See also: Changeable Changeableness Changeability Change Channel Chance Chancellor Chant Changing Changed Chandler Chancery Chandelier Changeling Chancre
1. Changeably synonyms, Changeably pronunciation, Changeably translation, English dictionary definition of Changeably
2. The weather will be Changeably cloudy, occasionally gloomy and mainly rainless in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula.: These include display fragmentation and the need to Changeably prioritize information elements.: My mind works rapidly, Changeably, flexibly, logically, curiously, superficially, eclectically
Changeably, Cloudy, Curiously
3. By contrast, all other things exist Changeably in some respect, so that at some time
Contrast, Changeably
4. What does Changeably mean? In a changeable manner
Changeably, Changeable
5. ‘Therefore, an analog signal applied to the input terminal is Changeably delayed by coaction of the resistors, the capacitors and the emitter resistance adjusted by changing the constant current of the constant current source.’
Changeably, Coaction, Capacitors, Changing, Constant, Current
6. Synonyms for Changeably include variably, unsettledly, unstably, erratically, irregularly, uncertainly, volatilely, fickly, inconstantly and mercurially
7. Answer: Changeably is the adverb of the adj (changeable).
Changeably, Changeable
8. So if we want to use Changeably in a sentence we would say: _Mobile phones function c
9. Changeably ( comparative more Changeably, superlative most Changeably ) In a changeable manner.
Changeably, Comparative, Changeable
10. Changeably in the text as a common name refer-ence to Multimeter AN/USM-451
Changeably, Common
11. The words Changeably and Fitfully have synonymous (similar) meaning
12. Understand the difference between Changeably and Fitfully.
13. Check 'Changeably' translations into Latin
Check, Changeably
14. Look through examples of Changeably translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
15. ‘Therefore, an analog signal applied to the input terminal is Changeably delayed by coaction of the resistors, the capacitors and the emitter resistance adjusted by changing the constant current of the constant current source.’
Changeably, Coaction, Capacitors, Changing, Constant, Current
16. Brim of branch tip, lamina or lamina are silvery white Changeably for the most part
17. Encounter alkali, strong acid, illumination, high fever to reach transfer the metal pledges Changeably
18. It has latent capacity very much – reach fixed productivity Changeably for years, more
Capacity, Changeably
19. Video shows what Changeably means
20. Or there should be a convention that the terms can be used inter- Changeably
Convention, Can, Changeably
21. Partnership and collaboration are often used inter- Changeably, sometimes within the same paragraph or even sentence
Collaboration, Changeably
22. However, many people continue to confuse or use the terms human trafficking and human smuggling inter- Changeably.
Continue, Confuse, Changeably
23. Find 42 ways to say UN Changeably, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Changeably, Com
24. Sentence with the word Changeably
25. In a time when show business pros and politicians are rated and reviewed side-by-side and perform inter-Changeably, there's only one thing to do, for heaven's sake:And, Clinton can portray Palin as an opportunistic naif, who does not understand the needs or issues of those 18 million voters Palin so breathlessly appealed to, as if they might be so …
Changeably, Clinton, Can
26. Deeply and Changeably blue, though not romantically large, they were yet youthfully, almost strangely beautiful, with their ambiguity of your scarce knowing if they most carried their possessor's vision out or most opened themselves to your own
Changeably, Carried
27. Translation for 'Changeably' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations
28. (We use the term user and client exChangeably in this paper.) Clients outsource data to reduce local storage overhead and make use of the computation resources provided by the cloud service providers in multicloud storage system.
Client, Clients, Computation, Cloud
29. Synonyms for Changeably in Free Thesaurus
30. Search Changeably and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso
31. You can complete the definition of Changeably given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
Can, Complete, Changeably, Cambridge, Chambers, Collins
32. Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with Changeably: 3 syllables: may safely, place safely, grain supply, plane safely, table i., breakup fee, take-up fee,
Common, Changeably
33. Sentence for "Changeably".
34. Changeably专题🌟整理关于changechangelesschangelessly changingchangelesslycharacteristic固定搭配💖相关图片资讯希望大家喜欢。
Changeably, Changechangelesschangelessly, Changingchangelesslycharacteristic
35. I think they use Civil Defense Network and Emergency Alert System inter-Changeably
Civil, Changeably
36. We found 14 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Changeably: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Changeably" is defined
Changeably, Click
37. General (13 matching dictionaries) Changeably: [home, info]
Changeably, Com
38. Changeably Total Number of words made out of Changeably = 199 Changeably is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 21 points.Changeably is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 24 points
39. Changeably is a 10 letter long Word starting with C and ending with Y
40. 8 letter Words made out of Changeably
41. In a dizzying manner; with vertigo; Changeably: vertiginously (about inherited traits) in a recessive manner, without outward expression due to a dominant trait inherited from the other parent (Genetics) recessively (Astronomy) in a geocentric manner (considering the …
Changeably, Considering
42. Changeably translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'changeable',change',chargeable',chancel', examples, definition, conjugation
Changeably, Changeable, Change, Chargeable, Chancel, Conjugation
43. Changeably Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Changeably in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu
Changeably, Correct
44. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Changeably in Urdu is تلون سے, and in roman we write it Talawun Se.
Correct, Changeably
45. Talawun Se Meaning from Urdu to English is Changeably, and in Urdu it is written as تلون سے
46. Changeably: vaihtelevasti: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
47. We conclude that PPIs can be used inter-Changeably based on potency.
Conclude, Can, Changeably
CHANGEABLY [ˈCHānjəb(ə)l]
Definition of changeable. : capable of change: such as. a : able or apt to vary changeable weather. b : subject to change : alterable changeable plans.
The definition of changeable is something that can be altered, or is something that may change appearance or format.
Example Sentences for "changeable " The weather is more changeable in mountain regions than in any other district. Temperature and rainfall fluctuate widely in the Czech Republic, where the weather is known for its changeable nature.