See also: Conceptualization Conceptualisations Concise Concentric Concur Concurrently Concept Conceited Concede Concern Conception Concession Concomitant Conclusion Concurrence Concrete Concubine Concierge Conclude Conceal Concerned Conceive Concordia Concepto Conciencia Conceived
1. Conceptualisation - an elaborated concept. conceptuality, conceptualization
Conceptualisation, Concept, Conceptuality, Conceptualization
2. Synonyms for conceptualization include idea, conception, Conceptualisation, visualisation, visualization, imagination, inspiration, brainchild, contrivance and
Conceptualization, Conception, Conceptualisation, Contrivance
3. Conceptualization, Conceptualisation, conceptuality (noun) an elaborated concept. conceptualization, Conceptualisation, formulation (noun) inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it …
Conceptualization, Conceptualisation, Conceptuality, Concept, Contriving
4. Synonyms for Conceptualisation include notion, concept, conception, idea, image, impression, imagination, intellection, picture and vision
Conceptualisation, Concept, Conception
5. Conceptualisation: 1 n inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally Synonyms: conceptualization , formulation Types: approach , attack , plan of attack ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation framing formulation of the plans and important details avenue a line of approach Type of: creating by
Conceptualisation, Contriving, Conceptualization, Creating
6. Familiarity information: Conceptualisation used as a noun is rare.
7. Conceptualisation is an alternative form of conceptualization
Conceptualisation, Conceptualization
8. As nouns the difference between Conceptualisation and conceptualization is that Conceptualisation is the act of conceptualising, or something conceptualised while conceptualization is the process of forming a conceptual form of a phenomenon; the act of conceptualizing.
Conceptualisation, Conceptualization, Conceptualising, Conceptualised, Conceptual, Conceptualizing
9. Conceptualisation There are many ways to approach the problem of conceptualising social capital but given the complexity of the concept there is no one best method
Conceptualisation, Conceptualising, Capital, Complexity, Concept
10. Many Conceptualisations over simplify the concept to the point where much of the meaning and significance is lost.
Conceptualisations, Concept
11. Case Conceptualisation can be defined as a process whereby the therapist and the client work together to describe and explain the issues clients present in therapy
Case, Conceptualisation, Can, Client, Clients
12. If CBT can help clients to build resilience and to alleviate distress, case Conceptualisation can help clients to achieve these two goals.
Cbt, Can, Clients, Case, Conceptualisation
13. Synonyms for Conceptualisation in Free Thesaurus
14. 4 synonyms for Conceptualisation: conceptuality, conceptualization, conceptualization, formulation
Conceptualisation, Conceptuality, Conceptualization
15. What are synonyms for Conceptualisation?
16. Conceptualisation of recovery from psychosis: a service-user perspective Volume 34, Issue 11 Lisa Wood (a1) , Jason Price (a1) , Anthony Morrison (a1) (a2) and Gillian Haddock (a2)
17. Conceptualisation is a hyponym of concept
Conceptualisation, Concept
18. As nouns the difference between Conceptualisation and concept is that Conceptualisation is the act of conceptualising, or something conceptualised while concept is an understanding retained in the mind, from experience, reasoning and/or imagination; a generalization (generic, basic form), or abstraction (mental impression), of a particular set of
Conceptualisation, Concept, Conceptualising, Conceptualised
19. Conceptualisation definition: inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally synonyms: formulation, attack, conceptualization, framing
Conceptualisation, Contriving, Conceptualization
20. Conceptualisation is both an evolutive and iterative process
21. Conceptualisation Most of the cases, the identified solution for the product needs to be customised to benefit your company or address the specific business problem
Conceptualisation, Cases, Customised, Company
22. – The divide in the Conceptualisation of the terms “management” and “leadership” is not clear
Conceptualisation, Clear
23. Conceptualisation (noun) inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally
Conceptualisation, Contriving
24. Il était une Conceptualisation d'homme à activer.: It was a conceptualization of the male to be activated.: Mots clés : Conceptualisation scientifique, processus de la recherche, acidification
Conceptualisation, Conceptualization, Cl
25. Key words: scientific conceptualization, research process, acidification.: La Conceptualisation a également fait l'objet de nos réflexions.: Conceptualisation is another of the ideas that grew out
Conceptualization, Conceptualisation
26. Conceptualisation is one of the important stages of research study
27. Conceptualisation helps to package the need for even an abstract idea or IT solution into a format that is easily manageable
28. Conceptualisation can be utilised in the development of a digital service, such as a mobile application.
Conceptualisation, Can
29. This paper describes the Conceptualisation and development of an autism-specific measure of QoL, the Quality of Life in Autism Questionnaire (QoLA) for parents and caregivers of children with ASD, that is suitable to clinical and research settings
Conceptualisation, Caregivers, Children, Clinical
30. Many translated example sentences containing "Conceptualisation" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.
Containing, Conceptualisation
31. Conceptualisation of patient satisfaction: a systematic narrative literature review Perspect Public Health
32. Special Relativity Theory Expands the Futures Cone’s Conceptualisation of the Futures and The Pasts Epaminondas Christophilopoulos, Head, UNESCO Chair on Futures Research, FORTH/PRAXI, Morichovou sq., 546 25, Thessaloniki, Greece ; [email protected] ; The aim of this article is to investigate how we could expand the way we use the future cone in futures …
Cone, Conceptualisation, Christophilopoulos, Chair, Could
33. Amongst other things, this includes finding individual solutions in all matters of refitting and retrofitting, calculations and analyses for your nuclear facilities, the planning and Conceptualisation for modernisation, modification and decommissioning measures, or support when communicating with the authorities etc.Our services are completed by Siempelkamp's recycling process for radioactive
Calculations, Conceptualisation, Communicating, Completed
34. We propose a preliminary Conceptualisation of chronic unease based on these attributes, which suggests that this specific type of strain may …
Conceptualisation, Chronic
CONCEPTUALISATION [kənˌsep(t)SH(o͞o)ələˈzāSH(ə)n]
The definition of conceptualization is the process of envisioning an idea. When you brainstorm about a new product and you come up with a brand to bring the new product to the market, this is an example of conceptualization. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "Conceptualization.".
gestate, conceive, conceptualize, conceptualise(verb) have the idea for. "He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients"; "This library was well conceived". Synonyms: conceptualise, gestate, expect, believe, conceive, consider, carry, think, have a bun in the oven, bear.
The definition of conceptual is something having to do with the mind, or with mental concepts or philosophical or imaginary ideas. An example of conceptual is when you formulate an abstract philosophy to explain the world which cannot be proven or seen.
My Top-Ten List of Concept Words