Use Catechumenus in a sentence

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See also: Catechumens Category Cater Catechism Categorize Catering Categorical Catechize Categorically Caterwaul Catered Caterpillar Catenary Catechumen Caterwauling Categorization Catenation

1. Tertullian reproaches the heretics with disregarding it; among them, he says “one does not know which is the catechumen and which the faithful, all alike come [to the Mysteries], all hear the same discourses, and say the same prayers” (quis Catechumenus, quis …

Catechumen, Come, Catechumenus

2. Tertullian reproaches the heretics with disregarding it; among them, he says "one does not know which is the catechumen and which the faithful, all alike come [to the mysteries], all hear the same discourses and say the same prayers" (quis Catechumenus, quis fidelis incertum est; pariter adeunt, pariter audiunt, pariter orant), "Catechumens are

Catechumen, Come, Catechumenus, Catechumens

3. In ecclesiology, a catechumen (/ ˌ k æ t ɪ ˈ k juː m ə n,-m ɛ n /; via Latin Catechumenus from Greek κατηχούμενος katēkhoumenos, "one being instructed", from κατά kata, "down" and ἦχος ēkhos, "sound") is a person receiving instruction from a catechist in the …

Catechumen, Catechumenus, Catechist

4. Tertullian reproaches the heretics with disregarding it; among them, he says "one does not know which is the catechumen and which the faithful, all alike come [to the mysteries], all hear the same discourses and say the same prayers" ( quis Catechumenus, quis fidelis incertum est; pariter adeunt, pariter audiunt, pariter orant ), "Catechumens

Catechumen, Come, Catechumenus, Catechumens

5. Catechumenus translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'catechize',caecum',catch',catchup', examples, definition, conjugation

Catechumenus, Catechize, Caecum, Catch, Catchup, Conjugation

6. La (5) Parentibus christianis natus, sed adhuc Catechumenus secundum non raram domorum illius aetatis nobilium consuetudinem, Ambrosius honorifice emensus erat politicum honorum curriculum, primum apud Sirmionem in Italiae, Illyrici et Africae Praefectura, postmodum vero uti consularis Mediolani officio perfungens provinciae gubernandae Aemiliae — Liguriae.

Christianis, Catechumenus, Consuetudinem, Curriculum, Consularis


CATECHUMENUS [ˌkadəˈkyo͞omən]

Frequently Asked Questions

How to become a catechumen?

  • Fill out all of the required forms and return them to the Catechumen Coordinator (return the Personal Information form right away. ...
  • Prepare and make a life confession - the sooner the better. ...
  • Visit at least two other Orthodox Churches during catechumenate and provide this information to the Catechumen Coordinator.

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What does catechumenate mean?

Definition of catechumenate. 1a : the status of a catechumen. b : the duration of this status. 2 : the body of catechumens. 3 : the institution by which catechumens are prepared for church membership through a course of religious instruction.

What is the plural of catechumen?

catechumenate (plural catechumenates) The state or condition of a catechumen; the time during which one is a catechumen.

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