See also: Consultancy Consultants Consulting Management Conscientious Conscious Consolidate Consummate Constitution Constant Consensus Constitute Construction Conspicuous Consequently Consistent Conscience Consideration Constituent Conservative Consent Consciente Consenso Consignar Constitución Informed Social Constitutional Conspiracy
1. Consultancy definition is - the act or an instance of consulting : consultation
Consultancy, Consulting, Consultation
2. How to use Consultancy in a sentence.
3. Consultancy synonyms, Consultancy pronunciation, Consultancy translation, English dictionary definition of Consultancy
4. The state of being a consultant; the position of a consultant: a Consultancy with a government agency
Consultant, Consultancy
5. A company that gives expert advice on a particular subject: He is leaving the company after 15 years to set up a Consultancy. a business/management/recruitment, etc. Consultancy She was the creative …
Company, Consultancy, Creative
6. A world class source of environmental Consultancy Andy Ingles from Dunbar runs his own environmental Consultancy Australia and Hungary - limited to Consultancy services
Class, Consultancy
7. THE Consultancy PR is an LA based PR agency specializing in the interiors, lifestyle and fashion markets
8. Attain sells federal practice to Maximus for $430 million Attain LLC, a management and technology Consultancy focusing on the public and nonprofit sectors, has sold its federal division to Maximus, a global government services firm, for $430 million
9. A consulting firm or simply Consultancy is a professional service firm that provides expert advice for a fee. Consulting firms may have one employee or thousands; they may consult in broad range of domains, for example, management, engineering, and so on.
Consulting, Consultancy, Consult
10. Global consulting news on, the globe’s premier network for the consulting industry
Consulting, Consultancy
11. We are a professional services and Consultancy firm that specialises in delivering outcome based projects and solutions
12. is the online platform for the global consulting industry
Consultancy, Consulting
13. is the parent of 12 consulting platforms and works with leading consulting firms.
Consultancy, Consulting
14. As nouns the difference between consultation and Consultancy is that consultation is the act of consulting while Consultancy is a consultant or consulting firm.
Consultation, Consultancy, Consulting, Consultant
15. is the online platform for UK's consulting industry
Consultancy, Consulting
16. ‘Soon, he ventured into Consultancy but was drawn by the prospects in IT.’ ‘Last year her €60,000-a-month Consultancy to run the Digital Hub came to an end.’ ‘Ten years ago he was a Dundee University drop out whose career encompassed labouring, recruitment Consultancy and a rock band.’
Consultancy, Came, Career
17. Consultancy Protocol Framing Consultancy Dilemmas Developed by Faith Dunne, Paula Evans, and Gene Thompson-Grove as part of their work at the Coalition of Essential Schools and the Annenberg Institute for School Reform
Consultancy, Coalition
18. Purpose The structure of the Consultancy helps presenters think more expansively about a particular, concrete dilemma.
Consultancy, Concrete
19. Tata Consultancy Services is a global leader in IT services, consulting & business solutions with a large network of innovation & delivery centers
Consultancy, Consulting, Centers
20. Actio Consultancy is a five star rated Legal Consultancy, and also an officially registered Thai company with the DBD
Consultancy, Company
21. Industry Leaders in International & Thai Consultancy A high quality, ambitious and new generation of internationally focused Consultancy in Thailand.
22. is the online platform for Middle East's consulting industry
Consultancy, Com, Consulting
23. A business or agency offering expert or professional advice in a field: opened a financial Consultancy
24. A position as a consultant: accepted a three-year Consultancy abroad
Consultant, Consultancy
25. is the online platform for Asia's consulting industry
Consultancy, Consulting
26. Consultancy client case studies Helping a Fortune 500 pharma company identify its biggest skills gaps The Challenge A Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company needed to identify its marketing capability gaps from across 50 markets, to build a scalable and global learning programme designed to establish the organisation as the indisputable industry
Consultancy, Client, Case, Company, Challenge, Capability
27. Please Select your Consultancy Service
28. Consultancy n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
29. Consultancy的意思、解釋及翻譯:1
30. NDT Consultancy Services Inc., an "ISO 9001-2015" Certified company and a Texas Corporation with a date of incorporation of 4th January 2008
Consultancy, Certified, Company, Corporation
31. NDT Consultancy Services also delivers NDT Level
32. If you run a Consultancy business that specializes in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, ICO Crypto is the website template that you need
Consultancy, Cryptocurrencies, Crypto
33. Rajesh Gopinathan is the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading global IT solutions and consulting firm
Chief, Consultancy, Consulting
34. What is a Consultancy assignment? As a qualified expert, Consultancy assignments enable you to take on challenging responsibilities and gain experience working in a specialized organisation of the United Nations
Consultancy, Challenging
35. Consultancy definition: A Consultancy is a company that gives expert advice on a particular subject
Consultancy, Company
36. EConsultancy exists to help you and your business achieve excellence in marketing, digital and ecommerce through transforming knowledge, skills and mindset.
37. Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that has been partnering with many of the world’s largest businesses in their transformation journeys for over 50 years
Consultancy, Consulting
38. is the online platform for Africa's consulting industry
Consultancy, Consulting
39. Consultancy has been part of our DNA for more than a quarter of a century – in fact, it’s where the business started
Consultancy, Century
40. Management Consulting Amsterdam, Noord Holland 7,039 followers Platform voor de adviesbranche
Consultancy, Consulting
41. Thank you for exploring Consultancy opportunities with the Organization of American States – the world’s oldest regional organization dating back to 1889
42. The Consultancy team took 6,900 PDF documents submitted to the REF and produced a normalized searchable database, which forms the basis for an exploratory website, allowing institutions and policy makers to review and analyse the impact of research investments
43. Prolifics Testing is a specialist IT Consultancy with a total focus in software testing - automation, performance, Consultancy and training
CONSULTANCY [kənˈsəltnsē]
Consultancy services are a service provided by a professional expert who provides expert advice in a particular area such as Security, Finance, Management or any of many other professional specialized fields.
Consulting means “engaged in the business of giving expert advice to people working in a specific field.” In other words, a consultant is somebody who gives advice to a specific group of people. So what is consulting? Consulting is the business of providing expert advice to a specific group of people.
Definition of consultation. 1 : council, conference specifically : a deliberation between physicians on a case or its treatment Her doctor called in a heart specialist for consultation.
The noun consultancy can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be consultancy. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be consultancies e.g. in reference to various types of consultancies or a collection of consultancies.