See also: Chunk Chunky Chunking Chunked Chungus Chunder Chunter Chunibyo Chun Chunderous Chunti Tzu Wing
1. Chunk definition is - a short thick piece or lump (as of wood or coal)
Chunk, Coal
2. How to use Chunk in a sentence.
3. Noun a thick mass or lump of anything: a Chunk of bread; a Chunk of firewood
4. A thick mass or piece: a Chunk of ice
5. A huge Chunk of your book is dedicated to talking about domestic labor, traditionally thought of as women’s work
6. 69 synonyms of Chunk from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 62 related words, definitions, and antonyms
7. Spawn Chunks Reader provides a quick and easy way to figure out your world's spawn Chunks and coordinates by submitting your level.dat file
Chunks, Coordinates
8. Seed Finder for Slime Chunks With this Seed Finder App, you can find Minecraft seeds based on where you want to have slime Chunks.
Chunks, Can
9. Lawrence Cohen, also known as "Chunk", is a member of the Goonies
Cohen, Chunk
10. 1 Appearance 2 Involvement 3 Relationships 4 Behind the scenes 5 Trivia 6 Gallery Chunk is, as his nickname might suggest, Chunky
Chunk, Chunky
11. 115.8k Followers, 2 Following, 1,297 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Chunk Bakery & Café • تشَنْك (@hello_Chunk)
Chunk, Caf
12. In studies of language acquisition, the term Chunk refers to several words that are customarily used together in a fixed expression, such as "in my opinion," "to make a long story short," "How are you?" or "Know what I mean?"
Chunk, Customarily
13. Chunk plops himself right in front of the camera every time and devours our produce!! He even has the nerve to stare right into the camera like a boss! So here’s how it all started, a while back
Chunk, Camera
14. A large Chunk of plaster crashed down from the ceiling
Chunk, Crashed, Ceiling
15. Infml A Chunk is a large part of something: Her books must be read in Chunks to follow the plot
Chunk, Chunks
16. (Definition of Chunk from the Cambridge Academic …
Chunk, Cambridge
17. A Chunk is a 256-block (384-block [upcoming: JE 1.17]) tall 16×16 segment of a Minecraft world
18. Chunks are the method used by the world generator to divide maps into manageable pieces.
19. A Chunk is a 256-block tall 16×16 segment of a Minecraft world and is the method used by the world generator to divided maps into manageable pieces.
20. Chunk is an ultra-bold slab serif typeface that is reminiscent of old American Western woodcuts, broadsides, and newspaper headlines
21. Chunking is a reading strategy that helps increase reading fluency by having readers look for Chunks or patterns within a word that they recognize so they do
Chunking, Chunks
22. A thick mass or lump of anything: a Chunk of bread; a Chunk of firewood
23. What does Chunk mean? The definition of a Chunk is a thick or large piece of something
24. (noun) An example of a Chunk is a large piece of choco
Chunk, Choco
25. Chunk : Listen, okay? You guys'll never believe me
26. Chunk the Text “Chunking the text” simply means breaking the text down into smaller parts
Chunk, Chunking
27. Sometimes teachers Chunk the text in advance for students, especially if this is the first time students have used this strategy
28. Other times, teachers ask students to Chunk the text
29. Students can work on Chunking texts with partners or on their own.
Can, Chunking
30. Chunk - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
31. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Chunk n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
32. Chunk Clothing - A Great British Brand
Chunk, Clothing
33. Chunk /tʃʌŋk/ ●●○ noun [ countable] 1 a large thick piece of something that does not have an even shape ice Chunks Chunk of a Chunk of bread ► see thesaurus at piece 2
Chunk, Countable, Chunks
34. Chunk is a creative agency with over 15 years of digital expertise
Chunk, Creative
35. The Chunk, as mentioned prior, is a sequence of to-be-remembered information that can be composed of adjacent terms
Chunk, Can, Composed
36. The process of recoding is where one learns the code for a Chunk, and decoding is when the code is translated into the information that it represents.
Code, Chunk
37. So unique pastries you only get in Chunk
38. Chunk is eventually convinced of Lotso's evil by Woody and Ken, and reforms
Chunk, Convinced
39. In the ending credits, when Sunnyside is turned from a prison into a paradise by Barbie and Ken (who are now the new leaders of Sunnyside after Lotso's defeat), Chunk is shown handling a rough playtime with the toddlers in the Caterpillar Room as a tag-team with Twitch
Credits, Chunk, Caterpillar
40. Examples of Chunks are ‘Can I have the bill, please?’ and ‘Pleased to meet you’
Chunks, Can
41. The listening texts consist of short, bite-sized Chunks which are accessible to beginners.
Consist, Chunks
42. Chunk is a control data (C/D) and packet set used in Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
Chunk, Control
43. SCTP packets are comprised of common headers and data Chunks and vary by content
Comprised, Common, Chunks, Content
44. Data Chunks are defined in RFC 4960, which updates RFC 2960 and RFC 3309.
45. Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! (also known by the acronym C!NCC!) are a French post-hardcore band formed in 2007 in Paris
Chunk, Captain
46. “Chunk is what you do to a rock or something heavy and vaguely unimportant.” Another Texan, Hans Hansen, had his own distinctions: “I think ‘chuck’ involves aim and ‘Chunk’ is just
Chunk, Chuck
47. Chunk is about breaking things down to their core and taking a radically transparent approach to building value-packed work for client partners.
Chunk, Core, Client
48. Definition of Chunk in the dictionary
49. What does Chunk mean? Information and translations of Chunk in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Chunk, Comprehensive
50. The company owns a Chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport That procedure takes roughly 400 man-hours and represents a big Chunk of time and money for an airline that wants to keep planes flying
Company, Chunk
51. A Chunk of change A lot of money
Chunk, Change
52. I can't wait to file my taxes because I know I'm getting a Chunk of change back this year
Can, Chunk, Change
53. Wow, nice car! That must have cost a Chunk of change! See also: change, Chunk, of blow Chunks slang To vomit, especially violently or in great amount
Car, Cost, Chunk, Change, Chunks
54. I felt like I was going to blow Chunks from seasickness out on that boat
55. Chunk output can be customized with knitr options, arguments set in the {} of a Chunk header
Chunk, Can, Customized
56. R Markdown still runs the code in the Chunk, and the results can be used by other Chunks.
Code, Chunk, Can, Chunks
57. What is a Chunk? When you first look at a brand new concept it sometimes doesn't make much sense, as shown by the jumbled puzzle pieces here
Chunk, Concept
58. Chunking is the mental leap that helps you unite bits of information together through meaning
59. The new logical whole makes the Chunk easier to remember, and also makes it easier to fit the Chunk into the
60. Chunk has appeared in every episode
61. Chunk's name is a pun on him being Chunky
Chunk, Chunky
62. This is the second time Chunk has made an Animated Appearance, First being in Quest For Zhu, the main difference being an updated appearance and a new owner than his 2008 counterpart.
Chunk, Counterpart
63. ‘A Chunk of the cash has already been ear-marked for continuing work on updating the West Coast main line along with cross city links in Edinburgh and a new rail service to Glasgow Airport.’ ‘It has also decided to spend a Chunk of its capital spending allowance on repaying its £190 million debt, which started to build up in the 1960s.’
Chunk, Cash, Continuing, Coast, Cross, City, Capital
a thick mass or lump of anything: a chunk of bread; a chunk of firewood. Informal. a thick-set and strong person. a strong and stoutly built horse or other animal. verb (used with object)
A user from Minnesota, U.S. says the name Chunk is of Bantu origin and means "Gift of God". Search for more names by meaning.
1 : a short thick piece or lump (as of wood or coal) 2 : a large noteworthy quantity or part bet a sizable chunk of money on the race 3 : a strong thickset horse usually smaller than a draft horse
Noun chunks are "base noun phrases" - flat phrases that have a noun as their head. You can think of noun chunks as a noun plus the words describing the noun - for example, "the lavish green grass" or "the world's largest tech fund".