cram Fighter can show you a printable view of your schedule
Cram, Can
49. Cram Fighter is the #1 USMLE study planner
50. But don't take our word for it: First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 rated Cram Fighter as one of the top resources for USMLE preparation.
51. The Cram-o-matic (Japanese: ウッウロボ Uurobo) is a robot resembling a Cramorant located in Mustard's room in the Master Dojo on the Isle of Armor.Made by Mustard's son Hyde, it can be fed four items to create a new item
Cram, Cramorant, Can, Create
52. CompTIA A+ Practice Questions Exam Cram Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002)
Comptia, Cram, Core
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Cram, Com
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55. Cram: Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar: Cram: control random access memory: Cram: Communications Routing and Metering: Cram: Contractual Requirements Recording Analysis and Management: Cram: Customer Requisitioning Account Module: Cram: Combat Resource Allocation Model: Cram: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Management Project
Cram, Counter, Control, Communications, Contractual, Customer, Combat, Cardiovascular
56. The Cram survey is a collaboration of over 30 South African researchers from a number of universities and research organisations
Cram, Collaboration
57. Note : The Cramm will be taking a break for spring break
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Cram, Crambooking, Com
59. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Cram on your desktop or mobile device.
60. The Cram Training curriculum is transitioning to a "General Cram Training" structure, a new 5-day format that will provide a broad understanding of the methodology, assumptions, and background to conduct field assessments for multiple types of wetlands.
Cram, Curriculum, Conduct
61. To Cram for a test, note any important concepts, definitions, or equations that you might find in your notes or textbook and write them down on note cards to review later
Cram, Concepts, Cards
62. We are excited to offer PREP The Cram as a virtual learning opportunity
63. Learn about Bill Cram Chevrolet in Waterloo
Cram, Chevrolet
CRAM [kram]
Cram as a boys' name is of Old German derivation, and the name Cram means "peddler". Cram is an alternate form of Cramer (Old German): a "cram" was a peddler's pack.
Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar, abbreviated C-RAM or Counter-RAM, is a set of systems used to detect and/or destroy incoming: rockets, artillery, and mortar rounds in the air before they hit their ground targets, or simply provide early warning.
What does cram-session mean? An intense period of study, sometimes all night before a critical exam. (noun)
DEFINITION of Cramming. Cramming is an emergency test-preparation strategy that involves an attempt to absorb copious amounts of information in a short period prior to an exam.