See also: Connotation Connate Connotate Cognates Connote Connotative Commute Connoted Connected Connectedness Connection Conniving Connoisseur Conniption Connive Connectivity Conned Connivance Connective Man
1. History and Etymology for Connate Late Latin connatus, past participle of connasci to be born together, from Latin com- + nasci to be born — more at nation Learn More about Connate Time Traveler for …
Connate, Connatus, Connasci, Com
2. Connate definition, existing in a person or thing from birth or origin; inborn: a Connate sense of right and wrong
3. Connate synonyms, Connate pronunciation, Connate translation, English dictionary definition of Connate
4. 16 synonyms of Connate from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 43 related words, definitions, and antonyms
5. Connate: having qualities in common.
Connate, Common
6. Connate Design is a full-service design studio, focusing on a wide range of residential and commercial projects from furnishings to renovations and new construction.
Connate, Commercial, Construction
7. Connate is the condition our condition is in
Connate, Condition
8. Pretty much the inverse of the song, though, which funkily recognized the cognitive dissonance of its era; Connate, on the other hand, signals a whole that submerges Weltanschauung, world and water–and me and you–without really ever having to say so.
Cognitive, Connate
9. Connate Water specializes in Corporate Water Management which is centered around achieving client focused goals
Connate, Corporate, Centered, Client
10. Connate water can be dense and saline compared with seawater
Connate, Can, Compared
11. Formation water, or interstitial water, in contrast, is simply water found in the pore spaces of a rock, and might not have been present when the rock was formed. Connate water is also described as fossil water
Contrast, Connate
12. 15 rows · In geology and sedimentology, Connate fluids are liquids that were trapped in the pores of …
Class, Connate
13. Discover Connate products online at Jumia Kenya
14. Explore a great selection of genuine Connate at the best price in Kenya
15. Corky or woody and extremely hard, very closely imbricated and Connate, forming a subglobose polycephalous mass, Figure 334
Corky, Closely, Connate
16. HARD In the systems to which Locke replies they had been called innate or Connate. THE COLLECTED WRITING OF THOMAS DE QUINCEY, VOL.
Called, Connate, Collected
17. ‘In young flowers all the carpels are Connate at the base, and each mature mericarp represents a single carpel rather than half a carpel as is the case in Lamiaceae and Boraginaceae.’ ‘Sepals and petals are usually similar in form and free, but the lateral sepals may be Connate …
Carpels, Connate, Carpel, Case
18. In terms of sedimentology and geology, Connate water, or Connate fluid, refers to the liquids trapped within sedimentary rocks
19. Contact us today for interior design inquiries, and for any questions about Connate Home products or press
Contact, Connate
20. Connate Water or Connate fluid refers to the liquids trapped within the pores of sedimentary rocks
21. Connate fused to another organ of the same kind
22. Connate: 1 adj related in nature “ Connate qualities” Synonyms: cognate related , related to being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics adj of similar parts or organs; closely joined or united “a Connate tomato flower” Antonyms: adnate of …
Connate, Cognate, Connected, Causally, Characteristics, Closely
23. Usually two to four persistent sepals that are distinct or Connate (fused) at the base.
24. Connate - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
25. Definition of Connate in the dictionary
26. What does Connate mean? Information and translations of Connate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Connate, Comprehensive
27. Connate (of plant organs) originally distinct, but growing together and joining.
28. Connate (adj.) 1640s, "allied in origin or nature;" 1650s, "born or produced at the same time, congenital," from Late Latin connatus "born together, born at the same time," past participle of connasci "to be born together," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + nasci "to be born" (Old Latin gnasci, from PIE root *gene-"give birth, beget").
Connate, Congenital, Connatus, Connasci, Com, Con
29. Connate waters contain a lower percentage of sulfates, magnesium, and often calcium (possibly caused by the precipitation of anhydrite, dolomite, and calcite) and a higher percentage of sodium, potassium, and chlorides than does seawater.
Connate, Contain, Calcium, Caused, Calcite, Chlorides
30. (2 fused) and 5 stamens with Connate (fused) filaments
31. Their knowledge is Connate and is called instinct; but it belongs to the natural love in which they are
Connate, Called
32. Believe in season Merry Christmas Ultra Cotton Printed Tshirt for Men and Women - Connate Style Tee
Christmas, Cotton, Connate
33. Day Ultra Cotton Tee for Men & Women only on Connate Style
Cotton, Connate
34. The solutions supply the magnesium needed and must have the appropriate pH and concentrations of other necessary ions; these solutions are generally considered to be seawater (either "normal" seawater or brines concentrated by evaporation), Connate water, meteoric water, or some combination of …
Concentrations, Considered, Concentrated, Connate, Combination
35. Synonyms for Connate in Free Thesaurus
36. 10 synonyms for Connate: agnate, akin, allied, cognate, connatural, consanguine, consanguineous, kindred
Connate, Cognate, Connatural, Consanguine, Consanguineous
37. Connate (comparative more Connate, superlative most Connate) Of the same or a similar nature; proceeding from the same stock or root
Connate, Comparative
38. Synonyms: see Thesaurus: innate United with other organs of the same kind (for example sepals Connate with sepals, petals Connate with petals, or stamens
39. Connate - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
40. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Connate adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (philosophy: innate) conato adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa [b]grande[/b]", "mujer [b]alta[/b]").
Connate, Conato, Casa
41. Being in close accord or sympathy; congenial: "In the wilderness, I find something more dear and Connate than in streets and villages" (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Close, Congenial, Connate
42. This is in contrast to adnation, the fusion of dissimilar organs.Such organs are described as Connate or adnate, respectively
Contrast, Connate
43. Synonyms for Connate include similar, corresponding, comparable, like, parallel, analogous, matching, akin, alike and correspondent
Connate, Corresponding, Comparable, Correspondent
44. Professional Hydrogeology Solutions and Equipment Rentals- Connate Water Solutions LLC - Contact: 587-998-1060 Email: [email protected]
Connate, Contact, Connatewater, Com
45. The key difference between adnate and Connate is that adnate organs are the dissimilar organs that are fused together while Connate organs are similar types of organs that are fused together.
46. Connate enables native distribution & delivery of all forms of content, including videos, photos, infographics, editorial and more that empowers top publishers to monetize while acknowledging user
Connate, Content
47. Sepals 1.5-2.3 mm long beyond glands, 1.3-1.5 mm wide, broadly obtuse or rounded, abaxially tomentose or loosely sericeous over the whole surface or nearly glabrous toward margin and ciliate on margin, adaxially glabrous, appressed in anthesis; glands 8, 1.5-2.5 mm long, obovate, often compressed but distinct or rarely the glands of adjacent sepals Connate, glabrous, often slightly detached at
Ciliate, Compressed, Connate
48. Connate (of plant organs) originally distinct, but growing together and joining.
49. The product alcohol is much more soluble in the Connate water than in the oil phase
50. Connate translation in English-Persian dictionary
51. Found 2 sentences matching phrase "Connate".Found in 0 ms.
52. At Connate (or irreducible) water saturation (S wc), oil relative permeability is at its maximum (k rom).As water saturation increases (imbibition), oil relative permeability decreases and water relative permeability increases until no more oil can be displaced by water, at which point oil saturation = S or (irreducible oil saturation) and water saturation S w = 1 − S or.
Connate, Can
53. Examples of Connate in a sentence
54. The boy had a Connate love for music since he was born
55. 🔊 His moral compass was Connate as he always seemed to know right from wrong
Compass, Connate
56. 🔊 The man’s positive nature was Connate and present since birth
CONNATE [ˈkänāt, kəˈnāt]
Connate Water. Definition - What does Connate Water mean? In terms of sedimentology and geology, connate water, or connate fluid, refers to the liquids trapped within sedimentary rocks. This happens as the rocks go through the process of sedimentation.
(Geological Science) geology (of fluids) produced or originating at the same time as the rocks surrounding them: connate water. 1. existing in a person or thing from birth or origin; inborn. 2. associated in birth or origin. 3. allied or agreeing in nature; cognate. 4. (of anatomical parts) firmly united; fused. 5. congenitally joined, as leaves.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In geology and sedimentology, connate fluids are liquids that were trapped in the pores of sedimentary rocks as they were deposited. These liquids are largely composed of water, but also contain many mineral components as ions in solution.
Late Latin connatus, past participle of connasci to be born together, from Latin com- + nasci to be born — more at nation “Connate.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 1 Mar. 2021. What made you want to look up connate?