See also: Coquettishness Coquettish Coquette Coquetry Coquettishly Coquelicot Coquina Coquito Coquetear Coqueto Conquest Conquer Coqueta
1. Coquettishness synonyms, Coquettishness pronunciation, Coquettishness translation, English dictionary definition of Coquettishness
2. They possess most of the male characteristics of manner, and but few of the wiles and little of the Coquettishness of woman
Characteristics, Coquettishness
3. IN THE LAND OF MOSQUES & MINARETS FRANCIS MILTOUN "You are very kind," Jerry said, looking at York with earnest eyes, void of all Coquettishness. THE RECLAIMERS MARGARET HILL MCCARTER
4. Coquettishness (Noun) The state or quality of being coquettish. How to pronounce Coquettishness?
Coquettishness, Coquettish
5. Coquettishness meaning The state or quality of being coquettish.
Coquettishness, Coquettish
6. ‘Suwage's realist paintings are not just imitations or transfers of reality, there is Coquettishness, humor, sarcasm, satire as well as condemnation of the situation around us.’ ‘He prescribed vanity and Coquettishness to cure societal ills, and it worked, for a string of fifteen top ten hit songs.’
Coquettishness, Condemnation, Cure
7. Ambition and its means are gendered male, Coquettishness and submission female, but Paulette's proclaimed ability to step outside social constructions and use the devices of both categories to fulfill her individualist desires deessentializes the gender roles through which Angela seeks to reconstruct herself.
Coquettishness, Constructions, Categories
8. Gone is the sheen and occasional Coquettishness that characterized "The Reminder," her 2007 album that sold more than one million copies world-wide and risked redefining her as a cheery pop artist
Coquettishness, Characterized, Copies, Cheery
9. Coquettishness (uncountable) The state or quality of being coquettish
Coquettishness, Coquettish
10. Coquettishness is a fanfiction author that has written 6 stories for Twilight.
11. Search Coquettishness and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso
12. You can complete the definition of Coquettishness given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
Can, Complete, Coquettishness, Cambridge, Chambers, Collins
13. ‘Taking a break between scenes, Carmína Riego, the actress who plays Señora Galindo, says that her big-haired, flouncy character is an exaggerated version of Chilean female Coquettishness.’
Carm, Character, Chilean, Coquettishness
14. Long a tool of social power for women, Coquettishness was slowly adapted by men, particularly the great seducers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries who envied the power of such women
Coquettishness, Centuries
15. Translation for 'Coquettishness' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
16. Synonyms for Coquettishness include kittenishness, flirtatiousness, coquetry, flirtation, coyness, modesty, timidity, diffidence, shyness and bashfulness
Coquettishness, Coquetry, Coyness
17. Baroque plays refer to the Coquettishness and seductiveness with which women wielded their cloaks, simultaneously hiding and showing their desires
Coquettishness, Cloaks
18. Coquettishness: koketterig, behaagziek: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
19. Coquettishness: koketnost: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
20. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Coquettishness" is defined
Click, Coquettishness
21. General (8 matching dictionaries) Coquettishness: [home, info] Coquettishness: Oxford Dictionaries [home, info] Coquettishness: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] Coquettishness: Wordnik [home, info]
Coquettishness, Com, Collins
22. Yes, their Coquettishness and evasions can exasperate men looking for an unequivocal answer to riddles of life and love
Coquettishness, Can
23. He prescribed vanity and Coquettishness to cure societal ills, and it worked, for a string of fifteen top ten hit songs
Coquettishness, Cure
24. She smiled at him, wanly, yet with a brazen Coquettishness …
25. Sanford’s Coquettishness, and the sexist society that allows Sanford to act like this whilst shaming that of Eliza, is the cause of her tragic ending
Coquettishness, Cause
26. Coquettishness Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Coquettishness in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu
Coquettishness, Correct
27. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Coquettishness in Urdu is ٹھگیا, and in …
Correct, Coquettishness
28. Translation of Coquettishness in Czech
Coquettishness, Czech
29. Translate Coquettishness in Czech online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge.
Coquettishness, Czech, Charge
30. Another way to say Coquettishness? Synonyms for Coquettishness (other words and phrases for Coquettishness).
31. 1 The epithet probably indicates Coquettishness
32. Translation for 'Coquettishness' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations.
33. Video shows what Coquettishness means
34. They both have a knack of Coquettishness
35. Violet (12-year-old Brooke Shields), a young girl in 1917, bewitches Carradine with her curiosity and naive Coquettishness.
Carradine, Curiosity, Coquettishness
36. Coquettishness is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Coquettishness meaning, Coquettishness word synonyms, and its similar words
37. Coquettishness meaning in Urdu is ٹھگیا and Coquettishness word meaning in roman can write as thagia.
Coquettishness, Can
38. The emperor, unable to overcome his son's Coquettishness, mixed himself with his son
39. Violet (12-year-old Brooke Shields), a young girl, bewitches Bellocq with her curiosity and naïve Coquettishness.
Curiosity, Coquettishness
40. Spiral Static by Coquettishness reviews NOW COMPLETE
Coquettishness, Complete
Define coquettishness. coquettishness synonyms, coquettishness pronunciation, coquettishness translation, English dictionary definition of coquettishness. n. A woman who regularly makes romantic or sexual overtures; a flirt. co·quet′tish adj. co·quet′tish·ly adv. co·quet′tish·ness n. American Heritage®...
n. A woman who regularly makes romantic or sexual overtures; a flirt. co·quet′tish adj. co·quet′tish·ly adv. co·quet′tish·ness n. American Heritage®... Coquettish - definition of coquettish by The Free Dictionary Printer Friendly
Examples from the Web for coquettish Her timeless look, retro style, and wounded, coquettish gaze recall classic film stars like Grace Kelly. Also on hand: coquettish cousin Lola, 15, and her twin younger brothers. She will never trade in the coquettish kitten heels for a sensible pump.