See also: Clarity Clart Clarted Clarting Carts Calarts Claritas Clairsentience Clairsentient Cleartext Cartesian Clarify Clarification Clarion Claret Clarifying Clarified Clarinet Clark Claro
1. "Don't play in the Clarts, you'll get hacky" Translation: Clarts meaning mud or dirt and hacky meaning dirty, but hacky can also mean bone idle when used to prefix lazy.
Clarts, Can
2. Clarts definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
Clarts, Com
3. Clarts in British English (klɑːts, Scottish klærts)
4. Clarts? Free Dictionary says, “dialect Scot and Northern English lumps of mud, esp on shoes.” The setting of the Vera
5. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Central Los Angeles Recycling and Transfer Station (Clarts) at 2201 E Washington Blvd, los angeles, CA 90021
Coupons, Central, Clarts, Ca
6. FUNCTION OF CENTRAL LA RECYCLING AND TRANSFER STATION (Clarts) Clarts provides transfer services to City of Los Angeles curbside collection operations
Central, Clarts, City, Curbside, Collection
7. (also Clarts) Pronunciation /klɑːt/ noun mass noun Scottish, Northern English
8. More example sentences ‘Now where I come from these types would be called ‘happy as a pig in Clarts’.’
Come, Called, Clarts
9. JRMA has been a proud partner of the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation since 1989 when we designed the original City of Los Angeles Recycling & Transfer Station, or Clarts, facility
City, Clarts
10. WHAT IS Clarts? A transfer station in waste terminology is a location that facilitates the transport of refuse (trash disposed of in the black bins)
11. Huizy's been gutting the Clarts fund, $50,000 at a time for years (look up "Clarts" in the council file database, if you doubt - and see hundreds of thousands wisked away); transferring the $$ into his general purposes cache for pretty much anything he and staff want to use it for, and without any further accountability.
Clarts, Council, Cache
12. Miss Clarts has tears in her eyes; she tells Michael he has a real gift and he should keep practicing
13. Right after this, though, the secretary comes in and tells Miss Clarts that they need to see Michael because his dad is on the phone
Comes, Clarts
14. 'Hockle', 'Clarts' and 'sneck'? How many of these 30 'Geordie' terms have you used lately? The Geordie accent has remained relatively unchanged over …
15. ☺ Don't forget to support the artists by liking, buying and spreading the music! Buy DJ Clarts tunes
16. Central los angeles recycling and tranfer station (Clarts) august 2018 - december 2018 contractor summary for local residents contractor hours # of workers 0% 53% 0% 29% 21% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% california grinding specialties, inc
Central, Clarts, Contractor, California
17. RFP Clarts Floor Topping 08/31/20 10:13 AM: 471.0 KB Additional Documents Uploaded Size; Addendum No
18. Clarts definition in English dictionary, Clarts meaning, synonyms, see also 'claret',clarty',clarity',cart'
Clarts, Claret, Clarty, Clarity, Cart
19. Although maybe the reason Shirl Clarts is so great is that we’re left wanting more SHIRL Clarts
20. Memorable Dialogue: “My name is Shirl Clarts, S-H-I-R-L C-L-A-R-T-S.” — Shirl Clarts.
21. Clarts funds certainly could be used for road maintenance
Clarts, Certainly, Could
22. Actually, when the Clarts fund was set up, one of the previous councilmembers, Nick Pacheco, stated that the fund was supposed to be used for (community services, assistance to non-profit organizations in the district, etc.).
Clarts, Councilmembers, Community
CLARTS [klɑːt]
A C19th word, coined in 1808, for sticky mud; the word resurfaced in England in the 1970s on the TV series Porridge as a euphemism for shit. To be in the clarts , in the shits.
"Don't play in the clarts, you'll get hacky". Translation: Clarts meaning mud or dirt and hacky meaning dirty, but hacky can also mean bone idle when used to prefix lazy.
Definition of clart. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 dialectal, British : a clot or daub of mud or other sticky substance. 2 dialectal, British : mud, mire —often used in plural. 3 dialectal, British : sloven.
"Don't play in the clarts, you'll get hacky" Translation: Clarts meaning mud or dirt and hacky meaning dirty, but hacky can also mean bone idle when used to prefix lazy.