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1. Examples of Coursing in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Releasing the brake sends the engine's full power Coursing through the all-wheel-drive system, which shuffles torque to all four …


2. 1 to go after or on the track of. after Coursing the conspirators for months, the federal agents closed in and made the arrests

Coursing, Conspirators, Closed

3. Coursing All dogs have skills and instincts that come naturally, whether it’s running, hunting, or chasing. If you’ve ever wondered how good your dog’s natural abilities are, you might consider a

Coursing, Come, Chasing, Consider

4. Coursing is the pursuit of game or other animals by dogs—chiefly greyhounds and other sighthounds—catching their prey by speed, running by sight and not by scent

Coursing, Chiefly, Catching

5. Coursing was a common hunting technique, practised by the nobility, the landed and wealthy, and commoners with sighthounds and lurchers.

Coursing, Common, Commoners

6. Coursing, the pursuit of game by hounds hunting by sight and not by scent. In modern, organized Coursing competitions, two greyhounds at a time pursue one hare.

Coursing, Competitions

7. Synonyms for Coursing include running, racing, flowing, gushing, rushing, streaming, cascading, speeding, surging and barrelling

Coursing, Cascading

8. What is Coursing? Definition of Coursing in Construction The Coursing of a masonry wall, tile wall or other layered assembly of material is the actual dimensional lay out of this wall or surface. It is important that a professional mason layout the total assembly of material to allow the proper and intended Coursing that the architect intended.

Coursing, Construction

9. Find 34 ways to say Coursing, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Coursing, Com

10. Lure Coursing isn’t just a sport or a simple exercise activity


11. Coursing can also be a form of hunting or pest control

Coursing, Can, Control

12. AKC Lure Coursing may be the perfect answer! It’s an exciting way for him to do what comes naturally, but in a safe, controlled environment

Coursing, Comes, Controlled

13. I'm Coursing you, New York! And I want my sub-2:40


14. With modifier ‘hare Coursing


15. ‘Last Thursday's ban on the barbaric sports of hunting and Coursing with dogs is a …


16. ASFA lure Coursing: ASFA is very similar to AKC Coursing and is run with up to 3 dogs on a field


17. Like AKC Coursing the lure runs through a series of pulleys that make it run in a pattern similar to that a rabbit would run


18. Lure Coursing is a lot of fun to watch and participate in, and it’s a great way to mentally and physically challenge a high-energy dog

Coursing, Challenge

19. Coursing (countable and uncountable, plural Coursings) The sport of chasing wild animals, especially hares, with dogs by sight rather than by scent; Translations

Coursing, Countable, Coursings, Chasing

20. Lehigh Valley Coursing Club (LVCC), Allentown, Pennsylvania

Coursing, Club

21. Lure Coursing is an excellent activity for dogs who love to run! Dogs who enjoy the chase can excel in Lure Coursing, where they pursue an artificial lure around a predetermined course, demonstrating their natural prey drive in a safe environment.

Coursing, Chase, Can, Course

22. What does Coursing mean? Hunting with dogs trained to chase game by sight instead of scent

Coursing, Chase

23. Coursing: 1 n hunting with dogs (usually greyhounds) that are trained to chase game (such as hares) by sight instead of by scent Type of: hunt , hunting the pursuit and …

Coursing, Chase

24. To learn how to join the United Kennel Club, visit!Interested in Lure Coursing? Check out this video to find out more about this great event!

Club, Com, Coursing, Check

25. Lure Coursing is the modern version of chasing a lure based on the ancient sport of live game chasing

Coursing, Chasing

26. The sport goes has a long history – 4,000 year old Egyptian tomes depict Coursing with long legged hounds.


27. A little about the Sport of Lure Coursing: (Original text by SwiftPaws) “Lure Coursing is a competitive sport where dogs of all breeds can participate to earn titles

Coursing, Competitive, Can

28. ‘Hare Coursing took place on the estate, with a plentiful supply of hares reported.’ ‘I see that the new legislation to stop hare Coursing becomes law this month.’ ‘By refusing to embrace the drag, hare Coursing followers are signing their own grubby death warrant on an activity that befouls our society.’


29. Lure Coursing Dog Decal, Lure Course Dog Decal, Dog Lure Course Car Decal, Sport Car Decal, Lure Coursing Car Decal K9Sportboss

Coursing, Course, Car

30. Did you know that hare density is 18 times higher in Coursing areas than in non-Coursing areas? That's the conclusion of research by Queen's University, Belf

Coursing, Conclusion

31. Missouri Coursing Hound Association, Wildwood, Missouri


32. Missouri Coursing Hound Association, "MOCHA", is a not-for-profit hound club serving the sport of lure Coursing

Coursing, Club

33. Hare Coursing is banned, though it's working-class

Coursing, Class

34. Masters of the Hunt (Hare Coursing is letting greyhounds chase hares in a field — a sort of libertarian dog racing without the bother of a track.) "In the minds of ordinary people," Mike said, hunting is "not an issue of class but an issue of …

Coursing, Chase, Class

35. Lure Coursing is a fun game of chase that any dog can play! It provides both mental and physical stimulation dogs need and a well exercised dog is healthier and happier

Coursing, Chase, Can

36. The sport of lure Coursing is rapidly increasing in popularity, and once you’ve taken a look at this activity in action you will know why.


37. The body that regulates hare Coursing has brought a High Court challenge against the Government’s failure to include it in a list of activities allowed to operate during the current Covid-19

Coursing, Court, Challenge, Current, Covid

38. Coyote Coursing, hunting with greyhounds launched from specially made pickup rigs, is a hobby by locals, for locals, and it has remained a quintessentially vernacular enterprise occupying a rung below the Plains' prestige forms of animal training and interaction--namely with horses and cattle.

Coyote, Coursing, Cattle

39. Block Coursing for Wall Sections


40. Block Coursing with a variety of C.M.U


41. From time to time the sport has been pursued by various nations against various animals, but the recognized method has generally been the Coursing of the hare by greyhounds.


42. Topcrete Coursing bricks are a traditional dense aggregate brick designed to be used with the Topcrete range of blocks


43. They are ideal to maintain Coursing heights, avoiding thermal bridging, minimise wastage and infilling.


44. Lure Coursing is an ASFA (American Sighthound Field Association) or AKC (American Kennel Club) sanctioned competition, where a minimum of 500 yard zigzag course is set up with pulleys staked to the ground to form the turns

Coursing, Club, Competition, Course

45. A Coursing lead is intended only to be used for lure Coursing or chase ability events

Coursing, Chase

46. ’Lure Coursing is a performance event developed in the early 70’s by Lyle Gillette and other California Sighthound fanciers as a safer, more controlled sport for Sighthounds that simulates the pursuit of prey in the open field

Coursing, California, Controlled

47. Lure Coursing presents an opportunity for sighthounds to chase a lure for pleasure.

Coursing, Chase



coursing (noun)


  • (of liquid) move without obstruction; flow.
Synonyms: flow . pour . race . stream . run . rush . gush . pump . move . cascade . flood . surge . sweep . roll .
  • pursue (game, especially hares) with greyhounds using sight rather than scent.
Synonyms: hunt . chase . pursue . stalk . run down . run after . follow . track . trail . shadow . hound . dog .