See also: Carcanet Carceral Carcinogen Carcass Carcinoma Carcinogenic Carcinomatosis Carcinoid Carcase Carcinogenicity Carcade Cell Basal Carc
1. Carcanet definition is - an ornamental necklace, chain, collar, or headband.
Carcanet, Chain, Collar
2. Carcanet definition, a woman's ornamental circlet for the hair, often of gold decorated with jewels or pearls
Carcanet, Circlet
3. Rowena opened the small silver-chased casket, and perceived a Carcanet, or neck lace, with ear-jewels, of diamonds, which were obviously of immense value
Chased, Casket, Carcanet
4. One of the outstanding literary publishers of our time, Carcanet Press has a special emphasis on poetry from around the world
5. 14 synonyms and near synonyms of Carcanet from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
6. Find another word for Carcanet.
7. What does Carcanet mean? A jeweled necklace, collar, or headband
Carcanet, Collar
8. Definition of Carcanet in the dictionary
9. What does Carcanet mean? Information and translations of Carcanet in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Carcanet, Comprehensive
10. Carcanet Media provides change management, communications and marketing services to any organisation, large or small, going through a transformation
Carcanet, Change, Communications
11. The latest tweets from @Carcanet
12. Carcanet considers submissions and book proposals sent electronically as emailed attachments
Carcanet, Considers
13. Carcanet - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
14. Find 10 ways to say Carcanet, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Carcanet, Com
15. A healing Carcanet is found in a treasure pot in the Underground Test Site when the player explores it as Barret during Chapter 13, "A Broken World"
Carcanet, Chapter
16. Carcanet Press is a publisher, primarily of poetry, based in the United Kingdom and founded in 1969 by Michael Schmidt.
17. Carcanet definition: a jewelled collar or necklace Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Carcanet, Collar
18. Carcanet was founded in 1969 and from the outset adopted an international perspective, alert to Europe past and present, and to the Anglophone world at large
19. Seamus Heaney praised Carcanet’s ‘admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America’.
Carcanet, Concern
20. Carcanet or carcan is a jeweled collar or necklace, from the old French, carcan, meaning collar.Carcanets were typically quite elaborate and formal, worn closely fitted to the neck
Carcanet, Carcan, Collar, Carcanets, Closely
21. Carcanet (plural Carcanets) A richly decorative collar
Carcanet, Carcanets, Collar
22. 1609, William Shakespeare, Sonnet LII: Like stones of worth they thinly placed are, / Or captain jewels in the Carcanet
Captain, Carcanet
23. Jasper Carcanet is a Legendary Hunter artifact
24. The Healing Carcanet is an accessory that can be acquired in Chapter 13 – A Broken World of Final Fantasy 7 Remake.It can be worn by any playable character in the game
Carcanet, Can, Chapter, Character
25. ‘She has an immense double chain and a rich Carcanet and bracelets.’ ‘She bestowed upon Gertrude a beautiful Carcanet of pearls.’ ‘A close ruff and wristlets, a ruby and gold Carcanet, and a jewelled girdle complete this rich and dignified dress.’
Chain, Carcanet, Close, Complete
26. Carcanet enjoys Arts Council support and can range more widely than commercial publishers dare to: dedicated to discovery, appraisal and reappraisal, Carcanet is a unique survivor in the precarious world of literary imprints
Carcanet, Council, Can, Commercial
27. Carcanet New Poetries VIII online launches, online, 18 February–18 March 2021, from £2 - Book now
28. Carcanet’s New Poetries VIII anthology showcases the work of some of the most exciting new poets writing in English
29. ‘She has an immense double chain and a rich Carcanet and bracelets.’ ‘She bestowed upon Gertrude a beautiful Carcanet of pearls.’ ‘A close ruff and wristlets, a ruby and gold Carcanet, and a jewelled girdle complete this rich and dignified dress.’
Chain, Carcanet, Close, Complete
30. Carcanet Press, Manchester, United Kingdom
31. Carcanet publishes an award-winning, comprehensive and diverse list of modern and classic poetry in English and in
Carcanet, Comprehensive, Classic
32. Jasper Carcanet is a legendary Hunter artifact which can be equipped by Hunters
Carcanet, Can
33. Jasper Carcanet can be dismantled to generate upgrade materials
Carcanet, Can
34. 1 Sources 2 Upgrades 2.1 Column 0 2.2 Column 1 2.3 Column 2 3 References Jasper Carcanet can be retrieved from one of the following activities/vendors: Jasper Carcanet can also be upgraded with the following perks:
Column, Carcanet, Can
35. Carcanet Film series (2) European Originals series (1) Oxford Poets series (7) Parade's End (5) Personal Terms
36. The Carcanet of the Dead is an artifact cloak
Carcanet, Cloak
37. Carcanet Press, based in Manchester in the UK, is now in its fourth decade
38. Carcanet: A jeweled necklace, collar, or headband
Carcanet, Collar
39. A-drooping.] [Footnote 6: A Carcanet is a necklace, diminutive from old French
40. Carcanet Press is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year
Carcanet, Celebrating
41. Rebecca Elson's A Responsibility to Awe reissued as a Carcanet Classic A Responsibility to Awe is a contemporary classic, a book of poems and reflections by a scientist for whom poetry was a necessary aspect of research, crucial to understanding the world and her place in it, even as, having contracted terminal cancer, she confronted her early death
Carcanet, Classic, Contemporary, Crucial, Contracted, Cancer, Confronted
42. Carcanet Press – 395 followers, 199 following, 575 Pins An independent publisher of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation, fiction, Lives and Letters and literary criticism.
Carcanet, Classic, Criticism
43. What does this information mean? Find Xanne's Carcanet within Mistmyr Manor Kill Primogen Daishirou to loot this item
44. Carcanet of the Hundred Magi is a common archaeology artifact that requires 45 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve
Carcanet, Common
45. Online launch of Apocalypse: An Anthology, online, 13 January 2021, from £2 - Book now Editor James Keery chats Apocalypse with John Clegg, Carcanet poet and London Review Bookshop bookseller, and Poet Laureate Simon Armitage.
Chats, Clegg, Carcanet
46. The new anthology out of Manchester-based Carcanet Press certainly sounds topical, as Keery digs deep into the annals of twentieth-century literature to unearth some
Carcanet, Certainly, Century
47. Carcanet Press Limited, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, England, M2 7AQ
Carcanet, Cross
48. Gilgamesh Retold (Carcanet Classics) Audible Audiobook – Unabridged Jenny Lewis (Author, Narrator), Colin Still (Narrator), Carcanet Press (Publisher) & 4.6 out of 5 stars 14 ratings
Carcanet, Classics, Colin
49. Carcanet Press is a book publisher, primarily of poetry, based in the United Kingdom.Founded in 1969 by Michael Schmidt, Carcanet Press is now in its fourth decade.In 2000 it was named the Sunday Times millennium Small Publisher of the Year
50. Duotrope's listing for Carcanet Press
51. Carcanet Press provides the most comprehensive and diverse lists of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation.
Carcanet, Comprehensive, Classic
52. Carcanet is a soft triangular lace shawl knit top-down from the center neck
Carcanet, Center
53. Check out this guide about the Healing Carcanet in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake, FF7R)! Get to know the weapon's stats, skills, how to get it, and more!
Check, Carcanet
54. Carcanet: [home, info] Carcanet: Oxford Dictionaries [home, info] Carcanet: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [home, info] Carcanet: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] Carcanet, Carcanet: Wordnik [home, info] Carcanet: Wiktionary [home, info] Carcanet: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
Carcanet, Com, Collins, College
55. Please join Carcanet to celebrate the launch of Isobel Williams's new poetry collection, Catullus: Shibari Carmina
Carcanet, Celebrate, Collection, Catullus, Carmina
56. Under Briggflatts (Carcanet Press, 1989) Slavic Excursions (Carcanet Press, 1990) These the Companions (Carcanet Press, 1990) Ezra Pound (Carcanet Press, 1991) Older Masters (Carcanet Press, 1992) Purity of Diction In English Verse and Articulate Energy (Carcanet Press, 1994) Church Chapel and the Unitarian Conspiracy (Carcanet Press, 1995)
Carcanet, Companions, Church, Chapel, Conspiracy
CARCANET [ˈkärkənet]
Welcome to Carcanet Press, one of the outstanding independent literary publishers of our time. Now in its fifth decade, Carcanet publishes the most comprehensive and diverse list available of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation, as well as a range of inventive fiction, Lives and Letters and literary criticism.
A jeweled necklace, collar, or headband. [From Old French carcan, collar, perhaps from Medieval Latin carcannum, perhaps of Germanic origin .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Carcanet, the diminutive of carcan, a chain;—it means a necklace. The editor was here obliged to omit a score of pages, in which the only thing worth preserving was a carcanet of sulphur springs. But he must indeed have been in a hurry when, as would here seem, he confounded 'casket' and ' carcanet '.