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See also: Cerebral Cerebrally Cerebrality Cerebrum Ceremony Cereal Cerebellum Ceremonial Ceres Cerebrate Cerebrovascular Care Ceremonious Cerebrospinal Baby

1. In anatomia, del cervello o dei suoi costituenti: circonvoluzioni Cerebrale, emisferi Cerebrale; arterie Cerebrale; corteccia Cerebrale, sostanza grigia che forma lo strato superiore degli emisferi cerebrali; ganglî Cerebrale (o cerebroidi), i ganglî che si trovano nel capo e che costituiscono il

Cervello, Costituenti, Circonvoluzioni, Cerebrale, Corteccia, Che, Cerebrali, Cerebroidi, Capo, Costituiscono

2. Cerebrale (masculine and feminine plural cerebrali) cerebral, brain (attributive) Related terms

Cerebrale, Cerebrali, Cerebral

3. Cerebrale — — 2: Definite attributive 1: Cerebrale — — 1) When an adjective is applied predicatively to something definite, the corresponding "indefinite" form is used

Cerebrale, Corresponding

4. Definition of Cerebrale in the dictionary


5. What does Cerebrale mean? Information and translations of Cerebrale in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Cerebrale, Comprehensive

6. Tache Cerebrale is the term used to denote that condition in which, after the finger-nail has been drawn with moderate firmness across the patient's skin, the line along which it has passed becomes of a bright red color from dilatation of the superficial arterioles and capillaries; the phenomenon develops within 30 seconds or a minute of the

Cerebrale, Condition, Color, Capillaries

7. Cerebrale parese is een verzamelnaam van een groep stationaire neurologische beelden, die zich onder andere uiten in storingen van tonus en beweging


8. Prozencefalul (din greaca proso - din fața, dinainte, + enkephalos - creier) sau creierul anterior reprezintă partea anterioară (rostrală) a encefalului care se dezvoltă din vezicula cerebrală primitivă anterioară (una din cele trei vezicule Cerebrale primitive) ale tubului neural embrionar și cuprinde diencefalul și telencefalul.

Creier, Creierul, Care, Cerebral, Cele, Cerebrale, Cuprinde

9. Ictus dell'arteria Cerebrale media, Infarto dell'arteria Cerebrale media: Portuguese: AVC da artéria cerebral média, Enfarte da artéria cerebral média, Embolia da Artéria Cerebral Média, Acidente Cerebrovascular da Artéria Cerebral Média, Infarto Cerebral da Artéria Cerebral Média, Infarto da Artéria Cerebral Média: Spanish

Cerebrale, Cerebral, Cerebrovascular

10. Cerebrale agg aggettivo: Descrive o specifica un sostantivo: "Una persona fidata" - "Con un cacciavite piccolo" - "Questioni controverse" (che concerne il cervello) ( medical, rational nature ) cerebral adj adjective : Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house."

Cerebrale, Con, Cacciavite, Controverse, Che, Concerne, Cervello, Cerebral

11. Canale YouTube della pagina Sottovuoto Cerebrale, qui troverete tutti i video delle nostre iniziative come pagina oltre a video di nostra produzione per intrattenervi

Canale, Cerebrale, Come

12. Quiz on Emisferele Cerebrale, created by Snakey Snakey on 31/12/2018.

Cerebrale, Created

13. Provided to YouTube by Believe SASLavoro Cerebrale · Giuliano SorginiLavoro e tempo libero℗ Rai Com S.p.a.Released on: 1980-10-24Arranger: Giuliano SorginiMu

Cerebrale, Com

14. Synonyms for trigonum Cerebrale in Free Thesaurus


15. Antonyms for trigonum Cerebrale


16. 1 synonym for trigonum Cerebrale: fornix


17. What are synonyms for trigonum Cerebrale?


18. PDF Cerebrale parese is een heterogene aandoening die gepaard gaat met een niet-progressieve laesie die een permanente bewegingsstoornis met beperkte Find, read and cite all the research

Cerebrale, Cite

19. 15 hours ago · Un aneurisma Cerebrale è un rigonfiamento o un rigonfiamento in un vaso sanguigno nel cervello

Cerebrale, Cervello

20. Un aneurisma Cerebrale può fuoriuscire o rompersi, causando sanguinamento nel cervello (ictus emorragico).Molto spesso un aneurisma Cerebrale rotto si verifica nello spazio tra il cervello e i tessuti sottili che ricoprono il cervello.

Cerebrale, Causando, Cervello, Che


CEREBRALE [səˈrēbrəl, ˈserəbrəl]

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  • › What does being cerebral mean

Frequently Asked Questions

What does cerebral mean in medical terms?

Definition of cerebral. 1a : of or relating to the brain or the intellect. b : of, relating to, affecting, or being the cerebrum cerebral edema cerebral arteries.

What does being cerebral mean?

ce•re•bral. (səˈri brəl, ˈsɛr ə-) adj. 1. of or pertaining to the cerebrum or the brain. 2. characterized by the use of the intellect rather than intuition or instinct.

What is cerebral brain?

The word “cerebral” refers to the brain’s cerebrum, which is the part of the brain that regulates motor function. “Palsy” describes the paralysis of voluntary movement in certain parts of the body.

What is the cortical hemisphere of the brain?

A cortical lobe is one of four sections of the brain which control behavior, memory, and sensory perception. Also called the cerebral lobes, the cortical lobes are named the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. Both the left and right hemispheres have one of each cortical lobe.

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