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See also: Conclave Enclave Concave Concise Concentric Concur Concurrently Concept Conceited Concede Concern Conception Concession Concomitant Conclusion Concurrence Concrete Concubine Concierge Conclude Conceal Concerned Conceive Concordia Concepto Conciencia Conceived

1. The etymology of Conclave begs this question as the word comes from a Latin term meaning "room that can be locked up." The English word formerly had the same meaning, but that use is now obsolete

Conclave, Comes, Can

2. Today, "Conclave" refers not to the locked rooms but to the private meetings and secret assemblies that occur within them.


3. Noun a private or secret meeting. an assembly or gathering, especially one that has special authority, power, or influence: a Conclave of political leaders


4. Conclave - Based on Latin con- and clavis, "key," as it was first an inner chamber or private room to which one would have needed a key, literally a "place that can be locked up," or a room or set of rooms that can be opened with only one key. See also related terms for small room

Conclave, Con, Clavis, Chamber, Can

5. Conclave puts the power to build privacy-preserving apps with ease into the hands of developers. Code in the language of your choice—Java, Kotlin and JavaScript

Conclave, Code, Choice

6. Plug into existing apps as Conclave is compatible with most systems.

Conclave, Compatible

7. Conclave, (from Latin cum clave, “with a key”), in the Roman Catholic Church, the assembly of cardinals gathered to elect a new pope and the system of strict seclusion to which they submit.

Conclave, Cum, Clave, Catholic, Church, Cardinals

8. Conclave is a humorous fish out of water story with action, crime, and mystery mixed in for good measure

Conclave, Crime

9. In 2015, when the Conclave board invited me to Chair this heritage event, I knew my work would be to continue Conclave’s legacy as a champion for the radio industry and for everyone who works every day to keep our brands in the hearts and the (mobile) hands of the fans.

Conclave, Chair, Continue, Champion

10. Conclave makes it possible for regular developers to write applications that their users can remotely ‘audit’

Conclave, Can

11. And Conclave makes it easy for these users to actually wield that power. Conclave makes the promise of “know exactly what will happen to your data when it’s …


12. The largest summit of its kind in North India, the Conclave will take place virtually on April 4-5, 2021, as a part of APOGEE 2021, the 39th edition of BITS Pilani’s annual technical festival.


13. The Conclave is the one that took place in 1458.


14. Conclave, as its title tit I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to read this novel but something about it's cover drew me to the book and the fact that a couple of my goodread friend's enjoyed it I knew I had to step outside for comfort zone and give it a try and what a enjoyable and interesting read it was.

Conclave, Cover, Couple, Comfort

15. In its present form the Conclave dates from the end of the thirteenth century

Conclave, Century

16. Conclave is an Action card from Nocturne

Conclave, Card

17. Conclave Myrtle Beach 2021 August 3-8, 2021


18. We are proud to announce the Honorary Co-Chairmen for Conclave Myrtle Beach 2021 "A BROTHERHOOD OF CONSCIOUS MEN" REGISTER NOW

Co, Chairmen, Conclave, Conscious

19. Conclave is a neutral Syndicate led by the Conclave Master, Teshin


20. Teshin resides within the Conclave Hall of each Relay


21. He is the one responsible for the management of the Conclave PvP System, providing incentives through various rewards that can be earned through Conclave battles

Conclave, Can

22. Conclave offers best-in-class technology, backed by the rich experience of our developers and business team, to empower customers to bring about a new era of privacy in data sharing, processing

Conclave, Class, Customers

23. The first editions of the Intrapreneurship Conclave were held in 2017 and 2019, with the aim of helping companies focus on creativity and a vibrant culture of …

Conclave, Companies, Creativity, Culture

24. I (Paul Donovan) and Sytze van der Laan, the former head of Studio Hamburg, intended "The Conclave" to be both a stand alone movie and to act as a pilot for a Borgias series


25. *Conclave is a 27,000 word novella that is available for FREE on my website and on my Wattpad


26. Kappa Conclave 2021 Phoenix, Arizona


27. The Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated welcomes Kappas, Silhouettes, family and friends to the 2021 Kappa Conclave in Phoenix, Arizona.

Chapter, Conclave

28. The first Conclave lasted only a day and the next but seven days


29. The second, Adrian V, did not live long enough to incorporate in an authoritative act his openly expressed opinion of the Conclave.


30. ‘The next Conclave will elect the church's 264th pope.’ ‘History offers plentiful examples of Conclaves where the cardinals appointed by one pope elected a very different successor.’ ‘He decided to spend the night instead at the Vatican hotel where the cardinals gathered for the Conclave.’

Conclave, Church, Conclaves, Cardinals

31. The Conclave, also known as The Senate, an abbreviation of IFS (International Federation Senate), was a group composed of four sages introduced in Guilty Gear Vastedge XT, who act as the supreme advisers to the Sanctus Populi

Conclave, Composed

32. Conclave - Kindle edition by Davis, Tom


33. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Conclave.


34. Conclave is an online RPG with the story and turn-based combat of a classic fantasy tabletop campaign

Conclave, Combat, Classic, Campaign

35. The game is set in and around the lands of the Conclave, last refuge of the Kin.


36. The Conclave was a small group of elders that ruled over the Judicator Assembly.1 1 Organization 2 History 2.1 Early History 2.2 The Purifiers 2.3 The Dark Templar 2.4 The Zerg Invasion 2.5 Destruction and Legacy 3 Known Members 4 Notes 5 References The Conclave were a group of elders, chosen for their wisdom and their knowledge and orthodoxy in relation to the Khala.2 The Ara …

Conclave, Chosen

37. In addition, a Conclave is an occasion at which competing and contradictory interests converge

Conclave, Competing, Contradictory, Converge

38. Conclave is secure, adaptable and flexible – a great choice for any business looking to harness the promise of confidential computing.” Adi Ben-Ari, Founder & CEO at Applied Blockchain, said: “Conclave offers a relatively simple set of abstractions that enable a certain class of privacy-preserving applications to be developed quickly

Conclave, Choice, Confidential, Computing, Ceo, Certain, Class

39. The tenth International Heritage Tourism Conclave was organised at Welcome Ramgarh Fort, Panchkula on Saturday


40. ALSO READ: India Today Conclave: India Cements MD N Srinivasan on why investors flock to …

Conclave, Cements

41. Find 15 ways to say Conclave, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Conclave, Com

42. Amazon AI Conclave is a free event that will help you understand how to build smart, customer-centric, scalable solutions in the cloud and on the edge using Amazon’s broadest and deepest set of machine learning and AI services

Conclave, Customer, Centric, Cloud

43. Conclave is a triumphant addition to Harris’s acclaimed output.” —David Grylls, The Sunday Times “A gripping read


44. Conclave is admirably brisk—and its final twist is great fun.”


45. Conclave of 1314-1316, resulting in the election of John XXII —Documents concerning the election of 1314-1316

Conclave, Concerning

46. Conclave of 1334, resulting in the election of Benedict XII; Conclave of 1342, resulting in the election of Clement VI; Conclave of 1352, resulting in the election of Innocent VI; Conclave of 1362, resulting in the election of Urban V

Conclave, Clement

47. All SR-6 Arrowmen are invited to the annual Conclave at Camp Davy Crockett! Conclave FAQs When is the SR-6 Conclave? Conclave 2021 is the weekend of August 13-15, 2021

Conclave, Camp, Crockett

48. Where is Conclave? Camp Davy Crockett in Whitesburg, TN

Conclave, Camp, Crockett

49. Conclave is a boutique conference management and facilitation company based in New Delhi that provides versatile event solutions

Conclave, Conference, Company

50. Conclave definition: A Conclave is a meeting at which the discussions are kept secret


51. The Conclave is the ruling council of the Order of Maesters

Conclave, Council

52. 1 History 1.1 Season 2 1.2 Season 7 2 In the books 3 See also 4 References The Conclave meets in Oldtown to discuss the changing weather patterns

Conclave, Changing

53. Conclave Details Date: September 10-12, 2021Location: Hoodoo Ski AreaTheme: To Be AnnouncedCost: $50 (pre-registration), $45 (New Arrowman), $60 (onsite) What is Conclave? Each year, all three lodges in Section W-1S gather for a weekend of training, fellowship, shows, and fun at the annual Conclave


54. Although the Grand Conclave is a meeting of religious orders, once the various elements arrive, and the pomp and ceremony has passed, the event acquires a somber, formal air

Conclave, Ceremony

55. For a week, the Grand Conclave meets



CONCLAVE [ˈkänˌklāv]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of conclave?

Definition of conclave 1 : a private meeting or secret assembly especially : a meeting of Roman Catholic cardinals secluded continuously while choosing a pope The conclave elected the new pope on the fifth ballot. 2 : a gathering of a group or association the annual conclave of newspaper publishers

What is a Catholic conclave?

Roman Catholic Church a. The private rooms in which the cardinals meet to elect a new pope. b. The meeting held to elect a new pope. 3. A meeting of family members or associates. [Middle English, private chamber, conclave of cardinals, from Latin conclāve, lockable room : com-, com- + clāvis, key .]

Is the word 'conclave' obsolete?

The English word formerly had the same meaning, but that use is now obsolete. Today, "conclave" refers not to the locked rooms but to the private meetings and secret assemblies that occur within them.

What does Con Clave mean?


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