See also: Callout Call Callous Callot Calloused Callousness Callously Calluses Callow Calligraphy Callus Calling Called Calliope
1. Callout definition is - the act or an instance of calling out
Callout, Calling
2. How to use Callout in a sentence.
3. A Callout is an explanation in a specific area of an example or image that helps explain what it's describing using an arrow, line, or number
4. A Callout is often used in publishing, such as books, manuals, technical specifications, and other technical materials
5. A Callout message is often positioned at the bottom of a page to notify the user about something special: tips/tricks, discounts, action needed, other.
6. Typical Callouts 1.5 Thank you for checking out my first Callout pack! This is my first time creating any sort of addon for LSPDFR so I hope you enjoy it
Callouts, Checking, Callout, Creating
7. I created this Callout pack because I noticed a significant lack of Callout packs with typical everyday calls that wont end up in a pursuit or
Created, Callout, Calls
8. Great Callout pack! I dont know what was going on but when I responded to the robbery Callout there were 3 people fleeing
9. Callouts are a powerful way to simplify a user interface
10. They host tips and other information users need when they need it, with minimal effort on their part. Callouts can help you use screen space more effectively and reduce screen clutter
Callouts, Can, Clutter
11. However, poorly designed Callouts can be annoying, distracting, unhelpful, overwhelming, or in the way.
Callouts, Can
12. Callouts are very nearly equivalent to standard Markdown block quotes in their syntax, other than some specific requirements on their content: To be considered a “Callout”, a block quote must start with an initial emoji, which is used to determine the Callout's theme.
Callouts, Content, Considered, Callout
13. This is a visually pleasing and easy to understand Callout. The Callout box module of Zuse create includes many options which allow it to be used for many different purposes
Callout, Create
14. When designing Callout box modules, usability and maintainability concerns require us to be careful about how we use the Callout box
Callout, Concerns, Careful
15. What to consider when using Callouts
Consider, Callouts
16. A Callout driver specifies this flag to indicate that the Callout driver's classifyFn0 Callout function is unaffected by offloading network data processing to offload-capable network interface cards (NICs).
Callout, Capable, Cards
17. Callout Lyrics: Hey kids give me all your fucking money / Got a hundred MacBooks and I swear I'm not a druggie / I'm on that real shit now it's time to get pissed / If you get offended: fuck you
18. Callout (plural Callouts) (communication) An outgoing telephone call
Callout, Callouts, Communication, Call
19. On the Insert tab, in the Diagram Parts group, click Callout
Click, Callout
20. A menu of Callout options opens
21. Hold your mouse pointer over a Callout to see a preview on the page, and click the one you want
Callout, Click
22. On the page, click the Callout and type your text.
Click, Callout
23. Modern Callout title, aligned to the middle with an animated focus point
24. Callout Extensions increase your ad size
25. However, because Callout Extensions don't provide users with additional links (Sitelink Extensions do), they allow you to maintain focus on your primary link and your value promise
26. A Callout displays an Android View that contains text and/or other content
Callout, Contains, Content
27. It has a leader that points to the location the Callout refers to
28. The body of the Callout is a rectangular area with curved corners that contains the content view provided by the application
Callout, Curved, Corners, Contains, Content
29. How Callouts appear Once you create a Callout extension, it's eligible to appear with your ad on a computer or mobile device
Callouts, Create, Callout, Computer
30. With Callout extensions, you can show up to 10 Callouts in addition to
Callout, Can, Callouts
31. FWPM_Callout_FLAG_PERSISTENT: The Callout is persistent across reboots
32. FWPM_Callout_FLAG_USES_PROVIDER_CONTEXT: The Callout needs access to the provider context stored in the filter invoking the Callout.
Callout, Context
33. The Callout: “I would like to face Ion Cutelaba next
Callout, Cutelaba
34. That was the fight that was booked for my debut, it got canceled and I would like to finally face him.” The reality: This is a smart Callout.Michal Oleksiejczuk hasn’t yet managed to pick up the sort of wins he needs to start calling for ranked opposition, but in Cutelaba he’s targeted an unranked 205er who has solid name value, but
Canceled, Callout, Calling, Cutelaba
35. To use Callouts on your pages, add a Paragraph field to your content type that includes the Folwell Callouts paragraph type
Callouts, Content
36. Navigate to the slide where you want to insert the Callout
37. Towards the bottom of the menu is a “Callouts” group
38. Select the Callout type you’d like to use
39. Next, click and drag your cursor to draw the Callout on the slide.
Click, Cursor, Callout
40. Click the Callout button on the Draw toolbar
Click, Callout
41. Click a start point for the leader line, drag, then release the mouse when the pointer is positioned where you want the Callout and text to be placed (in the image below, the start point is the yellow dot)
Click, Callout
42. You can drag the endpoint of the Callout to position it correctly.
Can, Callout, Correctly
43. In Visio Professional, a text Callout data graphic (not to be confused with a Callout shape) is a type of data graphic that can be applied after you import data to shapes in your drawing.The following example shows a text Callout data graphic for the Memory field
Callout, Confused, Can
44. When making a Callout from a method, the method waits for the external service to send back the Callout response before executing subsequent lines of code
Callout, Code
45. Alternatively, you can place the Callout code in an asynchronous method that’s annotated with @future(Callout=true) or use Queueable Apex
Can, Callout, Code
46. This way, the Callout runs on a separate thread
47. Callout culture is simply a new form of boycott, a cherished tactic in the civil rights movement, to bring about social change
Callout, Culture, Cherished, Civil, Change
48. The entire contents of a Callout text box can be selected by clicking the text box
Contents, Callout, Can, Clicking
49. To select particular words in a Callout text box, click the box to make …
Callout, Click
50. UFC 260: Dana White responds to Jon Jones Callout of Francis Ngannou, 'We can make that fight right now' White told Jones that all he had to do …
Callout, Can
51. Add a Callout to your Page; View Callout Examples
52. Callouts allow the user to create stylized boxes for featured content
Callouts, Create, Content
53. Callouts are more customizable than buttons and include title, size and color options
Callouts, Customizable, Color
54. LISTEN TO OUR TRACKS FOR FREE OVER AT Bookings - PM our page or email us at
55. The Callout involves two parties of gang members in mid-combat with varying gang sizes for each Callout
Callout, Combat
56. The HTTP Callout is configured to include the IP address of the client that is associated with an incoming request
Callout, Configured, Client
57. When the Citrix ADC appliance receives a request from a client, the appliance generates the Callout request and sends it to the Callout server, which hosts a database of blacklisted IP addresses and an HTTP Callout agent that
Citrix, Client, Callout
58. It redirects the 'Callout' search to call-out and it says: call-out noun 1 an instance of being summoned to deal with an emergency or do repairs: [as modifier] a call-out charge.2 Printing a letter, word, number, or symbol identifying an illustration or a specific part of one
Callout, Call, Charge
59. Formerly panels, Callouts can be used to create sidebar panels or call out important content in an email
Callouts, Can, Create, Call, Content
60. A Callout adds a border, background, and some padding.
61. “Callout” (2nd row) and “new splined text” (1st row) labels
62. (We won’t need this process for Callout labels, but it’s …
63. Show a Callout with the latitude and longitude of user-tapped points
64. Callouts are used to display temporary detail content on a map
Callouts, Content
65. You can display text and arbitrary UI controls in Callouts
Can, Controls, Callouts
66. A Callout showing the WGS84 coordinates for the tapped point will appear
Callout, Coordinates
67. A Hole Callout is inserted and the Dimension PropertyManager appears
68. The Callout contains a diameter symbol and the dimension of the hole diameter
Callout, Contains
69. If the depth of the hole is known, the Callout also contains a depth symbol and the dimension of the depth
Callout, Contains
70. If the hole is created in the Hole Wizard, the Callout contains additional information (the dimensions of a countersink or number of hole
Created, Callout, Contains, Countersink
71. This is a Callout pack that consists of 25 different Callouts that are all action packed and interactive
Callout, Consists, Callouts
72. I would consider this a more “hardcore” Callout pack as the criminals have been given a health boost and will fire on you at random moments
Consider, Callout, Criminals
73. This Callout pack is a bit larger than others, how
74. Callout[data, expr] displays expr in a plot as a Callout pointing to data
75. Callout[data, expr, pos] displays a Callout with expr at a position specified by pos
76. Callout[data, expr, pos, apos] displays a Callout anchored at a position specified by apos.
77. The Callout of Caceres was a bit of a head-scratcher, though
Callout, Caceres
CALLOUT [ˈkôlˌout]
1 : the act or an instance of calling out. 2 : an often bordered inset in a printed article or illustration that usually includes a key excerpt or detail. call out. verb.
Alternate Synonyms for "call out": exclaim; cry; cry out; outcry; shout; express; verbalize; verbalise; utter; give tongue to announce; denote challenge
call out 1. To announce something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "out" or after "out.". 2. To shout in an attempt to draw attention to oneself. I called out to my best friend when I saw her walking down the street, but she had headphones on and couldn't hear me.
callout(Noun) An invitation to fight; the act of one child calling out another. callout(Noun) A pull quote: an excerpt from an article (such as in a news magazine) that is duplicated in a large font alongside the article so as to grab a reader's attention and indicate the article's topic.