Use Cowquakes in a sentence

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See also: Cower Coward Cowl Cowardice Cowed Cowardly Coworker Cowboy Cowering Cowling Coquettish Coquette Cowlick Cowered

1. Cowquakes meaning Plural form of cowquake.

Cowquakes, Cowquake

2. Cowquake (plural Cowquakes) quaking grass; Briza media; Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain

Cowquake, Cowquakes, Copyright

3. Cowquakes cowrie cowries (current term) cowrite cowriter cowriters cowrites: cowriting cowritten cowrote cowry cows cows' milk cowshed cowsheds cowskin; Literary usage of Cowries

Cowquakes, Cowrie, Cowries, Current, Cowrite, Cowriter, Cowriters, Cowrites, Cowriting, Cowritten, Cowrote, Cowry, Cows, Cowshed, Cowsheds, Cowskin

4. Quaking grasses, or Cowquakes, belong to a group of grasses in the plant genus Briza


5. People delight in this Mediterranean native, and its playfully noisy nature has earned it amusing names like Cowquakes, didder and dillies; it earns “Rattlesnake˝ for the rattle-like, heart-shaped inflorescences


6. The playfully noisy nature of Briza has earned it amusing names like Cowquakes, Didder and Dillies


7. The second grass I bought is Briza media, which has a whole slew of common names, some of them quite amusing: rattlesnake grass, quaking grass, Cowquakes, doddering dickies, didder, dillies, and many more.This Eurasian native is hardy to zone 4; its most outstanding feature are its seed heads which dangle from thin stems and tremble in the slightest breeze.

Common, Cowquakes

8. People delight in this Mediterranean native, and its playfully noisy nature has earned it amusing names like Cowquakes, didder and dillies; it earns “Rattlesnake˝ for the rattle-like, heart-shaped inflorescences


9. It has some great nicknames, notably Cowquakes and Didder


10. When you think about it, Cowquakes and Didder sounds like a British comedy duo from the 1950s.

Cowquakes, Comedy

11. Cowquakes; Literary usage of Cowpoke

Cowquakes, Cowpoke

12. Quaking grassen, of Cowquakes, behoren tot een groep van grassen in het plantengeslacht Briza


13. Cowquakes cowrie cowries (current term) cowrite cowriter cowriters cowrites: cowriting cowritten cowrote cowry cows cows' milk cowshed cowsheds cowskin; Literary usage of Cowries

Cowquakes, Cowrie, Cowries, Current, Cowrite, Cowriter, Cowriters, Cowrites, Cowriting, Cowritten, Cowrote, Cowry, Cows, Cowshed, Cowsheds, Cowskin

14. Quaking grassen, of Cowquakes, behoren tot een groep van grassen in het plantengeslacht Briza


15. Cowquakeを解説文に含む見出し語の英和和英辞典の検索結果です。出典:『Wiktionary』 (2012/03/05 10:34 UTC 版) 名詞CowquakesPlural form of cowquake.

Cowquake, Cowquakesplural

16. Here is the list of all the English words containing letters E, K, Q and W grouped by number of letters: cowquake, Kawésqar, squawked, squawker, Cowquakes

Containing, Cowquake, Cowquakes

17. Pastos de temblor, o Cowquakes, pertenecen a un grupo de gramíneas en el género de la planta Briza


18. 辞書・百科事典カテゴリの索引「CO」299ページ目。例えば、cowpunching、cowpunk、cowquake、Cowquakes、Cowra、Cowra breakout、Cowra Shire、Cowra Shire Council、Cowra, New South Wales、cowrie、などの用語があります。

Co, Cowpunching, Cowpunk, Cowquake, Cowquakes, Cowra, Council, Cowrie

19. Skalv gress, eller Cowquakes, tilhører en gruppe av gress i planteslekten Briza




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