Use Contrition in a sentence

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See also: Contrition Content Contempt Contemptuous Contrast Contemporary Context Control Contradict Contend Contention Contentious Contribute Contemplate Contrary Controversial Contrite Continue Contract Controversy Contagion Contemptible Contrived Contemptuously Contented Contentment

1. Contrition definition is - the state of being contrite : repentance

Contrition, Contrite

2. How to use Contrition in a sentence


3. Synonym Discussion of Contrition.


4. Theology. sorrow for and detestation of sin with a true purpose of amendment, arising from a love of God for His own perfections (perfect Contrition), or from some …


5. (Theology) Christianity detestation of past sins and a resolve to make amends, either from love of God (perfect Contrition) or from hope of heaven (imperfect Contrition)

Christianity, Contrition

6. ə n / a very sorry or guilty feeling about something bad you have done, or the act of showing that you feel like this: He feels no Contrition for what he did


7. Contrition is a strong, powerful feeling that people get when they've done something wrong. Originally, this feeling came from having sinned and a fear of going to hell for it

Contrition, Came

8. But over the years, the idea of Contrition has gotten broader.


9. Some common synonyms of Contrition are compunction, penitence, remorse, and repentance. While all these words mean "regret for sin or wrongdoing," Contrition stresses the sorrowful regret that constitutes true penitence

Common, Contrition, Compunction, Constitutes

10. Tearful expressions of Contrition


11. The definition of Contrition is a feeling of remorse about having done something wrong. An example of Contrition is a student feeling bad about cheating on a test.

Contrition, Cheating

12. Declarations of Contrition and of a determination to fix things on the part of military leaders are a start. THE ARMY CAN’T REPEAT THE MISTAKES OF THE 1990S IF IT WANTS TO END SEXUAL ASSAULT DAVID FITZGERALD DECEMBER 17, 2020 WASHINGTON POST His whilom arrogance was all fallen from him; he wore instead an air of extreme Contrition.

Contrition, Can

13. Contrition is a key factor in true repentance


14. Contrition agrees that a heart intent on following Christ must reject evil in all its forms.

Contrition, Christ

15. Updated September 05, 2019 The Act of Contrition is usually associated with the Sacrament of Confession, but Catholics should also pray it every day as part of their normal prayer life. Recognizing our sins is an important part of our spiritual growth.

Contrition, Confession, Catholics

16. Act of Contrition # 2 - My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my Act of Contrition # 3 - My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my Act of Contrition # 4 - O my God, I am sorry for my sins because I have Act of Contrition # 5 - O my God, I am heartily sorry for having Act of Contrition # 6 - By St


17. Act of Contrition (traditional) O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love


18. While Contrition has its degrees, and is not equal in all persons, the promise of forgiveness is not dependent upon the degree of Contrition, but solely upon the merit of Christ

Contrition, Christ

19. Contrition is merely a poor-man's cross between Groundhog Day & Fatal Attraction

Contrition, Cross

20. Definition of Contrition in the dictionary


21. What does Contrition mean? Information and translations of Contrition in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Contrition, Comprehensive

22.Contrition” comes from the Latin contristare, “to be with sadness.” And so we begin the prayer by saying, “O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You.” Here we express to God our feeling of sadness that flows from our honest acknowledgment of sin

Contrition, Comes, Contristare

23. Contrition is not only a moral virtue, but the Council of Trent defined that it is a "part", nay more, quasi materia, in the Sacrament of Penance

Contrition, Council

24. "The (quasi) matter of this sacrament consists of the acts of the penitent himself, namely, Contrition, confession, and satisfaction.

Consists, Contrition, Confession

25. Contrition is a synonym of repentance


26. As nouns the difference between Contrition and repentance is that Contrition is the state of being contrite; sincere penitence or remorse while repentance is the condition of being penitent.

Contrition, Contrite, Condition

27. Contrition (etymologically, rubbing together, grinding so as to pulverize) is the technical term in theology for repentance of sin


28. ‘His Contrition and his guilt do not help to free him from his bondage, though.’ ‘What I don't understand about it is that I imagine that the forgiveness spoken about is forgiveness that is called for - and that is most typically where one understands the genuine Contrition of the other person.’

Contrition, Called

29. Moreover, Contrition must be continual, and a man must keep and hold a steadfast purpose to shrive himself and to amend his way of life

Contrition, Continual

30. A variation on this theme was that the prisoner had reformed or had shown sufficient Contrition for their crime.

Contrition, Crime

31. Place the Seal of Contrition in the Crest of Ascension

Contrition, Crest

32. Act of Contrition, catholic prayer of sorrow, catholic prayer confession, reconciliation prayer

Contrition, Catholic, Confession

33. (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition") When we go to confession, imperfect Contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins

Catholic, Contrition, Confession

34. However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect Contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.

Circumstances, Cannot, Confession, Can, Contrition

35. We found 9 answers for “Contrition


36. This page shows answers to the clue Contrition, followed by 7 definitions like “The state of being contrite”, “Sincere penitence or remorse” and “The act of grinding or ribbing to powder”.A synonym for Contrition is qualms of conscience.

Clue, Contrition, Contrite, Conscience

37. Contrition (Latin contritio--a breaking of something hardened)

Contrition, Contritio

38. Contrition is sincere sorrow for having offended God, and hatred for the sins we have committed, with a firm purpose of sinning no more

Contrition, Committed

39. Imperfect Contrition, also known as attrition— sorrow for one’s sins based upon fear of the punishment of Hell— is sufficient for a priest to absolve you in the confessional, but not enough

Contrition, Confessional

40. Contrition is not only a moral virtue, but the Council of Trent defined that it is a "part", nay more, quasi materia, in the Sacrament of Penance

Contrition, Council

41. Contrition f (plural Contritions) remorse, Contrition Synonyms: componction, remords; Further reading “Contrition” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

Contrition, Contritions, Componction

42. Examples of Contrition in a sentence


43. The defendant pled guilty to the crime and expressed heartfelt Contrition for the things he done.

Crime, Contrition

44. "Contrition is a lively tale of twins separated soon after birth and then reunited in a cloistered monastery in Big Sur

Contrition, Cloistered

45. Contrition explores the perils and pulls of art, faith, and fame.


46. Detestation of past sins and a resolve to make amends, either from love of God (perfect Contrition) or from hope of heaven (imperfect Contrition)


47. BTW, "Contrition" is precisely what rankles for most of the naysayers


48. The expression of Contrition from Mr


49. Arising from or expressing Contrition: contrite words

Contrition, Contrite

50. You might, for example, offer "a contrite apology." In the Catholic Church, Contrition has a

Contrite, Catholic, Church, Contrition

51. Perfect Contrition necessarily includes the resolution to confess one’s mortal sins to a priest, but it brings God’s forgiveness even before the penitent receives absolution from a priest

Contrition, Confess

52. Contrition IN THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE.—Contrition is not only a moral virtue, but the Council of Trent defined that it is a “part”, nay more, quasi materia, in the Sacrament of Penance

Contrition, Council

53. “The (quasi) matter of this sacrament consists of the acts of the penitent himself, namely, Contrition, confession, and satisfaction.

Consists, Contrition, Confession

54. Contrition, or sorrow for sin, is a hatred of sin and a true grief of the soul for having offended God, with a firm purpose of sinning no more


55. An Act of Contrition is a Christian prayer genre that expresses sorrow for sins.It may be used in a liturgical service or be used privately, especially in connection with an examination of conscience.Special formulae for acts of Contrition are in use in the Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist and Reformed Churches.

Contrition, Christian, Connection, Conscience, Catholic, Churches

56. The Catholic Church does not restrict the term "act of Contrition" to any

Catholic, Church, Contrition

57. Contrition is a grief of the soul, a detestation of sin committed

Contrition, Committed

58. Now, for real Contrition, three conditions are necessary-it must he internal, universal, and supernatural

Contrition, Conditions

59. What are the types of Contrition in the Roman Catholic Church? There are two kinds of Contrition: perfect Contrition and attrition (aka imperfect Contrition)

Contrition, Catholic, Church

60. The catechism explains that perfect Contrition “remits venial sins; it also obtains forgiveness of mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as

Catechism, Contrition, Confession


CONTRITION [kənˈtriSH(ə)n]

contrition (noun)

  • the state of feeling remorseful and penitent.
  • (in the Roman Catholic Church) the repentance of past sins during or after confession.
Synonyms: remorse . repentance . penitence . sorrow . sorrowfulness . regret . contriteness . ruefulness . shame . guilt . self-reproach . self-condemnation . compunction . rue . sorriness .

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