Use Callowin in a sentence

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See also: Callowness Cabling Calling Calloway Cablinasian Swallowing Calligraphy Callous Callow Call Callus Called Calloused Callousness Calliope Callously Callback

1. Callowin's persistence paid off, even though experimentation left his own teeth permanently stained in unavoidable crimson

Callowin, Crimson

2. Frank only nodded to Callowin's red grin before sitting on the edge of a chair

Callowin, Chair

3. Bridget Callowin - Age 18 - House Servant


4. Mansie geed ower a muckle rock ‘at lay atween him an’ that geo; an’ there, i’ a cunyo o’ the geo, he saw a mither selkie lyan i’ a’ the trouble o’ her Callowin’-pains

Cunyo, Callowin

5. Thief Trapper FAQ by Callowin Poisoner FAQ by Torak Thief point combinations paths list by Isildur, Cassman and Guy

Callowin, Combinations, Cassman

6. Bridget Callowin - Age 18 - House Servant House Number 20 John Sheridan - Head - Age 45 - Farmer Margarett Sheridan - His Wife - Age 39 - Spinner Thomas Sheridan - His Son - Age 17 - Labourer James Sheridan - His Son - Age 15 - Labourer Patrick Sheridan - His Son - Age 13 - Labourer John Sheridan - …


7. Character blog for Callowin from MG/A

Character, Callowin

8. Bridget Callowin – Age 18 – House Servant


9. WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY SIMON Callowin 1939, as Europe approaches war, Isherwood, an instinctive pacifist, travels west to California, seeking a new set …

Callowin, California

10. Avon St., Rockford; Callowin LLC to Innovative Presentation


11. Callowin LLC 2006 – Present14 years Work with The Jericho Project, a non-profit organization, to provide affordable housing for under-privileged families


12. Mansie geed ower a muckle rock 'at lay atween him an' that geo; an' theret i' a cunyo o' the geo, he saw a mither selkie lyan' i' a' the trouble o' her Callowin'-pains

Cunyo, Callowin

13. Bridget Callowin – Age 18 – House Servant


14. Callowin's persistence paid off, even though experimentation left his own teeth permanently stained in unavoidable crimson

Callowin, Crimson

15. Frank only nodded to Callowin's red grin before sitting on the edge of a chair

Callowin, Chair

16. Ingram on kehitellyt Callowin mallin pohjalta omat diskurssityylinsä, joita esitellään molemmissa lähteissäni


17. WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY SIMON Callowin 1939, as Europe approaches war, Isherwood, an instinctive pacifist, travels west to California, seeking a new set of beliefs to replace the failed Leftism of the thirties

Callowin, California

18. Kyberturvallisuusyhtiö Brett Callowin mukaan kiristyshyökkäyksen tarkoituksena ei luultavasti ole ollut tietoisesti kohdistua äänestysjärjestelmiin


19. Muut kielitieteilijät ovat myös osallistuneet kielen kuvaavaan kielioppiin, mukaan lukien Callowin vuonna 1962 julkaisema sanajärjestystä käsittelevä artikkeli; Burgessin ja Hamin fonologinen analyysi, mukaan lukien aiheet, kuten konsonanttien ja vokaalien suhde, sävy ja luettelot kielen eri äänistä; ja Callow'n vuonna 1962 tekemä

Callowin, Callow

20. Westpac Bankingin valuuttastrategi Sean Callowin mukaan maailmantalouden näkymien parantuminen saa sijoittajat myymään dollareita


21. Ingram on kehitellyt Callowin mallin pohjalta omat diskurssityylinsä, joita esitellään molemmissa lähteissäni



CALLOWIN [ˈkalō]

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to use "Callow" in a sentence?

callows in a sentence

  • Just another rotten day in the callow world of entertainment multimedia.
  • The mysterious Count Fosco ( Simon Callow ) visits from Italy.
  • A more callow act of partisanship would be hard to imagine.
  • Callow recounts his unusual relationship with flamboyant theatrical agent Margaret Ramsay.

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What is the plural of Callow?

callow (countable and uncountable, plural callows) A callow young bird. A callow or teneral phase of an insect or other arthropod, typically shortly after ecdysis, while the skin still is hardening, the colours have not yet become stable, and as a rule, before the animal is able to move effectively. An alluvial flat. References

What is the adjective for Callow?

immature or inexperienced: a callow youth. (of a young bird) featherless; unfledged.

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