See also: Conventicle Convey Conviction Convoluted Conventional Conversely Convenience Convoy Convection Conversation Convert Convene Convince Conveyance Convenient Conversion Convocation Convergence Convencional Convergent Language Methods Convention Currency
1. Conventicle comes to us from Latin conventiculum and ultimately from convenire, meaning "to assemble." Conventiculum means "place of assembly" (it was applied in particular to Roman Christian meetinghouses) or simply "assembly." The English "Conventicle" also originally meant "assembly."
Conventicle, Comes, Conventiculum, Convenire, Christian
2. Conventicle. kon-vent′i-kl, n
3. What is the definition of Conventicle? What is the meaning of Conventicle? How do you use Conventicle in a sentence? What are synonyms for Conventicle?
4. Conventicle (n.) late 14c., "an assembly or gathering," from Latin conventiculum "a small assembly," diminutive of conventus "assembly," originally past participle of convenire "unite, be suitable, agree, assemble," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + venire "to come" (from PIE root *gwa- "to go, come").
Conventicle, Conventiculum, Conventus, Convenire, Com, Con, Come
5. Synonyms for Conventicle include assembly hall, building, church, meetinghouse, gathering, assembly, meeting, congress, congregation and convention
Conventicle, Church, Congress, Congregation, Convention
6. Stephan had practiced Conventicle Pietism in Germany and had influenced Walther and others in this direction
7. The term Conventicle is said by some to have been first applied in England to the schools of Wickliffe, and has been since used in a way of reproach for those assemblies which dissent from the established church
Conventicle, Church
8. In 1664, what was called the Conventicle act was passed, decreeing that if any person above 16 years of age, was present at any
Called, Conventicle
9. To belong to or meet in a Conventicle; practise the holding of Conventicles for religious worship.
Conventicle, Conventicles
10. Conventicle - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
11. Other articles where Conventicle Act is discussed: Protestantism: The Restoration (1660–85): The Conventicle Act of 1664 punished any person over 16 years of age for attending a religious meeting not conducted according to The Book of Common Prayer
Conventicle, Conducted, Common
12. ‘A Conventicle of Magpies’ is a fast-paced gaslamp fantasy adventure set in a Victorian-inspired world
13. Conventicle definition: a secret unauthorized meeting for religious worship synonyms: meeting, get together is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions
Conventicle, Com
14. The Conventicle is down, but most certainly not out! As I've mentioned here before, we are planning on launching an expanded Conventicle site, with a wealth of puritan-related resources
Conventicle, Certainly
15. Synonyms for Conventicle in Free Thesaurus
16. 1 synonym for Conventicle: meetinghouse
17. What are synonyms for Conventicle?
18. 14 synonyms and near synonyms of Conventicles from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
19. Find another word for Conventicles.
20. Conventicle †meeting, assembly, esp
21. The Conventicle was the second outcast group, and also the most secretive one
22. Unlike the Resistance, not much is known about the Conventicle, their numbers and organization
23. Looking for Conventicle? Find out information about Conventicle
24. A small meeting house or chapel for a religious assembly, esp of Nonconformists or Dissenters Collins Explanation of Conventicle
Chapel, Collins, Conventicle
25. Antonyms for Conventicle include dispersal, disbandment, dispersion, division, scattering, separation, dissipation, parting, dissolution and segmentation
26. The Conventicles Act 1670is an Actof the Parliament of England(22 Car
Conventicles, Car
27. 1) with the long title"An Act to prevent and suppress Seditious Conventicles".
28. Conventicle definition: a secret or unauthorized assembly for worship Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
29. Synonyms for Conventicles in Free Thesaurus
30. 1 synonym for Conventicle: meetinghouse
31. What are synonyms for Conventicles?
32. [ 1414) Statutes Realm 2.182: Q[ue] les Justices..eient pleine poair denquerer de toutz yceux q[ue] teignent ascuns..heresies come Lollardes, & queux sount lour lour escoles, Conventicles, congregacions, & confederacies.
Come, Conventicles, Congregacions, Confederacies
33. A Discovery of Witches: "The Conventicle"
34. What I shall attempt here is an analysis of the enforcement of two statutes, the Conventicle Acts of 1664 and 1670, in a limited number of counties over a confined period
Conventicle, Counties, Confined
35. A Conventicle of Magpies is the first book in the Bloodskills duology, and today we have an exclusive excerpt for you and a chance to win a signed copy of the book! A Conventicle of Magpies
Conventicle, Chance, Copy
36. PLEASE NOTE: CLICK ON THE HIGHLIGHTED TEXT TO CONTACT THE Conventicle ORGANIZER(S) UNITED STATES, alphabetically by state CALIFORNIA: NorCal Conventicle (contact Ginger on Twitter, or on Instagram) Southern California Creatures Conventicle San Diego Conventicle ILLINOIS Chicago and surrounding areas Conventicle INDIANA Crossroads Conventicle (Indiana) …
Click, Contact, Conventicle, California, Creatures, Chicago, Crossroads
37. Conventicle n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
38. A Conventicle Preacher before the Justices, painting by Robert Inerarity Herdman The Conventicle Act 1664 was an Act of the Parliament of England (16 Charles II c
Conventicle, Charles
39. 4 [1] ) that forbade Conventicles , defined as religious assemblies of more than five people other than an immediate family, outside the auspices of the Church of England .
Conventicles, Church
40. Conventicle translation in English-Swedish dictionary
41. Found 3 sentences matching phrase "Conventicle".Found in 2 ms.
42. Conventicle översättning i ordboken engelska - svenska vid Glosbe, online-lexikon, gratis
43. The Conventicles Act 1670 is an Act of the Parliament of England (22 Car
Conventicles, Car
44. 1) with the long title "An Act to prevent and suppress Seditious Conventicles"
45. The Act imposed a fine on any person who attended a Conventicle (any religious assembly other than the Church of England) of five shillings for the first offence and ten shillings for a second offence.
Conventicle, Church
46. Upon intelligence that on Sunday the last of Feb there was a field Conventicle to be kept somewhere near to Bathgate, a party was sent out to look after it, who accordingly did fall in with them near to the above mentioned place
47. At the first approach of the party, many who were at the Conventicle did retreat to a marsh ground close by where it
Conventicle, Close
CONVENTICLE [kənˈven(t)ək(ə)l]
Definition of conventicle. 1 : assembly, meeting. 2 : an assembly of an irregular or unlawful character. 3 : an assembly for religious worship especially : a secret meeting for worship not sanctioned by law. 4 : meetinghouse.
conventicle (plural conventicles) A secret, unauthorized or illegal religious meeting. The place where such a meeting is held. A Quaker meetinghouse.
A conventicle is a small, unofficial and unofficiated religious meeting of laypeople.
Conventicle comes to us from Latin conventiculum and ultimately from convenire, meaning "to assemble." Conventiculum means "place of assembly" (it was applied in particular to Roman Christian meetinghouses) or simply "assembly." The English "conventicle" also originally meant "assembly."