Use Conduction in a sentence

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See also: Conduction Saltatory The Thermal Define Your Condescending Conduct Condemn Conducive Conduit Condolences Condensation Condone Condition Condemned Condemnation Conducted Conductor Condescension Condense Condominium Conducta Condescendiente Operant Classical Code Policy Conditions Curl

1. Conduction definition is - the act of conducting or conveying

Conduction, Conducting, Conveying

2. How to use Conduction in a sentence.


3. In heat Conduction, the energy flows by direct contact of the substance's molecules with each other

Conduction, Contact

4. In electrical Conduction, energy flows by the movement of electrons or ions.


5. Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules. Conduction occurs more readily in solids and liquids, where the particles are closer to together, than in gases, where particles are further apart.

Conduction, Collisions, Closer

6. Conduction refers to the transfer of energy through the movement of particles that are in contact with each other. In physics, the word "Conduction" is used to describe three different types of behavior, which are defined by the type of energy being transferred:

Conduction, Contact

7. Conduction is the transfer of energy in the form of heat or electricity from one atom to another within an object by direct contact

Conduction, Contact

8. Conduction occurs in solids, liquids, and gases


9. Of these, Conduction is perhaps the most common, and occurs regularly in nature

Conduction, Common

10. A Conduction disorder is a problem with the electrical system that makes your heart beat and controls its rate and rhythm. This system is called the cardiac Conduction system

Conduction, Controls, Called, Cardiac

11. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have observed novel helical magnetic ordering in the topological compound EuIn2As2 which supports exotic electrical Conduction

Compound, Conduction

12. Conduction Heat is thermal energy


13. It can be transferred from one place to another by Conduction

Can, Conduction

14. Definition of Conduction Conduction can be understood as the process, which enables direct transfer of heat through the matter, due to the difference in temperature, between adjacent parts of the object. It happens when the temperature of the molecules present in a substance increase, resulting in vigorous vibration.

Conduction, Can

15. Conduction is the transfer of heat from one molecule to another through a substance


16. Find 81 ways to say Conduction, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Conduction, Com

17. Conduction is the movement of heat or electricity through a material without any perceptible motion of the material


18. Discover more details about real-life Conduction and review some examples of Conduction.


19. Conduction--Conduction is the transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other

Conduction, Contact

20. Metal is a good Conduction of heat


21. Conduction occurs when a substance is heated, particles will gain more energy, and vibrate more.


22. Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy through direct contact

Conduction, Contact

23. The little trick on the park bench was the power in miniature, for at its peak Conduction opened a


24. Discussion Heat Conduction (as opposed to electrical Conduction) is the flow of internal energy from a region of higher temperature to one of lower temperature by the interaction of the adjacent particles (atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, etc.) in the intervening space.


25. Conduction Heat is transferred through direct contact (touching).

Conduction, Contact

26. Conduction is defined as The process in which heat flows from objects with higher temperature to objects with lower temperature


27. Thermal Conduction, also called heat Conduction, occurs within a body or between two bodies in contactwithout the involvement of mass flow and mixing.It is the direct microscopic exchange of kinetic energy of particles through the boundary between two systems

Conduction, Called, Contactwithout

28. Heat transfer by Conductionis dependent upon the driving “force” of temperature difference and the thermal conductivity

Conductionis, Conductivity

29. Conduction is when heat or electricity moves from one place to another


30. If you've ever felt a shock while putting on a sweater, you have participated in electrical Conduction.


31. Conduction aphasia is a type of aphasia in which the main impairment is in the inability to repeat words or phrases


32. A person with Conduction aphasia can usually …

Conduction, Can

33. Conduction will occur until the spoon is hotter than the coffee

Conduction, Coffee

34. Conduction will occur until the spoon is at room temperature and the coffee gets cold

Conduction, Coffee, Cold

35. Conduction will occur until the spoon is removed from the coffee after the weekend

Conduction, Coffee

36. Conduction will occur until the spoon and coffee are the same temperature

Conduction, Coffee

37. Conduction is the transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle


38. A process of heat transfer through a gas or liquid by bulk motion of hotter material into a cooler regionCompare Conduction (def

Cooler, Conduction

39. What is a nerve Conduction velocity test? A nerve Conduction velocity (NCV) test — also called a nerve Conduction study (NCS) — measures how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve

Conduction, Called

40. Conduction definition: Conduction is the process by which heat or electricity passes through or along something


41. Conduction (electricity) The passage of electric charges due to a force exerted on them by an electric field

Conduction, Charges

42. Thermal Conduction, transfer of energy (heat) arising from temperature differences between adjacent parts of a body


43. We call this thermal Conduction, or I'll just call it Conduction

Call, Conduction

44. Let me write thermal Conduction


45. So this that is being described is thermal Conduction


46. Conduction (n.) 1540s, "a leading, guidance" (a sense now obsolete), from French Conduction "hire, renting," and directly from Latin Conductionem (nominative conductio), noun of action from past-participle stem of conducere "to lead or bring together," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + ducere "to lead" (from PIE root *deuk-"to lead").

Conduction, Conductionem, Conductio, Conducere, Com, Con

47. Conduction [kon-duk´shun] conveyance of energy, as of heat, sound, or electricity

Conduction, Conveyance

48. Aberrant ventricular Conduction the temporary abnormal intraventricular Conduction of supraventricular impulses; called also ventricular aberration

Conduction, Called

49. Aerial Conduction (air Conduction) Conduction of sound waves to the organ of hearing in the inner ear through the air


50. A Physics revision video explaining the process of heat transfer by Conduction.


51. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation – 3 Modes of Heat Transfer

Conduction, Convection

52. This transfer takes place in three ways - Conduction, convection, and radiation.

Conduction, Convection

53. Conduction [kon-duk´shun] conveyance of energy, as of heat, sound, or electricity

Conduction, Conveyance

54. Aberrant ventricular Conduction the temporary abnormal intraventricular Conduction of supraventricular impulses; called also ventricular aberration

Conduction, Called

55. Aerial Conduction (air Conduction) Conduction of sound waves to the organ of hearing in the inner ear through the air


56. Bone Conduction technology, initially developed for military and law enforcement use, was introduced into the AfterShokz debut product line in 2011


57. For the first time ever, AfterShokz had made the unique listening experience provided by bone Conduction technology available to the general public.


58. While bone Conduction headphones are generally safe, experts advise us to keep a close eye on the volume—there is a tendency to crank it way up since bone Conduction headphones lack an ear seal

Conduction, Close, Crank

59. Heat Conduction, Third Edition is an update of the classic text on heat Conduction, replacing some of the coverage of numerical methods with content on micro- and nanoscale heat transfer

Conduction, Classic, Coverage, Content


CONDUCTION [kənˈdəkSH(ə)n]

Frequently Asked Questions

What are five examples of conduction?

Examples of Conduction:

  • Automobile engine:
  • Roasting marshmallows
  • Picking Up a Coin
  • Saving a Life with Body Heat
  • How would you explain conduction?

    Definition of Conduction. Conduction can be understood as the process, which enables direct transfer of heat through the matter, due to the difference in temperature, between adjacent parts of the object. It happens when the temperature of the molecules present in a substance increase, resulting in vigorous vibration.

    What are facts about conduction?

    Conduction in physics is about forms of energy, namely heat or electricity. Heat conduction takes place between two objects in contact with each other. Heat energy moves from one to the other. In heat conduction, the heat energy travels from the hot point to a cold point.

    What does the name conduction mean?

    Borrowed from Old French conduction, from Latin conductio, conductionem ("a bringing together"); equivalent to conduct +‎ -ion. (physics) The conveying of heat or electricity through material. The act of leading or guiding.

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